Fedora dispose d’une communauté solide prête à vous aider. Comme les utilisateurs et les contributeurs sont répartis à la surface du globe, un élément clé du projet est la communication. Les forums , les listes de diffusion et la conversation IRC fournissent des moyens rapides et simples pour communiquer.
Liens rapides | ||
Forums du Web | Courriel | IRC |
Ask Fedora (Lignes directrices) | Listes de diffusion | Canaux IRC |
De sites Web supplémentaires de la communauté sont listés sur la page sites Web communautaires page. |
🔗 Interagir avec la communauté
Assurez-vous de comprendre et de suivre les lignes directrices avant de commencer à communiquer avec d’autres membres de la communauté Fedora. Quelques lignes directrices de base sont disponibles dans les lignes directrices des listes de diffusion et dans le IRC How-To.
🔗 Aidez-vous vous-même
Avant de rechercher l’aide des autres, prenez un peu de temps pour passer en revue la très grande variété de ressources d’auto aide qui est disponible. Consultez la Documentation et les FAQ. Si vous utilisez déjà Fedora, les pages man
et info
fournissent une grande quantité d’informations utiles. Vous pouvez y accéder en utilisant les commandes man
et info
. Par exemple, pour utiliser man
afin d’en savoir plus sur dnf
, vous pourriez utiliser :
man dnf
Press q to quit.
Pour lire les pages info
concernant gcc, vous pourriez utiliser :
info gcc
Press q to quit.
Il y a un grand nombre d’autre documents disponibles sur votre système dans le dossier /usr/share/doc/. La commande rpm
dispose d’une option pour lister toute la documentation associée à un paquet particulier. Par exemple, pour lister tous les documents disponibles pour le paquet coreutils, vous pourriez utiliser :
rpm -qd coreutils
Bien que cette commande fonctionne dans un terminal, d’autres moyens faciles sont aussi à votre disposition. Visitez les menus de votre station de travail et de ses programmes. N’oubliez pas de consulter la Documentation de Fedora .
🔗 Providing Feedback to Developers
If you believe you have found a bug or would like to suggest enhancements, use the Bugzilla bug tracking system.
More information is available on the Bugs and feature requests page.
The Ask Fedora forum or users mailing list is the place for most questions.
Development discussions happen in the Fedora development mailing list, devel, and we encourage community users and developers interested in Fedora to participate there. You can post in this list for development-related discussions that are not straight-forward bug reports or feature requests. This is not a suitable place to ask general questions. If you are using a test release or the development version of Fedora, post feedback to the test mailing list and bug reports to Bugzilla. Developers do not usually follow discussions in end-user sources since they are high-traffic and not as efficient as a tracker like Bugzilla. For other mailing list options, see Mailing Lists below.
🔗 Forums
Forums provide Fedora users with an easy way to get help for any issue that may arise. Most of the forums are extremely active and provide structured access to a number of knowledgeable and helpful Fedora users.
Ask Fedora is a community knowledge base and support forum hosted by Fedora Project.
fedoraforum.org is an independent community website and not hosted or affiliated to Fedora Project or Red Hat. It is a platform for users to help each other. Other forums are also available:
🔗 Regional Forums
- fedoraforum.de - For questions and discussions about Fedora in the German language
- fedoraonline.it - For questions and discussions about Fedora in the Italian language
- https://www.fedora-fr.org/ - For questions and discussion about Fedora in the French language.
🔗 Community Websites
There are many great community websites beyond the Fedora Project that may be of interest to you.
See the Community Websites page.
🔗 Mailing Lists
Mailing lists are special email addresses which send email to all users who have subscribed to them. Sending an email to a mailing list reaches all users interested in discussing a specific topic and users who are available to help other users with that topic.
If you are using the mailing lists and see a post that is off-topic, you can direct the user to the PostIsOffTopic page, which will provide them with information to guide them in list selection in the future. Please do not be unnecessarily rude, as it hurts Fedora when you offend other users.
🔗 User Mailing Lists
users - General discussion and community assistance for users of Fedora releases. If you want help with a problem installing or using Fedora, this is the list for you. You might also use Ask Fedora forum instead
- announce - Announcements of Fedora changes and events. To stay aware of major Fedora news, subscribe to this list.
- classroom - Discussion, Ideas, feedback, planning and announcement of Fedora IRC Classroom sessions.
- package-announce - Announcements of Fedora Package Updates for potentially all Fedora sub-projects. See announcement to learn how to setup filters.
- laptop - For users of laptops running Fedora.
- test - For testers of Fedora test releases. If you would like to discuss experiences using Fedora TEST releases, this is the list for you.
- livecd - For discussion of Fedora Live CD efforts.
- virt - For discussion about virtualization in Fedora.
- xen - For discussion about Xen virtualization in Fedora.
- selinux - For discussions about the Fedora SELinux Project.
- games - For discussions about games for Fedora.
- women - For the women that use and contribute to Fedora.
- xfce - For users of the Fedora Xfce Spin.
- lxde - For users of the Fedora Lxde Spin.
- kde - For users of the Fedora KDE Spin.
🔗 Contributors Mailing Lists
- devel-announce - Announcements for developers, no discussions.
- fedora-join - For people looking to contribute to Fedora, to interact with current volunteers
- devel - For developers, developers, developers. If you are interested in helping create Fedora releases, this is the list for you.
- packaging - Packaging Committee discussions and questions or clarifications on packaging in Fedora.
- advisory-board - Fedora Advisory Board list discussions. Anyone is free to join the list and participate.
- scm-commits - For CVS change notifications of all Fedora packages. Fedora package maintainers are encouraged to subscribe to this.
- desktop - For discussions about desktop development issues such as user interfaces and usability
- security-commits - Commit messages about changes in fedora-security module
- docs - For participants of the Documentation Project
- docs-commits - For CVS change notifications from the FDP repository. Documentation contributors are encouraged to subscribe to this
- security - For discussions about public issues related to security in Fedora.
- design-team - For participants of the Fedora Design Team (formerly the Fedora Artwork Project; old archives located
- websites - For contributors to official Fedora websites and interested Community websites administrators
- perl-devel - For discussions about packages relating to the perl programming language
- php-devel - For discussions about packages relating to the php programming language
- python-devel - For discussions about packages relating to the Python programming language
- java-devel - For discussions about Java-related Fedora development
- fonts - For discussions on fonts and other Fedora text rendering components
- fonts-bugs - Automated issue tracking on fonts and other Fedora text rendering components
- ambassadors - Fedora Ambassadors discussions.
- marketing - For discussions about marketing and expanding the Fedora user base
- infrastructure - For participants of the Infrastructure Project
- buildsys - Discussion of Fedora build system
- triage - Discussion about bug maintenance in Fedora
- music - For discussions about integrating open music and professional audio base in Fedora
- i18n - For discussions about the internationalization of Fedora
- trans - For discussions about translating the software and documentation associated with the Fedora Project
- legal - For public discussions about legal issues affecting Fedora.
- scitech - For discussion between scientific and technical users.
- spins - The Spin Special Interest Group mailing list, Low-traffic list
- power-management - For discussion about the power management in Fedora.
🔗 Architecture Specific Mailing Lists
- sparc - For discussions about supporting Fedora on the SPARC architecture and platforms
- arm - For discussions about supporting Fedora on the ARM architecture and platforms
- s390x - For discussion about supporting Fedora on the s390x architecture and platforms
- ppc - For discussion about supporting Fedora on the PowerPC architecture and platforms
- mips - For discussion about supporting Fedora on the MIPS architecture and platforms
- secondary - For discussion about supporting Fedora on secondary architectures(IA-64, PA-RISC, etc...)
🔗 Regional Mailing Lists
- anz - For discussions about Fedora in Australia and New Zealand
- bangladesh-users - For Fedora Bangladeshi Users and Contributors
- br-users - For discussions about Fedora in the Brazilian Portuguese language
- brasil-marketing - Brazilian Fedora Ambassadors
- chinese - For discussions about Fedora in the Chinese language
- cs-users - For discussions about Fedora in the Czech and Slovak language
- de-users - For discussions about Fedora in the German language
- el-users - For discussions about Fedora in the Greek language
- es-users - For discussions about Fedora in the Spanish language
- fa-community - For Persian Fedora Users and Contributors
- fedora-pa - For Panama Fedora Users and Contributors
- fedora-softcatalà - For discussions about Fedora in Catalan language
- fr-users - For discussions about Fedora in the French language
- id-community - For discussions about Fedora in the Indonesia language
- india - For Fedora Indian Users and Contributors
- it-users - For discussions about Fedora in the Italian language
- lb-users - For Fedora Users and Contributors in Lebanon
- lk-users - For discussions related with Fedora Sri Lanka Community; Sinhalese/ Tamil/ English language
- pakistan - For Fedora Users and Contributors in Pakistan
- sq-users - For discussions about Fedora in the Albanian language
- vn-community - For discussions about Fedora in the Vietnamese language
🔗 Localization (L10N) Teams Mailing Lists
Please find your wanted language team in the L10N_Teams page.
🔗 Searching Mailing Lists
🔗 IRC for interactive community support
IRC, or Internet Relay Chat, is a real-time, text-based form of communication. You can have conversations with multiple people in an open channel or chat with someone privately one-on-one.
To talk to other Fedora Project participants, log onto the freenode IRC network.
To learn how to use IRC, refer to the IRC Tutorial at irchelp.org and IRC HowTo.
🔗 User Help
- #fedora[?] - General discussion and community assistance for users of Fedora releases. If you want help with a problem installing or using a currently maintained release of Fedora, this is the list for you, but register with Freenode and read the FAQ before joining.
- #fedora-art[?] - Fedora's artist/designers hangout, talks about using Fedora/FOSS software for creating art.
- #fedora-eol[?] - End User Support for end of life Fedora versions.
🔗 Administration
- #fedora-admin[?] - Chat related to Fedora Infrastructure, not end-user discussions
- #fedora-apps[?] - Channel used to discuss the development and deployment of Fedora Infrastructure's webapps.
- #fedora-ops[?] - Administrative chat for all Fedora Channel Operators
- #fedora-releng[?] - Channel used to discuss Release Engineering
- Meeting Rooms
- #fedora-meeting[?] - Channel used by different Fedora groups and sub-projects for meetings.
- #fedora-meeting-1[?] - Channel used by different Fedora groups and sub-projects for meetings.
- #fedora-meeting-2[?] - Channel used by different Fedora groups and sub-projects for meetings.
- #fedora-meeting-3[?] - Channel used by different Fedora groups and sub-projects for meetings.
- #fedora-meeting-4[?] - Channel used by different Fedora groups and sub-projects for meetings.
🔗 Projects and SIGS
🔗 Specific/Non end-user discussion channels
- #fedora-ambassadors[?] - Chat related to Fedora Ambassadors Project, not end-user discussions
- #fedora-commops[?] - Chat specifically related to Fedora Community Operations, not end-user discussions
- #fedora-design[?] - Chat specifically related to Fedora Design and Artwork, not end-user discussions
- #fedora-devel[?] - Chat specifically related to Fedora development, not end-user discussions
- #fedora-docs[?] - Chat specifically related to Fedora Documentation, not end-user discussions
- #fedora-mentors[?] - Chat to help new and potential Fedora contributors get started, not end-user discussions
- #fedora-mktg[?] - Chat specifically related to Fedora Marketing, not end-user discussions
- #fedora-sage[?] - Chat specifically related to the packaging of Sage (math) in Fedora, not end-user discussions
- #fedora-videos[?] - Chat specifically related to videos which are related to Fedora project
- #fedora-websites[?] - Chat specifically related to Fedora Websites, not end-user discussions.
🔗 General Fedora Discussions
- #fedora-join[?] - Talk to contributors and get help getting started with contributing to Fedora
- #fedora-qa[?] - Fedora Quality Assurance discussions (Please report bugs through Bugzilla , not here)
- #fedora-server[?] - Fedora Server discussion
- #fedora-usability[?] - Fedora Usability discussions
- #fedora-security[?] - Fedora Security discussions
- #fedora-i18n[?] - Fedora internationalization
🔗 Fedora Architectures
- #fedora-ppc[?] - Fedora on the PowerPC architecture
- #fedora-arm[?] - Fedora on the ARM architecture
- #fedora-s390x[?] - Fedora on the s390x architecture
🔗 Projects/Development
- #fedora-games[?] - Chat specifically related to anything about games in Fedora
- #fedora-kde[?] - Chat related to KDE in Fedora
- #fedora-astronomy[?] - Chat specifically related to Fedora Astronomy project
- #fedora-audio[?] - Chat specifically related to audio and podcasting on Fedora
- #fedora-bugzappers[?] - Fedora Bugzappers
- #fedora-desktop - Fedora desktop development discussions (on irc.gnome.org)
- #fedora-selinux[?] - Fedora SELinux development
- #fedora-mini[?] - Chat related to a slim Fedora spin based on Moblin
- #fedora-ds[?] - Fedora Directory Server
🔗 Programming Languages and Platforms
- #fedora-dotnet[?] - C# and dotnet discussions in Fedora
- #fedora-haskell[?] - The Haskell programming language in Fedora
- #fedora-java[?] - The Open Source Java platform in Fedora
- #fedora-python[?] - Python languages discussions in Fedora
- #fedora-ruby[?] - Ruby language discussions in Fedora
🔗 SIGs
- #fedora-power[?] - Chat related to the Power Management SIG
- #fedora-science[?] - Chat related to the Science and Technology SIG
- #fedora-hams[?] - The Fedora Amateur Radio SIG. Chat with fellow hams who use Fedora.
- #fedora-ruby[?] - A SIG for people who are interested in improving the state of Ruby in Fedora.
- #fedora-bigdata[?] - Chat related to the inclusion of "big data" tools in Fedora.
- #fedora-neuro[?] - Chat related to the inclusion of tools related to neuroscience and neuroimaging research.
🔗 Other fun stuff
- #fedora-social[?] - The appropriate channel for non-Fedora discussions
- #fedora-women[?] - Chat forum for women in the Fedora Community
🔗 International
🔗 Asia
- #fedora-arabic[?] - Fedora discussions in Arabic
- #fedora-apac[?] - Fedora discussions for Asia Pacific (APAC)
- #fedora-bangladesh[?] - Fedora discussions in Bangladesh
- #fedora-tw[?] - Fedora discussions in Chinese (Tranditional)
- #fedora-zh[?] - Fedora discussions in Chinese (Both simplified and tranditional)
- #fedora-india[?] - Fedora India discussions
- #fedora-id[?] - Fedora discussions in Indonesia
- #fedora-il[?] - Fedora discussions for users from Israel (mainly in Hebrew)
- #fedora-jp[?] - Fedora discussions in Japanese
- #fedora-lb[?] - Fedora discussions in Lebanon (may be Arabic or English)
- #fedora-my[?] - Fedora discussions in Malaysia
- #fedora-mm[?] - Fedora discussions in Myanmar
- #fedora-nepal[?] - Fedora discussions for users from Nepal
- #fedora-pakistan[?] - Fedora discussions in Pakistan
- #fedora-ir[?] - Fedora discussions in Persian
- #fedora-russian[?] - Fedora discussions in Russian
- #fedora-l10n-ru[?] - Fedora Localization (Translation), Russian Team
🔗 Europe
- #fedora-sq[?] - Fedora discussions in Albanian (Shqip)
- #fedora-nl[?] - Fedora discussions in Dutch
- #fedora-ee[?] - Fedora discussions in Estonian
- #fedora-fi[?] - Fedora discussions in Finnish
- #fedora-fr[?] - Welcome on the French-speaking channel of Fedora
- #fedora-trans-fr[?] - Fedora translation in French
- #fedora-el[?] - Fedora discussions in Greek
- #fedora-de[?] - Fedora discussions in German
- #fedora-hu[?] - Fedora discussions in Hungarian
- #fedora-it[?] - Fedora discussions in Italian
- #fedora-es[?] - Fedora discussions in Spanish
- #fedora-cs[?] - Fedora discussions in Slovak and Czech
- #fedora-uk[?] - Fedora discussions for users from United Kingdom
- #fedora-pl[?] - Fedora discussions in Polish
- #fedora-pt[?] - Fedora discussions in Portuguese
- #fedora-ro[?] - Fedora discussions in Romanian
- #fedora-se[?] - Fedora discussions in Swedish or relating to Sweden
- #fedora-rs[?] - Fedora discussions in Serbian (or any similar language)
🔗 Africa
- #fedora-ma[?] - Fedora discussions in French and Arabic
- #fedora-tn[?] - Fedora Tunisian community discussions in French, English and Arabic
🔗 North America
- #fedora-newmexico[?] - Fedora discussions in New Mexico, USA
🔗 Central and South America
- #fedora-ar[?] - Fedora discussions for users from Argentina
- #fedora-br[?] - Fedora discussions in Brazilian Portuguese
- #fedora-latam[?] - Latin American Fedora Ambassadors discussions (LATAM)
- #fedora-ni[?] - Fedora discussions for users from Nicaragua
- #fedora-pa[?] - Fedora discussions for users from Panama
- #fedora-pe[?] - Fedora discussions for users from Peru
- #fedora-ve[?] - Fedora discussions for users from Venezuela
🔗 Localization
- #fedora-l10n[?] - Fedora Localization (old)
- #fedora-g11n[?] - Fedora Globalization (including Translation)
Several projects are large enough to have their own channels. Individual project channels, IRC server, and channel information are also found on the project pages. See the Projects list.
🔗 More Information
- FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions about IRC
🔗 Real-time communications (RTC) for voice and video
Fedora has begun experimenting with RTC, which includes using SIP, XMPP and WebRTC for voice, video and sometimes as an alternative to IRC.
These services is that they enable face-to-face communications. This style of communication is beneficial in some circumstances and preferred by some users while other users prefer IRC and email.
Specific details can be found in the page about Fedora community RTC facilities.
🔗 Collaboration tool
The text collaboration tool called Gobby can help you to collaborate with other Fedora contributors. Gobby is a first-class, GUI-based text collaboration tool. You can use it, in conjunction with a collaboration server, to work together in real time with an unlimited number of people on any text based file, code or content. Fedora offers a server for Gobby to maximize your online experience with your collaborators.