A SIG for people who are interested in improving the state of Ruby in Fedora. This includes packaging Ruby libraries and applications, setting and improving standards for packaging them as RPM's and maintaining Ruby packages for Fedora.
State of Affairs
Packaging Ruby libraries and applications for Fedora is still in its infancy, and only very few RPM's are available. We hope that this situation will improve dramatically over the next few months; that means that you, dear reader, can become a hero by packaging your favorite piece of Ruby code as an RPM and submitting it to Fedora .
- We are closely following Ruby MRI development. There is available .spec file for Ruby 2.0 in the branch of Ruby's official repository
- We are working towards packaging JRuby 1.7 for F18.
- We are trying to package Rubinius for Fedora.
- All Ruby implementations should be able to use gem provided by single package, but we are not yet there.
- We try to make possible to install several version of gem on single system [1].
Creating RPM's
The guidelines for building Ruby packages can be found on a separate page .
Oliver Andrich has created a specfile template for Ruby packages that is included in rpmdevtools 1.5 and later. Please start with this template when packaging Ruby code for Fedora.
Gems and RPM
Ruby has its own packaging format, gem, meant to be a cross-platform way to distribute Ruby software. Gems carry much of the metadata that RPM's carry, but not all of it, and because of their cross-platform nature violate the LSB. Gems that contain shared libraries also do not play nicely with multilib.
Please use the
utility for all new gem packages. (This tool obsoletes rubygem-gem2rpm
Bundler and RPM
Fedora doesn't allow vendorizing packages without special exception, but this does not mean bundler based applications cannot be used with the Fedora stack.
The bundler_ext gem loads the system-installed versions of packages specified in a Ruby application Gemfile, providing a simple mechanism to switch between custom ruby stacks and distro-supported stacks.
The polisher gem implements many downstream / post-publishing operations and querying mechanisms. Developers and end users can utilize these to check the state of their Ruby gems and applications and move them along custom workflows.
Mailing list
ruby-sig mailing list
IRC Channel
#fedora-ruby[?] on freenode.net
Web portal
Currently Open Ruby Package Review Bugs
The Ruby SIG also likes to get more Ruby packages into Fedora. This is the list of opened review requests for ruby packages.
There is not too many chances to meet and discuss Ruby topics related to Fedora. But FUDCons might be ideal place to meet. Since several members of Ruby-SIG are going to visit FUDCon Paris, I'd like to take this opportunity to invite everybody for small discussion about future of Ruby in Fedora.
If you are interested in joining the SIG, just add yourself to this list
- David Lutterkort
- Oliver Andrich
- Akira TAGOH
- Jeremy Hinegardner
- Michael Stahnke
- Conrad Meyer
- Mike Danko
- Jeroen van Meeuwen
- Alejandro Perez Torres
- Matthew Kent
- Guillermo Gómez
- Mamoru Tasaka
- John Taber
- Michal Fojtik
- Nelio Junior
- Jon Orris
- Deshi Xiao
- Daniel Bond
- Vít Ondruch
- Sergio Rubio
- Sean OMeara
- Lukáš Zapletal
- Bohuslav Kabrda
- Mo Morsi
- Saleem Ansari
- Jamie Nguyen
- Samridh Srinath
- Steve Linabery
- Dmitri Dolguikh
- Jayson Rowe
- D. Johnson
- Petr Chalupa
- Josef Stříbný
- Ivan Nečas
- Francesco Vollero
- Nicolás Satragno
- Mark Klein
- Dhia Eddine
- Harish Ved
- Anup Nivargi
- Prathamesh Sonpatki
- Adam Miller
- Achilleas Pipinellis