From Fedora Project Wiki

Revision as of 19:49, 27 September 2021 by Adamwill (talk | contribs) (add 2007742 (gnome-on-xorg login attempt giving wayland))

This page documents common bugs in Fedora Linux 35 and, if available, fixes or workarounds for these problems. If you find your problem in this page, do not file a bug for it, unless otherwise instructed. Where appropriate, a reference to the current bug(s) in Bugzilla is included.

Pre-release version
Fedora Linux 35 has not yet been released. During this pre-release period, this page will cover known issues in the Fedora 35 pre-releases. Issues that are fixed will be removed from the page once a fix is available (for instance, an issue that affects the Beta but is fixed in the final release will be removed at the time of that release).

๐Ÿ”— Release Notes

Read the F35 Beta release announcement for specific information about changes in Fedora Linux 35 and other general information.

๐Ÿ”— My bug is not listed

Not every bug is listed in this page, but Bugzilla should be a comprehensive database of known bugs. This page is a sampling of the bugs most commonly discussed on our mailing lists and forums.

To see if your bug has already been reported, you can search Bugzilla. If it has not yet been reported, we encourage you to do so to help improve Fedora for yourself and others. A guide to Bugs and feature requests has been prepared to assist you.

If you believe an already-reported bug report should be added to this page because it is commonly encountered, you can:

  • Add it yourself, if you have wiki access. Common bugs instructions provides guidance on how to add an entry to the page correctly, but the most important thing is to make sure that the bug is listed - don't worry if you don't get the format quite right, we can clean it up later.
  • Or, add the CommonBugs keyword to the bug report. Someone from the QA team will then inspect the issue to determine whether the bug should be listed as a common bug. To expedite your request, please add a comment to the bug that includes
    1. a summary of the problem
    2. any known workarounds
    3. an assessment on the impact to Fedora users

For reference, you can query Bugzilla for bugs tagged CommonBugs:

  • CommonBugs? (bugs with CommonBugs keyword, but do not yet have a link to this page)
  • CommonBugs+(bugs with CommonBugs keyword and contain a link to this page)

๐Ÿ”— Workstation issues

๐Ÿ”— Trying to log into GNOME on Xorg still gives Wayland

link to this item - Bugzilla: #2007742

Some users have reported that trying to log into the "GNOME on Xorg" session that is available from the login manager still results in a Wayland session. Sometimes, you can work around the problem by logging out and logging back in, but some users report that repeated attempts still result in a Wayland session.

We are still investigating the cause of this issue, and hope to provide a fix or at least an improved workaround soon.

๐Ÿ”— Server issues

๐Ÿ”— Resolving dnssec-enabled domains may fail after FreeIPA server upgrade to Fedora 35

link to this item - Bugzilla: #1999321

In automated testing of FreeIPA on Fedora 35, we found that upgrading a FreeIPA server with dnssec validation enabled to Fedora 35 may possibly break DNS resolution of hosts in dnssec-enabled domains. This problem occurs in our automated testing environment, but has not yet been successfully replicated outside it, so it may be specific somehow to that environment. However, if after upgrading a FreeIPA server configured to act as a DNS server to Fedora 35 you find that you have problems when resolving hosts in dnssec-enabled domains, you can try disabling dnssec validation on the server:

# ipa-dns-install --disable-dnssec-master

๐Ÿ”— Joining Active Directory domain from Cockpit as non-root user fails with error "Not authorized to perform this action"

link to this item - Bugzilla: #2006028

If you attempt to enrol a system in an Active Directory domain using Cockpit, it may fail with the error "Not authorized to perform this action", even after gaining administrative privileges. To work around this problem, you can refresh the page after gaining administrative privileges, or log in to Cockpit directly as root.

๐Ÿ”— ARM and Aarch64 issues

๐Ÿ”— GNOME (and likely other graphical environments) fail to start on Jetson Nano

link to this item - Bugzilla: #1989726

Due to a known issue in the 3D graphics stack, GNOME - and likely other graphical environments and applications - do not run on the Jetson Nano board in Fedora 35 Beta. This means you cannot boot Workstation or other graphical images on the device. We regret that it was not possible to resolve this issue in a reasonable time frame for the Beta release. We are hoping to find a way to fix it before the Final release.

๐Ÿ”— Software issues

๐Ÿ”— Cannot run Fedora 33 or 34 toolbox containers in Fedora 35

link to this item - Bugzilla: #1995439

It has been reported that trying to run a Fedora 33- or Fedora 34-based toolbox container on Fedora 35 - commonly used on OSTree-based systems like Silverblue and Kinoite - fails with an "invalid entry point PID" error. A fix for this is being worked on upstream, but until that is done, there is no known workaround for the problem. You can only use a Fedora 35-based toolbox container on Fedora 35 for now.