From Fedora Project Wiki


  • login to
  • sign testing/stable update packages
  • Things to consider before pushing updates.
  • push testing/stable update packages
  • monitor the updates push
  • troubleshooting
  • pushing very important update packages to stable

Bodhi2 push monitoring


# get the errors
sudo journalctl --since=yesterday -o short -u fedmsg-hub > ~/error.out
awk '/E[Rr][Rr]/' ~/error.out

# or with color
egrep 'ERROR|Errno' ~/error.out

OSError: [Errno 39] Directory not empty: '/mnt/koji/mash/updates/dist-6E-epel-testing-151201.1956/../dist-6E-epel-testing.repocache/repodata/'

Reset the fedmsg hub if that happens

# reset the fedmsg-hub service
sudo systemctl restart fedmsg-hub

Inspect the repo cache areas (optional) to verify empty ?

ls \
/mnt/fedora_koji/koji/mash/updates/dist-5E-epel{,-testing}.repocache/repodata/ \ 
/mnt/fedora_koji/koji/mash/updates/dist-6E-epel{,-testing}.repocache/repodata/ \
/mnt/fedora_koji/koji/mash/updates/epel7{,-testing}.repocache/repodata/        \
/mnt/fedora_koji/koji/mash/updates/f21-updates{,-testing}.repocache/repodata/  \
/mnt/fedora_koji/koji/mash/updates/f22-updates{,-testing}.repocache/repodata/  \

OSError: [Errno 16] Device or resource busy: '/var/lib/mock/fedora-23-updates-x86_64/root/var/tmp/rpm-ostree.hjvMfC'

A bind mount needs to be removed. Look for TMPFS relics from rpm-ostree

findmnt -t tmpfs -o TARGET | grep rpm-ostree

Dismount ALL the relic TMPFS mounts (warning it's unwise to do this unless you know bodhi2 is completely idle)

sudo umount /var/lib/mock/*/root/var/tmp/rpm-ostree.??????

IOError: Cannot open /mnt/koji/mash/updates/dist-6E-epel-151105.1606/../dist-6E-epel.repocache/repodata/repomd.xml: File /mnt/koji/mash/updates/dist-6E-epel-151105.1606/../dist-6E-epel.repocache/repodata/repomd.xml doesn't exists or not a regular file

rm -rf /mnt/koji/mash/updates/dist-6E-epel-151105.1606/../dist-6E-epel.repocache

ERROR: can't download kf5-kdesu-None:5.13.0-1.fc22.i686 from signed path /mnt/koji/packages/kf5-kdesu/5.13.0/1.fc22/data/signed/8e1431d5/i686/kf5-kdesu-5.13.0-1.fc22.i686.rpm

Sometimes an update has lingered so long that the signed rpm's have been garbage collected, so we simply put them back from the signature cache

NSS_HASH_ALG_SUPPORT=+MD5 ~/releng/scripts/ fedora-22 -v --write-all --sigul-batch-size=25 kf5-kdesu-5.13.0-1.fc22


Start the bodhi push for signing (responding 'no' when prompted)

cd /var/cache/sigul
yes 'no' | sudo -u masher -S bodhi-push --releases '23 22 5 6 7' --username parasense

Sign the builds

for i in 23 22 ; do NSS_HASH_ALG_SUPPORT=+MD5 ~/releng/scripts/ fedora-$i -v --write-all --sigul-batch-size=25 $(cat /var/cache/sigul/{Stable,Testing}-F${i})    ; done
for i in  7  6  5 ; do NSS_HASH_ALG_SUPPORT=+MD5 ~/releng/scripts/ epel-$i   -v --write-all --sigul-batch-size=25 $(cat /var/cache/sigul/{Stable,Testing}-*EL-${i}) ; done

Another way to do this would be to use screen to tmux, start the push but dellay the y/n answer. The files in /var/cache/sigul are created, so go ahead and sign those builds, then send "y" to the bodhi-push prompt.

Test if bodhi masher is running

These checks are not scientific, but may help inform.

Check for existing masher locks of currently running push, or failed previous push

ls -l /mnt/koji/mash/updates/MASHING-*

Check for running bodhi2 push (via masher)

pgrep -af /usr/bin/mash

Also check for rsync

pgrep -af rsync

Resuming failed push

# resume the push interactivly
sudo -u masher bodhi-push --resume --username parasense

# resume the push responding yes to everything
yes| sudo -u masher -S bodhi-push --resume --username parasense
# Follow the output of fedmsg-hub
sudo journalctl -o short -u fedmsg-hub -l -f

Sign Bridge Tasks

# monitor the signing on bridge for potential stalls from bodhi-backend
ssh -v -o'ControlPath=none' sign-bridge01 'tail -f /var/log/sigul_bridge.log'
# Verify the bridge is running or not
pgrep -af

# Restart the bridge as necessary 
sudo pkill -f -9
sudo NSS_HASH_ALG_SUPPORT=+MD5 sigul_bridge -d -v -v

# Review the output
tail -f /var/log/sigul_bridge.log

Stable push requests

Sometimes an urgent request to have something pushed to stable.

Here we had two lorax builds in the testing queue, and QA engineer requested they go to stable ASAP. So you have to header over to the bodhi2 web front end, revoke the "tasting push", then choose to push the build to stable. Once that is done the bodhi-push comment will permit the stable push.

sudo -u masher bodhi-push --releases '21 22 23' --request=stable  --builds 'lorax-21.34-1.fc21 lorax-22.13-1.fc22 freeipa-4.2.3-1.fc23' --username parasense

Testing push request

So there was a stable push in progress, and folks requesting testing push. The testing push uses a different lock file, so they will go in parallel with the stable push in progress.

sudo -u masher bodhi-push --releases '21 22 23' --request=testing  --username parasense