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A page on Fedora Fonts

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🔗 Description

Ten additional faces for UN fonts.

🔗 Characteristics

Homepage Format & features License Review reference Koji page pkgdb page
UN fonts TTF GPLv2

Style Faces Scripts
Sans Serif Other R B I BI Other Latin Greek Cyrillic Other
Variable Monospace Variable Monospace
script, typewriter, decorative, old Korean printing… ko,ja

🔗 Caveats

  1. UN Extra fonts are probably best packaged by the same packager as UN fonts, but this is not a hard rule.
  2. Upstream needs to be contacted to add the usual FSF font embedding exception to the license.
  3. Upstream needs to be contacted to publish the sfd sources the fonts are built from.
  4. Upstream needs to be contacted to clarify it's position WRT GPL v3.

🔗 Additionnal information

Suspendisse libero orci, sodales non, interdum vel, accumsan non, lectus. Vivamus at neque nec lacus porta molestie. Etiam et metus at urna egestas dictum. Donec sagittis velit sed urna.