From Fedora Project Wiki

๐Ÿ”— Update Haskell packages to Stackage LTS 14

๐Ÿ”— Summary

Haskell libraries and packages will be updated from Stackage LTS 13 to the new versions in Stackage LTS 14.

There is no version change to ghc, which will remain at 8.6.5.

๐Ÿ”— Owner

๐Ÿ”— Current status

  • Targeted release: Fedora 32
  • Last updated: 2020-01-20
  • Tracker bug: <will be assigned by the Wrangler>
  • Release notes tracker: <will be assigned by the Wrangler>

๐Ÿ”— Detailed Description

The Haskell packages in Stackage LTS provide a consistent tested set of package versions that are known to build together. Fedora only has a small subset of the (2000+) Haskell packages in Stackage, and a few packages only found in the upstream Hackage repository.

This Change involves updating the Fedora Haskell packages based on Stackage LTS 13 in F31 to the newer versions found in LTS 14.

๐Ÿ”— Benefit to Fedora

Fedora users and developers will benefit from having the latest stable set of Haskell packages available.

๐Ÿ”— Scope

  • Proposal owners:
    • Packages with version from LTS 13 will be updated to LTS 14
    • Packages not in LTS or Stackage Nightly will be updated to the latest possible version from Hackage.
    • Packages should be built in a f32-ghc sidetag in Koji.
    • Once builds and any required rebuilds due to dependency bumps are completed the built packages will be pushed to Rawhide.
  • Other developers: N/A (not a System Wide Change)
  • Policies and guidelines: N/A (not a System Wide Change)
  • Trademark approval: N/A (not needed for this Change)

๐Ÿ”— Upgrade/compatibility impact

N/A (not a System Wide Change)

๐Ÿ”— How To Test

  • # dnf install ghc-*-devel

๐Ÿ”— User Experience

Latest stable Haskell packages will be available to users.

๐Ÿ”— Dependencies

N/A (not a System Wide Change)

๐Ÿ”— Contingency Plan

  • Contingency mechanism: (What to do? Who will do it?) N/A (not a System Wide Change)
  • Contingency deadline: N/A (not a System Wide Change)
  • Blocks release? N/A (not a System Wide Change)

๐Ÿ”— Documentation (note not all LTS packages are included in Fedora)

๐Ÿ”— Release Notes