Board > Meetings > 2006-12-19
🔗 Fedora Project Board Meeting (2006-12-19)
🔗 Attendance
- MattDomsch
- JeremyKatz
- SethVidal
- ChristopherBlizzard
- ["PaulWFrields"]
- BillNottingham
- GregDeKoenigsberg
- RexDieter
Not Present:
- MaxSpevack
- RahulSundaram
🔗 Notes/Summary
IRC Log: Media:Board_Meetings_2006(2d)12(2d)19_fedora-board-20061219.txt
🔗 General Business
🔗 Yum speedups
Chris and Seth have been working on speeding up yum. It turns out the OLPC development machines make good test beds for this sort of thing as they have very limited memory and CPU.
🔗 FUDCon Boston 2007 Feb 2-4 at Boston University
Greg has been putting this together, with assistance from the good folks at Boston University. The conference is open to anyone. has the details. Sponsors are still needed for food, drinks, and travel assistance. Schedule is that on Friday we'll do a BarCamp-style session, with a hackfest on Saturday and Sunday.
🔗 Fedora 7
Bill and Jeremy have made good progress "selling" the combined Core and Extras to Red Hat's engineering management. Given how Red Hat Enterprise Linux has close dependencies on Fedora, it may make sense for a Red Hat employee intimately tied to RHEL to be added to the Board to represent RHEL's interests. So far that hasn't been a formal request, but the Board will consider this change if requested.
Bill sent a long note to the fedora-advisory-board list detailing some of the things that could happen for Fedora 7. Bill also volunteered to become the first "Program Manager" for a release - responsible for communicating status of the various pieces throughout the world of contributors (both inside and outside of Red Hat), and holding people to their commitments. It was suggested that we need a "Program Manager Pumpkin" to pass around so a different person takes on this role for each release.
🔗 Metrics
Chris noted that we'd crossed the 5000 packages in Core+Extras threshhold (which translates into 2500 SRPMS in Extras and ~1100 SRPMS in Core), with over 250 "Contributors" and counting. Mike McGrath from ["Infrastructure"] is working on capturing hardware data from end users, and has agreed to "own" generating some statistics about how Fedora is being used.