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🔗 Virtualization

In this section, we cover discussion on the @et-mgmnt-tools-list, @fedora-xen- list, @libvirt-list and @ovirt-devel-list of Fedora virtualization technologies.

Contributing Writer: Dale Bewley

🔗 Fedora 10 Virtualization

This section contains a description of the virtualization features of the brand new Fedora 10 release.

🔗 New Features

The Fedora 10 release includes a number of virtualization enhancements over previous releases.

In the Virtualization Beat of the release notes[1] you will find details on new software packages and major new features such as:

  • Unified Kernel Image
The kernel-xen package has been obsoleted by the integration of paravirtualization operations in the upstream kernel.
  • Virtualization Storage Management
Advances in libvirt now provide the ability to list, create, and delete storage volumes on remote hosts.
  • Remote Installation of Virtual Machines
Improvements in Virtualization Storage Management have enabled the creation of guests on remote host systems.


🔗 Updates to Virtualization Software

Virtualization on Fedora is achieved through the hard work of many projects including kvm, libvirt, virt-manager, xen, and others.

Below is a listing of some of the virtualization software found in Fedora, illustrating the updates since the release of Fedora 9.

Virtualization Software Versions
Software F9 Release F10 Release Release Notes or Changes
kvm 65-1 74-5
libvirt 0.4.2-1 0.4.6-3
python-virtinst 0.300.3-5 0.400.0-4
virt-df n/a 2.1.4-2
virt-manager 0.5.4-3 0.6.0-3
virt-mem n/a 0.2.9-6
virt-top 1.0.3-2
virt-viewer 0.0.3-1 0.0.3-3
xen 3.2.0-10 3.3.0-1
xenner 0.29-2 0.46-3
xenwatch n/a 0.5.3-1

🔗 Enterprise Management Tools List

This section contains the discussion happening on the et-mgmt-tools list

🔗 Connecting to VNC Console on Remote System Installs

While executing virt-install on a remote system, Stephan found[1] that the installer created a VNC service listening on, and wanted to know how to connect to this service or move it to a public interface on the remote system.

Daniel P. Berrange answered[2] that modifying the vnc_listen parameter in /etc/libvirt/qemu.conf will affect the IP used, but this isn't necessary. The virt-viewer application will automatically tunnel[3] VNC connection over SSH.

virt-viewer --connect qemu+ssh://root@remotehost/system centos1




🔗 Specifying Installation Media URLs

Enzo Medici became[1] frustrated while trying to provision Xen domUs with virt-manager. "What constitutes a valid install media URL?" "How do you get a valid install media URL for a particular Linux distribution?"

Cole Robinson explained[2] "We actually don't have support in the backend for fetching kernels from Ubuntu trees" yet. "This may work at the moment though since it could be detected as a debian tree." Cole then described the installation URLs for some popular distributions.

  • For Fedora, it has varied a bit for different releases, but basically whatever ends in {ARCH}/os:
  • CentOS is similar, but seems to have ARCH and os reversed:
  • Debian/Ubuntu trees are everything up to the install-{ARCH} dir:



🔗 Fedora Xen List

This section contains the discussion happening on the fedora-xen list.

🔗 Xen No Graphical Console and CentOS

While creating a domU on CentOS 5.2, Jason passed --nographics to virt-install and received the error message: No console available for domain. Investigation /var/log/xen uncovered: Could not initialize SDL - exiting.

Cole Robinson responded[2] that "This is actually a known bug: xen doesn't abide nographics and tries to init SDL. This will almost always fail if run through [CentOS] 5.2 libvirt. This bug will be fixed in [CentOS] 5.3." The --vnc flag may be used as a workaround this crash in the meantime.



🔗 Libvirt List

This section contains the discussion happening on the libvir-list.

🔗 oVirt Devel List

This section contains the discussion happening on the ovirt-devel list.