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Revision as of 22:26, 31 July 2012 by Adamwill (talk | contribs) (adjust for separated-out feedback guidelines)

Proven testers on hiatus
As of 2012-02-13, the proven testers system is currently 'on hiatus'. Contrary to what's written below, proven tester feedback is at present treated no differently from any other feedback for the purposes of approving Fedora updates. This means that, at present, proven tester status has no consequence. The proven tester group continues to exist and proven tester feedback will still have (proventester) when listed in Bodhi, and we will continue to honor requests to join the group, but please be aware there is no actual reason to do so under the current updates policy. We are keeping the group and documentation alive in the expectation that future improvements to Bodhi will allow us to make the group 'active' once more.

A proven tester, also known as a critical path wrangler, verifies and reports on the stability of test updates to critical path packages. They retrieve their updates from the QA:Updates_Testing repository and report their findings as karma using Bodhi. Positive karma from a proven tester is required for each critical path update before it can be pushed to the stable repository.

A proven tester is a member of the proventesters group. Individuals who wish to join this group must first be mentored and approved.

Joining the proven testers

  1. Sign up for the Fedora Account System (if you haven't already) and apply to join the proventesters group
  2. File a ticket in Fedora QA Trac, with type proventester request and component Proventester Mentor Request, asking to join the proven testers and requesting a mentor
  3. Wait for a mentor to accept your request, and follow the instructions they provide

To speed up the process, you can get ahead with learning to be a proven tester by following the instructions further down this page, and filing some feedback while you wait for the mentoring process. Post in your mentor request to state that you have read the instructions on this page, and that you understand how to install test updates, test them, and post feedback. You can also link to some of the feedback you post, so your mentor can check to make sure you've got it right!

Testing process

Proven testers verify a basic level of stability before releasing an update to the public. They do not need to test for total correctness or ensure complete test coverage. Some tests will vary depending on the type of the package, while others must pass for all updates. Generally speaking, an update should successfully execute all applicable critical path actions. The Fedora release criteria is another useful guide for minimum testing criteria.

Proven testers verify updates by installing them from the updates-testing repository. For instructions on using this repository, see this page. To ensure rapid detection of regressions, you should perform a full system update from this repository at least once a day. You can update individual packages more quickly if the need for verification is urgent. We recommend that you have SELinux enabled and set to Enforcing mode (this is the default configuration, but many people disable SELinux after installing Fedora) for the purpose of testing.

General tests

  1. The system must be able to shut down and reboot.
  2. The user must be able to log in to the desktop.
  3. The user must be able to access the network.

Testing applications

If the package is an application, run the application and check that basic operations work.

Testing libraries and shared components

If it is a library or other shared component, run an application which uses the component and ensure that it works.

Feedback procedures

In general, proven testers should follow the standard update feedback guidelines. Proven testers should pay special attention to critical path updates, and make a particular effort to provide positive feedback on these; usually, it is acceptable to post positive feedback on a critical path update so long as critical path functionality continues to work with the update in place.

Proven tester mentoring

Proven tester mentors accept requests from prospective proven tester members, and check that the applicants have read and understood the proven tester instructions before approving their membership. This process is not intended to be onerous, and we should expect to accept all applications unless they have obviously been made in error, seem malicious in intent or the applicant fails to affirm that they have read the instructions for the process.

Becoming a mentor

Any proven tester can become a mentor. Simply let any existing mentor or group administrator - those listed as administrator or sponsor in the group member list - know you would like to become a mentor, and they will upgrade you to sponsor level, which will allow you to accept applications to the group.

Mentoring process

You can find membership applications in Trac. You can also subscribe to an RSS feed of membership applications. To accept an application, assign it to yourself. Now ensure that the applicant has ...

  1. applied to the FAS group
  2. read the instructions at Proven_tester
  3. knows how to use the updates-testing repository and fedora-easy-karma.

If the applicant provides links to some feedback they have already posted, read these to check that they are in line with the process. If all of this is in order, sponsor the applicant into the proventesters FAS group, and close the application ticket. You can see an example completed application ticket here.

If a tester applies to the FAS group, but does not submit a corresponding TRAC ticket, reach out to the applicant directly by email using the email associated with their FAS account. Welcome their application and request that they also file a ticket for proper tracking.

External Links