From Fedora Project Wiki

Revision as of 22:44, 27 January 2009 by Nim (talk | contribs) (We do world fonts for i18n and l10n too)

The Fedora Fonts Special Interest Group
The Fedora Fonts Special Interest Group

The Fonts SIG could have been named the Text or Typography SIG. While fonts are a large part of what we do, our actual scope is larger.

Contributing roles in the Fonts SIG

Contributing roles
This is only suggestions for contributing roles. Only your imagination sets the limts.

OS Developer



About us

The Fonts Special Interest Group is an informal group of Fedora Linux contributors. It is dedicated to improving fonts availability and text rendering/layouting in the distribution and its other Linux derivatives.

Join us and help:

Fonts SIG activities
Activity OS Developer Translator Content Writer Designer People Person
  • package new fonts and font tools,
  • review font packages before Fedora inclusion,
  • fix font or text problems in applications and libraries,
  • propose good Fedora fonts defaults,
  • identify font or text problems in applications and libraries,
  • improve font package descriptions and summaries to help users choose the right fonts for their needs,
  • convince foundries to release fonts under a free/libre Fedora-friendly license,
  • recruit possible free/libre font authors,
  • recruit new SIG members,
  • get font or text problems fixed,
  • improve the SIG visibility by getting it linked and quoted everywhere,
  • document font creation tasks,
  • document free/libre font release best practices,
  • document free/libre font packaging,
  • clarify, complete and improve our wiki,
  • identify interesting third-party material, and link it here,
  • convert wiki information to other document formats.

Any font or text-related activity can be tackled, as long as the result is free/libre and compatible with the Fedora objectives.

The current SIG task list is published here.

Get involved

Follow the steps listed on this page, and you'll be fine.


Fonts SIG mailing lists
Mailing list name Intended use Web archives
Source Gmane MarkMail The mail archive
  • Main SIG coordination channel, for human discussions.
  • Post your questions and proposals there.
Archives Archives Feed-icon-14x14.png Archives Archives
  • Automated tracking of font and text issues.
  • Consult it to follow new problem reports and fixes, CC it in issue trackers.
  • Read only archiving list:
    • do not post messages there, use the other list
    • you can follow this archive via digests, internet archives, etc
Archives Archives Feed-icon-14x14.png Archives Archives

We do not have a dedicated IRC channel right now; the general low-traffic ##fonts channel on should be used instead. It is shared by several free/open font groups and is distribution-agnostic.

Nicolas Spalinger of SIL, Debian and Ubuntu fonts fame has set up planet open fonts Feed-icon-14x14.png, with a VCS satellite Feed-icon-14x14.png, to help people in the free/libre-open fonts community exchange information.