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2009-04-28 0500 UTC on #fedora-meeting at Freenode



Action Items

  • tagoh, dychen, and Kaio to test package queued for f11-updates-testing
  • juhp to write some relnotes on default ibus hotkeys
  • juhp to rename Documentation_l18n_Beat
  • juhp to setup meeting next week for more Test Day testcases and planning


juhp Apr 28 15:01
juhp who is here for the meeting? Apr 28 15:02
-->jni_ (n=jni@ has joined #fedora-meeting Apr 28 15:02
phuang hi Apr 28 15:02
jni_ hi Apr 28 15:03
-->asgeirf (n=asgeirf@nat/redhat/x-adda4f1777d172e1) has joined #fedora-meeting Apr 28 15:03
pravins hi Apr 28 15:03
tagoh3 hi Apr 28 15:03
-->sflanigan (n=sflaniga@nat/redhat/x-ed2b8215cd53b608) has joined #fedora-meeting Apr 28 15:04
-->Kaio (n=cchance@fedora/Kaio) has joined #fedora-meeting Apr 28 15:04
Kaio hi Apr 28 15:04
sflanigan G'day Apr 28 15:05
juhp ok Apr 28 15:07
paragn hi Apr 28 15:07
juhp sorry - added a few links on the agenda page - you might want to refresh... Apr 28 15:07
juhp Apr 28 15:07
<--KageSenshi has quit (Remote closed the connection) Apr 28 15:13
-->mep ( has joined #fedora-meeting Apr 28 15:15
*juhp slaps his head Apr 28 15:18
juhp silly me talking on the wrong channel... ah dear Apr 28 15:18
juhp let me paste from #fedora-i18n Apr 28 15:19
juhp so first topic is f11 Apr 28 15:19
juhp tagoh3: how do you think about the wqy bug? Apr 28 15:19
juhp Apr 28 15:19
juhp <tagoh3> juhp: hmm, need to understand his requirements Apr 28 15:19
juhp <juhp> I think fangqq pushed the update to bodhi so that might be enough assuming this fixes the problem Apr 28 15:19
juhp <tagoh3> sure. will test that Apr 28 15:19
juhp <juhp> cool Apr 28 15:19
juhp I will try too Apr 28 15:19
juhp candyz0416 candyz Apr 28 15:19
juhp krishnababu Kaio Apr 28 15:19
juhp dychen_, Kaio, phuang, jni_: if you have a chance to test also that would be be appreciated Apr 28 15:19
juhp <Kaio> juhp: no prob Apr 28 15:19
juhp <phuang> ok Apr 28 15:19
juhp <dychen_> juhp: sure Apr 28 15:19
juhp <juhp> if you have feedback you can also put it in Apr 28 15:19
juhp great - thanks :) Apr 28 15:19
juhp there are some ibus blockers in modified it would be good to test those too and close them out if they are ok Apr 28 15:19
juhp I think I tested the evo bug and it looked ok to me - though I am not an evo user Apr 28 15:19
juhp paragn: could you check bug 497265 Apr 28 15:19
juhp <paragn> ok Apr 28 15:19
juhp <juhp> paragn: there was also a report from aalam that Nepali input does not work in KDE (ie ne desktop) Apr 28 15:19
juhp which I reproduced Apr 28 15:19
juhp phuang: any idea? Apr 28 15:19
juhp I could not activate ibus Apr 28 15:19
juhp even with mouse Apr 28 15:19
juhp <phuang> ic Apr 28 15:19
juhp I think it is because xim must specify the support locale when init the xim server Apr 28 15:19
juhp * tagoh3 wonders why we are talking on two channels Apr 28 15:19
juhp <paragn> juhp, I have successfully tested bug 497265 Apr 28 15:19
juhp <juhp> tagoh3: oops Apr 28 15:19
juhp <phuang> we can not hardcode all locales in xim server Apr 28 15:19
juhp sigh Apr 28 15:19
buggbot Bug medium, low, ---, phuang, MODIFIED, [mai_IN] Maithili language name is not listed in input method selection Apr 28 15:19
juhp paragn: ok Apr 28 15:20
juhp paragn: then please close Apr 28 15:20
phuang For this problem, I think we just need add the locale name of mai_IN. Apr 28 15:20
juhp phuang: what does scim do then? Apr 28 15:20
phuang juhp, I need check the code Apr 28 15:20
juhp phuang: nepali? Apr 28 15:20
tagoh3 phuang: it's really *hard* to list all of them. but we have to do. Apr 28 15:21
phuang yeah Apr 28 15:21
paragn ok Apr 28 15:21
-->che__ (n=che@ has joined #fedora-meeting Apr 28 15:21
juhp tagoh3: could you test bug 490143 (gnome-keyring), please? Apr 28 15:22
buggbot Bug medium, low, ---, phuang, MODIFIED, ibus issue with gnome-keyring Apr 28 15:22
juhp ok let's move on Apr 28 15:23
juhp Apr 28 15:23
juhp hah Apr 28 15:23
juhp I became L hmmm Apr 28 15:24
juhp need to do something about that Apr 28 15:24
juhp hmm Apr 28 15:25
phuang Just check scim, it got the locale name list from enabled engines Apr 28 15:25
juhp phuang: aha Apr 28 15:25
phuang But it still has problem. Apr 28 15:25
juhp ok Apr 28 15:25
phuang If you just installed anthy, you can not use XIM in en locale. I think Apr 28 15:25
juhp phuang: you still planning to do a qtimm btw at some point? Apr 28 15:25
phuang juhp, yeah Apr 28 15:26
juhp phuang: without restart... well guess it is not really a regression compared to scim Apr 28 15:26
phuang Properly, maybe we could file a bug against XIM, to let the it support locale name "*" Apr 28 15:27
juhp phuang: guess it is not possible to update the list after xim server has started? Apr 28 15:27
phuang right Apr 28 15:27
juhp phuang: aha - libX11? Apr 28 15:27
phuang maybe in libX11 or other X library Apr 28 15:27
juhp tagoh3: or is there another way? Apr 28 15:28
phuang tagoh3, Are you familiar with it? Apr 28 15:28
juhp anyway back to the RelNotes Apr 28 15:28
juhp I'd really like to move the L10n stuff elsewhere into a separate beat maybe for f12 Apr 28 15:29
juhp it just seems to sit there in the way and I don't really think we should maintain that stuff Apr 28 15:29
tagoh3 juhp: well, need-restart isn't a limitation of XIM itself actually. depends on the implementation. Apr 28 15:29
juhp little hard though since there is some overlap Apr 28 15:30
juhp tagoh3: so would be good to improve that then Apr 28 15:30
-->KageSenshi (n=kagesens@fedora/KageSenshi) has joined #fedora-meeting Apr 28 15:30
phuang tagoh3, I would like to add a wildcard locale name "*", to let the xserver support all locales. Apr 28 15:31
phuang tagoh3, You think where we should make some modification? In the XIM server, or X related libraries Apr 28 15:31
<--giallu has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) Apr 28 15:31
juhp well I think the relnotes don't look too bad Apr 28 15:31
juhp anyone thing anything should be added/changed/removed? Apr 28 15:32
juhp phuang: perhaps we should list the hotkeys for different languages Apr 28 15:32
juhp we used to have a table for that for scim Apr 28 15:32
tagoh3 phuang: hmm, well, such usage is actually brought up recently and which isn't unexpected way when spec was created. Apr 28 15:33
tagoh3 phuang: and '*' may gets some trouble when their locale isn't really supported by IM but in XKB. Apr 28 15:33
-->nicubunu ( has joined #fedora-meeting Apr 28 15:33
juhp mm Apr 28 15:34
phuang tagoh3, So you suggest we continue using hardcode locale list Apr 28 15:34
tagoh3 that would be sure thing Apr 28 15:35
phuang ic Apr 28 15:35
juhp safe yeah, hmm Apr 28 15:35
tagoh3 better improving XIM server side to update on demand. Apr 28 15:35
juhp phuang: how about adding the current locale at startup if im is requested Apr 28 15:35
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phuang juhp, ok Apr 28 15:36
-->nicubunu ( has joined #fedora-meeting Apr 28 15:36
<--che_ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) Apr 28 15:37
juhp phuang: it can probably be a f11 update... assuming no major lang omissions Apr 28 15:38
phuang juhp, yeah Apr 28 15:39
juhp error: File /home/petersen/fedora/ibus/ibus/devel/ibus- No such file or directory Apr 28 15:39
phuang juhp, ? Apr 28 15:39
juhp perhaps something wrong here? Apr 28 15:39
phuang seems the sources file is not updated Apr 28 15:40
juhp right Apr 28 15:40
juhp # Fedora QA Test Event Apr 28 15:40
juhp Apr 28 15:41
juhp event is confirmed for 2009-05-14 Apr 28 15:42
juhp which is probably Friday in Asia-Pacific Apr 28 15:42
-->JukeBoxHero (n=gorillaJ@fedora/hitboxx) has joined #fedora-meeting Apr 28 15:44
juhp so we need to clear up the test cases a bit more and work with fedora-qa Apr 28 15:44
juhp Apr 28 15:44
*juhp fixes the feature link Apr 28 15:45
juhp there is still a little time but guess we need to finish that by next week Apr 28 15:47
juhp perhaps we can have a meeting on #fedora-i18n next week to finalise the testcases and polish Apr 28 15:47
juhp no comments? Apr 28 15:49
juhp ok let's move into the open time Apr 28 15:49
juhp # AOB Apr 28 15:49
juhp anything else for today's meeting? Apr 28 15:49
juhp ok then thanks everyone for the meeting! Apr 28 15:51
juhp next meeting will be two weeks time Apr 28 15:52
juhp # (meeting closed) Apr 28 15:53
tagoh3 thanks all Apr 28 15:55

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