From Fedora Project Wiki

About me:

I am a student at Universidad Centroamericana in System Engeneering degree. I belong to the Local User Group of my university GUL-UCA but I am of the few members using fedora at that LUG.I really like the Fedora environment and favor the use of this system to my classmates

What do I do at Fedora?


I am an ambassador of fedora in Nicaragua ,participate in activities of Fedora of the country I promote Fedora use in my University. I would like to keep doing so. I also want to learn more skills to contribute to Fedora Project, not only giving talks but organizing events with the local fedora user I belong to the groups of: *Fedora Ambassador Project.

  • Campus Ambassadors.
  • Translation CVS Commit Group.
  • Fedora Nicaragua.
  • Fedora Free Media Program Group.


As organizer

  • Fudcon Managua 2014
  • Flisol Managua 2014
  • Flisol Managua 2015
  • release party fedora 19,20,21.

As assistant

RedHat Summit 2013

Fedora Shool Nicaragua

As colaborator

I give talks to spread fedora use among students on my university. I was working alone. Until recently I joined Fedora Local User Group

  • Pizza Bash
  • Fedora sobre fedora
  • MozCooffe
  • linux in summer
  • the world in fedora

I helped in the stand of fedora at:

  • day of free software 2014
  • Flisol 2013
  • day of free software 2013
  • national college fair 2012
  • national technology fair 2011
  • Flisol 2014
  • Flisol 2015

Fernando Espinoza

Fedora Account

  • FAS :espasmo
  • Nick IRC:Fercho
  • Channels: #fedora-townhall,#fedora-meeting,#fedora-ni
  • Mail:

Peronal Links


Junior Editor Crypto Panda Involvement Ambassador Let Me Introduce Myself Baby Badger Egg Speak Up! Crypto Badger Junior Package Tagger (Package Tagger I) Junior Tagger (Tagger I) Package Tagger (Package Tagger II) Junior Badger (Badger I) Tagger (Tagger II) Senior Package Tagger (Package Tagger III) Senior Tagger (Tagger III) Master Package Tagger (Package Tagger IV) Master Tagger (Tagger IV) FLISOL 2014 Attendee Free the Fedora White Rabbit Paranoid Panda Riddle Me This Grandmaster Package Tagger (Package Tagger V) Fedora NI Author Badge Muse (Badge Ideas I) Associate Editor Macklemore (Tagger V) FLISOL 2014 Organizer FAD Managua 2013 Chief Package Tagger (Package Tagger VI) Bloggin' it! (Planet III) Free the Fedora II Senior Badger (Badger II) The Panda Is In Origin FLISOL 2015 Attendee FLISOL 2015 Organizer Bloggin' it! (Planet IV) Top 500 Keepin Fedora Beautiful (F24) Tadpole Def Keepin Fedora Beautiful (F24) FLISOL 2016 Organizer Nuancier F26 Bob Loblaw (Planet V) Fedora 26 Release Partygoer Keepin Fedora Beautiful (F28) Nuancier F28 Tadpole with Legs Froglet Senior Editor Chief Tagger (Tagger VI) Don't Call it a Comeback Secretary General Curious Penguin (Ask Fedora I) Embryo Master Editor Nuancier F23 Chief Editor FLISOL 2016 Attendee Fedora 25 Release Partygoer Keepin Fedora Beautiful (F26) Fedora 27 Release Partygoer ZOMG Package Tagger (Package Tagger VII) FUDCon Managua Bloggin' it! (Planet II) Bloggin' it! (Planet I) Associate Badger (Badger 1.5) ZOMG Tagger (Tagger VII) Macaron (Cookie I) Mugshot Chocolate Chip (Cookie II) Fedora Women Day 2017 Attendee Nuancier F30 Adult Frog