With so many Security Team members geographically around the Washington, D.C. area this might be a good place to hold a FAD and get some work done. Remote participation should be available.
🔗 Goals
- Work on apprenticeship.
- Work on important CVEs
- PGP/GPG Key Signing
🔗 Location
LivingSocial (Zach's Office)
Address: 1445 New York Ave NW, Washington, DC 20005 (14th and New York)
🔗 When can people attend?
When people can come. (the results!)
Dcafaro - All day events during weekdays will be hard for me, weekends possibly better, I'm just marking days there is a chance and I don't currently have a conflict.
🔗 Who's interested in attending?
- Sparks (talk) 15:11, 3 December 2015 (UTC)
- Astra (talk) 15:14, 3 December 2015 (UTC) (remotely)
- Zoglesby
- nb (depending on when it is held) 16:10, 3 December 2015 (UTC)
- JoeWulf (depending on when it is held) 15:54, 4 December 2015 (UTC)
- Dcafaro (talk) 01:36, 5 December 2015 (UTC)
- mhayden
- Jared Smith (will be gone until January 8th)
- [[User:cprofitt[cprofitt]] This will depend on what date is chosen.