π Remove Obsolete Scriptlets
π Summary
Remove scriptlets which are not needed anymore (ldconfig, gtk-update-icon-cache, etc.).
π Owner
- Name: Igor Gnatenko
- Email: ignatenkobrain@fedoraproject.org
- Release notes owner:
π Current status
- Targeted release: Fedora 30
- Last updated: 2018-12-19
- Tracker bug: <will be assigned by the Wrangler>
π Detailed Description
There are plenty of scriptlets which were needed at time of Fedora 28 or earlier which are not needed anymore and just slow down installation. We will remove scriptlets which are not needed anymore from packages.
- ldconfig scriptlets will be removed (or by maintainer request will be replaced by %ldconfig_scriptlets macro which exists on Fedora and EPEL)
- gtk-update-icon-cache, glib-compile-schemas, gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders, gtk-query-immodules-3.0, gio-querymodules and install-info will be removed (or by maintainer request will be guarded with %if's)
π Benefit to Fedora
- Smaller installation time of RPMs.
- Faster image building/buildroot preparation/etc. (from RPMs).
π Scope
- Proposal owners: Find appropriate packages and remove obsolete scriptlets by sending Pull Requests and working with maintainers on merging them.
- Other developers: Package Maintainers are advised to remove scriptlets themselves or wait until Proposal Owners will do that.
- Release engineering: #7977 (to avoid multiple rebuilds, completing this change before mass rebuild is advised)
- List of deliverables: N/A (not a System Wide Change)
- Policies and guidelines: Guidelines are already updated.
- Trademark approval: N/A (not needed for this Change)
π Upgrade/compatibility impact
Installed F30 RPMs on F28/EL6/EL7 might not work although it is not supported.
π How To Test
Install new version of package with removed scriptlets and observe that it works.
π User Experience
Installation of packages are faster.
π Dependencies
No specific dependencies.
π Contingency Plan
- Contingency mechanism: Proposal Owners will revert changes which break specific packages when encountered.
- Contingency deadline: Final freeze.
- Blocks release? No
- Blocks product? product
π Documentation
Everything is already documented in Packaging Guidelines.