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Revision as of 15:17, 8 February 2012 by Pschindl (talk | contribs)


This test case checks, whether the release repository and install media contain all packages and information required for release (e.g. release notes, fedora-release package, ...). This test doesn't need to be done on machine with new release installed.

How to test

  1. In a console, run the command su -c 'yum install spin-kickstarts
  2. Download this script and execute it. It will check, if kickstarts from spin-kickstarts package define right repositories.
  3. Uninstall spin-kickstarts
  4. Mount DVD.iso. You can do it for example by command su -c 'mount -o loop Fedora-17-Alpha-x86_64-DVD.iso /media'
  5. Look if DVD.iso contains fedora-release and fedora-release-notes packages. You can do it by command ls /media/Packages/fedora-release*
  6. There must be also generic packages in release repository. Check up this by running command yum --releasever=$RV search generic-release where $RV is release version you are testing.

Expected Results

  1. Script shouldn't write out any error.
  2. There should be all packages with release informations and release notes in repository and on the install medium.