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Revision as of 08:25, 6 August 2014 by Adamwill (talk | contribs) (obsolete (old release))
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This document describes the tests that will be created and used to verify the functions/components of Fedora 16.

The goals of this plan are to:

  • Organize the test effort
  • Communicate the planned tests to all relevant stake-holders for their input and approval
  • Serve as a base for the test planning for future Fedora 16 releases

Test Strategy

Instead of outlining all possible installation inputs and outputs, this test plan will focus on defining inputs and outputs at different stages in anaconda. This will also allow different tests to be performed independently during a single installation. For example, one may execute a kickstart delivery via HTTP, software raid0 partitioning using 3 physical disks, and a minimal package installation on a virtual guest all in single installation. Scenarios where the stages are dependent will be grouped by different installation media.

New features of Fedora 16

As with Fedora 15, Fedora 16 will bring us some new features. The following list outlines the larger changes that affect installation. Test plans for these features will be designed/developed on each feature page.

Additional features outside the scope of testing can be found at:


  • The Fedora 16 release schedule is available at Releases/16/Schedule
  • Each major milestone (Alpha, Beta, Final, etc..) will demand a full regression run

Test Priority

This test plan prioritizes tests according to the major release milestones for Fedora 16, including the Alpha, Beta and Final release milestones. All test cases are intended for execution at every milestone. However, priority should be given to tests specific to the milestone under test.

Alpha test cases Beta test cases Final test cases
Alpha (formerly tier#1) priority tests are intended to verify that installation is possible on common hardware using common use cases. These tests also attempt to validate Alpha Release Requirements. Beta (formerly tier#2) priority tests take a step further to include additional use cases and installation methods. These tests also attempt to validate Beta Release Requirements. Final (formerly tier#3) priority tests capture all remaining use cases and installation pathways. These tests also attempt to validate Final Release Requirements.
Verification consists of:
  • Common boot media
  • Common Installation source
  • Installation using default installation options
  • Default Partition options
  • Default package installation
Verification consists of:
  • All boot media
  • All installation sources
  • All kickstart delivery methods
  • Some architecture specific verification
  • Some upgrade validation
Verification consists of:
  • More exhaustive partitioning schemes
  • More complex networking scenarios
  • More architecture specific verification
  • Network device
  • Storage device
  • Upgrade testing

Test Pass/Fail Criteria

The milestone release of Fedora 16 should conform these criteria:

Entrance criteria

  • Trees must be generated using release engineering tools (not hand crafted)
  • There must be no unresolved dependencies for packages included in the installation tree
  • There must be no dependency conflicts for packages included in the installation tree
  • Any changes in composition of the installation tree are explainable by way of bugzilla

Milestone specific criteria

Scope and Approach

Testing will include:

Test Deliverables

  • This test plan
  • Test summary documents for each major milestone of F16: Category:Fedora_16_Test_Results
  • A list of defects filed
  • Any test scripts used for automation or verification

Testing Tasks

Testing will execute test cases to verify installation of Fedora 16 on different hardware platforms and gather installation test feedback.

Test Environment/Configs

For Fedora 16, test cases will be executed on the primary supported hardware platforms. This includes:

  • i386
  • x86_64


Fedora QA team members are responsible for executing this test plan. Contributions from Branched testers and other interested parties are encouraged.

Risks and Contingencies

If new physical media are provided for an already inprogress test run, a new test run must be initiated. Test results from the previous run may be carried forward to the new test run if they are not affected by the changes introduced by the new physical media.

Reporting Bugs and Debugging Problems

If defects/problems are encountered, please go ahead and file the bugs following the guide below:

