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Activity report for Marcel Ribeiro Dantas

Date (YYYY-MM-DD) City State/Country Activity Role Description
2013-07-03 Natal RN/Brazil F19 Release Party Ambassador Every two Wednesdays, people in my town get together in a Hackerspace meeting celebrated at a FOSS-friendly company's office (Evolux). At first sight I noticed it was the perfect opportunity to promote a Release Party for F19, which ended up being my first talk as Fedora Ambassador which proved to be a great experience.

In no way, at that time, DVDs with F19 would get here quick enough, so I decided to buy myself a package of DVDs and print the "fold-at-home sleeves" at work according to here. Everything happened in a hurry, but I managed to burn/print/fold 25 DVDs which happened to be the perfect amount of media. I had a talk named "Fedora: Run, Contribute and join the community!" and had a Fedora banner to beautify the room :)

2013-07-20 and 21 Cusco Peru F19 Release Party Ambassador Alex was very kind for inviting me to speak about Fedora in the F19 Release Party of Cusco, Peru in la Universidad Alas Peruanas Filial Cusco. Since it was a remote talk (videoconference), in both days, I chose not to focus my talk in things I believed to be very important for Fedora. I left it for Eduardo and other Spanish native speakers. It was too much responsability to teach people the basis of Fedora in Brazilian Portuguese or English, mostly because it was through a videoconference, where there is noise, internet problems and so on.

So what to talk about? Well, I believe Fedora is much more than an Operating System. Much more than a GNU/Linux distribution.. I think it's an idea. An idea that a community can build a high quality and free operating system. Well, actually even more than that.. In order to fully understand my point of view, you must watch my talk d:) I named it "Fedora: Sharing thoughts, experiences and love".

Upcoming Events

Event City Role Comments
I ENSOL do Vale do Açu Ipanguaçu/RN (Brazil) Speaker/Ambassador Soon
I Geeknic PotiLivre Natal/RN (Brazil) Speaker/Ambassador/Organization Soon
Software Freedom Day Natal Natal/RN (Brazil) Speaker/Ambassador/Organization Soon
X Latinoware Foz do Iguaçu/Brazil Speaker/Ambassador Soon