From Fedora Project Wiki

Nezha is a SBC based on Allwinner D1. This is a placeholder page to collect all information about running Fedora on Nezha.

🔗 Simple HOWTO

🔗 Prebuild Image

we have made the prebuild Fedora Image for Allwinner D1: Fedora-riscv64-d1-developer-xfce-with-esp-Rawhide-20210723-173234.n.0-sda.raw.zst

For booting it on D1, what you need to do just:

🔗 Decompress

unzstd  Fedora-riscv64-d1-developer-xfce-with-esp-Rawhide-20210723-173234.n.0-sda.raw.zst`

🔗 Flash into a SD card (>= 16GB)

sudo dd if=Fedora-riscv64-d1-developer-xfce-with-esp-Rawhide-20210723-173234.n.0-sda.raw of=/dev/sdx status=progress

🔗 insert the SD card and power up

  • default display is LCD (vertical):
  • (optional) switch display to HDMI (1080p mode, vertical)
cd /sys/kernel/debug/dispdbg
echo disp0 > name; echo switch1 > command; echo 4 10 0 0 0x4 0x101 0 0 0 8 > param; echo 1 > start;

🔗 Hardware info

🔗 IP info

T-Head: XuanTie C906 RISC-V

🔗 Soc & Development boardinfo

Allwinner: D1 SoC Introduction

Sunxi: D1

Sunxi: Allwinner Nezha

🔗 Software

🔗 Original source code

Allwinner: Allwinner Customer Service Platform Portal
You need to register and login.

Or you can download then from SUNXI website

🔗 Smaeul's REPO

🔗 Tekkaman REPO for Fedora Image