From Fedora Project Wiki
🔗 Meeting Time
- 2008-11-11 16:00 UTC
- #fedora-meeting on freenode
🔗 Participants
🔗 Agenda
- topics to discuss:
- KDE-4.1.3 update for F-9/F-10
- desktop user guide (jreznik)
- possible kde spin additions: liveusb-creator
- upcoming events: FUDCon11, CampKDE
- recent bugs:
- #469452: akgegator crashs on startup with an imported feeds.opml (marked as fixed by upstream (1, 2)
- #471022: Can't hide akregator by clicking systray icon (marked as fixed by upstream in 4.1.3, patch for 4.1.2)
🔗 Transcript
🔗 Summary
🔗 Comments
(These comments are written after the meeting)