From Fedora Project Wiki
🔗 Marketing plan for FUDCon APAC 2015
🔗 Goals
- Increase awareness of event and Fedora.
- Get relevant audience to conference. Good to have mix of Fedora users, contributors, Students and professionals from Industry.
🔗 Prerequisite
- Schedule
- Speakers Bio and Topics brief
- Available in COD
- BARCamp and Lightning talks
- Members from Fedora design team
- Members from Fedora security teams
🔗 Material required
- High priority
- Email templates to broadcast (Niranjan and Priyanka)
- Posters
- Contents for poster
- Event dates, location and registration link
- CFP flyer for reference
- Taglines
- Available for review and more additions At Taglines
- Video's
- Shrink asked for Video's from speakers.
- Logo, badges
- Scheduled tweets
- Page for social Media Post
- Ask speakers and workshop leads to collate the pre-requisite reading material and publish that well before the actual even. [Amita working on this]
🔗 Target Audience and medium to reach
- Outreach list for people to contact
- List of contact peoples
- Colleges - Students and Professors (emails + posters)
- Companies - Professionals (emails + posters)
- Red Hat
- Communities - PLUG, FSF etc. (emails)
🔗 Marketing mix
- Emails
- Posters
- Colleges (Need people name who can distribute to Colleges)
- Need to take printouts (Talk to Rupali)
- Social media
- Create eventpage (Pending on Pravin)
- Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin - (take help from Soni/Alfred)
- Provide Linkedin page on Facebook and twitter so more people can join.
- Press release
- Talk to Ashutosh
- First Draft
- Radio
- Soni looking at possible opportunities