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Revision as of 15:32, 4 March 2011 by Vhumpa (talk | contribs)

In Construction


This tests the gnome-shell integration of applications written using non-gtk toolkits or running with Wine.


  1. Install example applications written using QT4, Swing and WxWidgets toolkits. From the root console run:

yum install speedcrunch freemind filezilla

Please feel free to try any other programs you know are using the fore-mentioned toolkits instead.

How to test

  1. By going Activites->Applications->Speedcrunch or in terminal run speedcrunch
  2. Go through the menus, try to invoke e.g. Preferences or an About window.
  3. Run and do the same for freemind and filezilla

Expected Results

  1. Visuals of all applications should be adjusted to the current Gnome theme and should look and feel native.
  2. Swing (freemind) applications are expected to have more limited looks, but should still adhere to the general GUI theme.