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Revision as of 20:39, 23 March 2009 by Pfrields (talk | contribs) (Fix link)

This page will show you how to build an ISO of Rawhide that you can use for testing.

Testing pre-releases
There are specific sections below that show how to get a DVD that matches the version being used by the QA group for testing Fedora pre-releases.
Superuser privileges required
The rest of this tutorial requires that you open a root shell. Open a terminal and run the command su -, and provide the root password.

🔗 Get Rawhide (optional)

If you don't have Rawhide available on a fast, local link, you may want to mirror it locally using rsync.

mkdir -P /var/www/fedora/linux/development/x86_64/os
cd /var/www/fedora/linux/development/x86_64/os
rsync -Pavy --delete-after <MIRROR_NEAR_YOU>::fedora-linux-development/x86_64/os .

Note that these commands assume you are interested in testing the x86_64 (64-bit) architecture. Substitute i386 as needed for 32-bit architecture.

🔗 Make a DVD image

  1. You can use the same tools that Fedora Release Engineering uses to make a DVD. First, install the pungi package.
yum install pungi
  1. Change directory to an area with gobs of free space. Use the df -h command to find a location if needed.
cd /tmp
  1. Download the current kickstart file for Rawhide.
curl -o rawhide-fedora.ks;a=blob_plain;f=share/rawhide-fedora.ks;hb=HEAD
  1. Edit the repo commands in the rawhide-fedora.ks file to point at your local mirror. If the mirror is on your hard disk as above, for example, use this command in the kickstart file:
repo --name=rawhide --baseurl=file:///var/www/fedora/linux/development/$basearch/os
# Make the DVD image:
<pre>pungi --nosource --nosplitmedia --nodebuginfo --all-stages -c rawhide-fedora.ks