From Fedora Project Wiki

Packages to remove for Mass Python 2 Package Removal

This is fluid
The lists here are not final and we have an automation that can create them based on packages content and dependencies. If you see a package that shouldn't be removed, you can help us change the automation, or wait for the bugzilla to block it, so you don't have to worry that if this change gets approved, all listed packages are gone for good.

There are two lists: Packages to remove now (i.e. leaf packages) and Packages to remove when/if nothing depends on them (i.e. non-leaf packages).

Packages to remove now

  • Mayavi-doc
  • PyQt4-assistant
  • PyQuante
  • PyQuante-libint
  • PySBIG
  • PythonCard
  • ari-backup
  • aubio-python2
  • autocloud-common
  • autocloud-web
  • beaker-common
  • bitten-master
  • bodhi-composer
  • bugyou
  • bzr-fastimport
  • bzrtools
  • cairo-dock-python2
  • cassandra-python2-cqlshlib
  • clusterPy
  • cryptlib-python2
  • cwiid-python2
  • datanommer
  • deluge-common
  • deluge-images
  • etckeeper-bzr
  • fts-rest-cloud-storage
  • fts-rest-http-authz-signed-cert
  • fts-rest-oauth2
  • gmpy
  • gnome-python2-gnomedesktop
  • gnome-python2-libgtop2
  • gnome-python2-totem
  • gofed-infra
  • gofed-resources
  • greenwave
  • hgsubversion
  • hgview-curses
  • ibus-py2override
  • ibus-pygtk2
  • igor-common
  • ipsilon-authfas
  • ipsilon-authform
  • ipsilon-authgssapi
  • ipsilon-authldap
  • ipsilon-authpam
  • ipsilon-infofas
  • ipsilon-infosssd
  • ipsilon-openid
  • ipsilon-openidc
  • ipsilon-persona
  • ipsilon-saml2
  • ipsilon-saml2-base
  • ipsilon-tools-ipa
  • koji-containerbuild
  • lekhonee-lib
  • libkdtree++-python
  • link-grammar-python2
  • lnst
  • mirrormanager2-lib
  • nordugrid-arc-acix-core
  • nwsserver
  • pulp-agent
  • pulp-puppet-devel
  • pulp-puppet-handlers
  • pulp-rpm-devel
  • pulp-rpm-handlers
  • pycryptopp
  • pyflowtools
  • pygoocanvas
  • pygtkchart
  • pyip
  • pylibpcap
  • pymunk
  • pyode
  • pypar-mpich
  • pypar-openmpi
  • python-cephfs
  • python-imgbased
  • python-libasyncns
  • python-libpamtest
  • python-mesos
  • python-oslo-context-tests
  • python-pyblock
  • python-rgw
  • python-testing.postgresql
  • python-webob1.1
  • python2-APLpy
  • python2-ECPy
  • python2-GeographicLib
  • python2-ImcSdk
  • python2-MDAnalysis
  • python2-Mastodon
  • python2-PyLink
  • python2-PyMuPDF
  • python2-Pympler
  • python2-SoapySDR
  • python2-TGScheduler
  • python2-XStatic-Angular
  • python2-XStatic-Angular-Bootstrap
  • python2-XStatic-Angular-FileUpload
  • python2-XStatic-Angular-Gettext
  • python2-XStatic-Angular-Mock
  • python2-XStatic-Angular-UUID
  • python2-XStatic-Angular-Vis
  • python2-XStatic-Angular-lrdragndrop
  • python2-XStatic-Bootstrap-Datepicker
  • python2-XStatic-D3
  • python2-XStatic-FileSaver
  • python2-XStatic-Font-Awesome
  • python2-XStatic-Hogan
  • python2-XStatic-JQuery-Migrate
  • python2-XStatic-JQuery-TableSorter
  • python2-XStatic-JQuery-quicksearch
  • python2-XStatic-JS-Yaml
  • python2-XStatic-JSEncrypt
  • python2-XStatic-Jasmine
  • python2-XStatic-Json2yaml
  • python2-XStatic-Magic-Search
  • python2-XStatic-QUnit
  • python2-XStatic-Rickshaw
  • python2-XStatic-Spin
  • python2-XStatic-bootswatch
  • python2-XStatic-jquery-ui
  • python2-XStatic-mdi
  • python2-XStatic-roboto-fontface
  • python2-XStatic-smart-table
  • python2-XStatic-termjs
  • python2-abclient
  • python2-achoo
  • python2-adduserpath
  • python2-afl
  • python2-aiodns
  • python2-alchimia
  • python2-alsaaudio
  • python2-altgraph
  • python2-amico
  • python2-anfft
  • python2-ansi
  • python2-ansible-tower-cli
  • python2-ansicolor
  • python2-ansicolors
  • python2-aodhclient-tests
  • python2-ara-tests
  • python2-argparse-manpage
  • python2-args
  • python2-asciitable
  • python2-asciitree
  • python2-assimp
  • python2-assimulo
  • python2-astral
  • python2-astroml-addons
  • python2-atfork
  • python2-atomic-reactor-koji
  • python2-atomic-reactor-metadata
  • python2-atomic-reactor-rebuilds
  • python2-atpy
  • python2-auth-credential
  • python2-avahi
  • python2-azure-storage
  • python2-babel-babelgladeextractor
  • python2-backports-csv
  • python2-baker
  • python2-bash8
  • python2-batchhttp
  • python2-batinfo
  • python2-beanstalkc
  • python2-beecrypt
  • python2-bigsuds
  • python2-bintrees
  • python2-bitstring
  • python2-blivet1
  • python2-bodhi
  • python2-bodhi-client
  • python2-booleanoperations
  • python2-botan
  • python2-bottle-sqlite
  • python2-broccoli
  • python2-btchip
  • python2-bucky
  • python2-bugzilla2fedmsg
  • python2-bz2file
  • python2-caca
  • python2-cachez
  • python2-cagraph
  • python2-camel
  • python2-caribou
  • python2-carrot
  • python2-cartopy
  • python2-cashe
  • python2-cattrs
  • python2-ccdproc
  • python2-cdb
  • python2-ceilometermiddleware
  • python2-cerealizer
  • python2-characteristic
  • python2-chemps2
  • python2-citeproc-py
  • python2-clearsilver
  • python2-click-log
  • python2-click-threading
  • python2-clientform
  • python2-cliff-tablib
  • python2-cliff-tests
  • python2-cloud-sptheme
  • python2-clyent
  • python2-cma
  • python2-cmdsignature
  • python2-cmigemo
  • python2-cmusphinx3
  • python2-collectd-ceilometer-plugin
  • python2-collectd_systemd
  • python2-colorlog
  • python2-colorspacious
  • python2-colour-runner
  • python2-columnize
  • python2-compreffor
  • python2-concurrentloghandler
  • python2-conda
  • python2-configshell
  • python2-confparser
  • python2-congressclient
  • python2-congressclient-tests
  • python2-contexttimer
  • python2-conu
  • python2-cotyledon-tests
  • python2-couchbase
  • python2-cpio
  • python2-cradox
  • python2-cram
  • python2-croniter
  • python2-csdiff
  • python2-ctags
  • python2-ctrldaemon
  • python2-cu2qu
  • python2-cursive
  • python2-cvss
  • python2-daap
  • python2-daiquiri
  • python2-dbf
  • python2-deap
  • python2-debrepo
  • python2-deltasigma
  • python2-designateclient-tests
  • python2-dialog
  • python2-diff-cover
  • python2-diff-match-patch
  • python2-dill
  • python2-distlib
  • python2-dlib
  • python2-dmlite
  • python2-dnf-plugin-kickstart
  • python2-dnf-plugin-leaves
  • python2-dnf-plugin-local
  • python2-dnf-plugin-migrate
  • python2-dnf-plugin-show-leaves
  • python2-dnf-plugin-snapper
  • python2-dnf-plugin-tracer
  • python2-dnf-plugin-versionlock
  • python2-dnf-plugins-core
  • python2-dnf-plugins-extras-common
  • python2-dnfdaemon
  • python2-dockerpty
  • python2-dopy
  • python2-dput
  • python2-drat
  • python2-dumptruck
  • python2-easyargs
  • python2-eccodes
  • python2-ecryptfs-utils
  • python2-editdist
  • python2-editorconfig
  • python2-elasticsearch
  • python2-elemental-mpich
  • python2-elemental-openmpi
  • python2-email_reply_parser
  • python2-emcee
  • python2-epub
  • python2-etcd
  • python2-evdev
  • python2-events
  • python2-fabric
  • python2-fdb
  • python2-fedbadges
  • python2-fedimg
  • python2-fedmsg-genacls
  • python2-fedmsg-rabbitmq-serializer
  • python2-fedora-turbogears2
  • python2-fedwatch
  • python2-feedcache
  • python2-feedgenerator
  • python2-ferari
  • python2-filelock
  • python2-filetype
  • python2-firehose
  • python2-firkin
  • python2-fitsio
  • python2-flann
  • python2-flask-assets
  • python2-flask-bootstrap
  • python2-flask-cache
  • python2-flask-classy
  • python2-flask-debugtoolbar
  • python2-flask-gravatar
  • python2-flask-htmlmin
  • python2-flask-images
  • python2-flask-lastuser
  • python2-flask-mako
  • python2-flask-oauth
  • python2-flask-paranoid
  • python2-flask-rstpages
  • python2-flask-security
  • python2-flask-whooshalchemy
  • python2-flask-whooshee
  • python2-flatland
  • python2-flatpak-module-tools
  • python2-flock
  • python2-fmn-rules
  • python2-fmn-web
  • python2-fn
  • python2-fontdump
  • python2-fontname
  • python2-forensic1394
  • python2-fsmonitor
  • python2-fts
  • python2-fuckit
  • python2-fuzzyfinder
  • python2-fuzzywuzzy
  • python2-gasp
  • python2-gatspy
  • python2-gccinvocation
  • python2-gd
  • python2-gdcm
  • python2-gdl
  • python2-gear
  • python2-genders
  • python2-gensim-addons
  • python2-gensim-core
  • python2-gensim-test
  • python2-geome
  • python2-geopandas
  • python2-geos
  • python2-gerrit
  • python2-gerrymander
  • python2-getdata
  • python2-gevent-socketio
  • python2-gfm
  • python2-ginga
  • python2-gitapi
  • python2-github3py
  • python2-gitlab
  • python2-glances
  • python2-glob2
  • python2-glusterfs-api
  • python2-glyphsLib
  • python2-gnocchiclient-tests
  • python2-gofer-amqp
  • python2-gofer-proton
  • python2-gofer-qpid
  • python2-googletrans
  • python2-gpod
  • python2-gpsd
  • python2-gr-iio
  • python2-grabbit
  • python2-grafyaml
  • python2-graphitesend
  • python2-grib_api
  • python2-grokmirror
  • python2-gstreamer-rtsp
  • python2-gtts
  • python2-guppy
  • python2-gzipstream
  • python2-halite
  • python2-hamlib
  • python2-heketi
  • python2-hexdump
  • python2-hgapi
  • python2-hivex
  • python2-hokuyoaist
  • python2-htmlgen
  • python2-httpwatcher
  • python2-i3ipc
  • python2-imdb
  • python2-importmagic
  • python2-influxdb
  • python2-inifile
  • python2-inlinestyler
  • python2-inotify_simple
  • python2-instant
  • python2-interfile
  • python2-invocations
  • python2-iowait
  • python2-ipgetter
  • python2-iptables
  • python2-ipyparallel-tests
  • python2-irawadi-user
  • python2-irclib
  • python2-iscsi-initiator-utils
  • python2-iso639
  • python2-isomd5sum
  • python2-isprelink
  • python2-ivi
  • python2-j1m.sphinxautointerface
  • python2-jabberpy
  • python2-jaydebeapi
  • python2-jcconv
  • python2-jellyfish
  • python2-jira
  • python2-jsmin
  • python2-jsmva
  • python2-jsonmodels
  • python2-jsonrpclib
  • python2-justbytes
  • python2-k8sclient
  • python2-kaptan
  • python2-kdcproxy
  • python2-keycloak-httpd-client-install
  • python2-keystoneclient-tests
  • python2-kgb
  • python2-klusta
  • python2-kobo-admin
  • python2-kobo-client
  • python2-kobo-django
  • python2-kobo-hub
  • python2-kobo-worker
  • python2-koji-cli-plugins
  • python2-koji-containerbuild-cli
  • python2-kolab
  • python2-krbcontext
  • python2-kubernetes
  • python2-kubernetes-tests
  • python2-lasagne
  • python2-lazr-config
  • python2-lazr-smtptest
  • python2-lazyarray
  • python2-lcm
  • python2-lcms2
  • python2-ldaphelper
  • python2-ldappool
  • python2-ldns
  • python2-ledger
  • python2-lesscpy
  • python2-lhapdf
  • python2-libarchive
  • python2-libarchive-c
  • python2-libcap-ng
  • python2-libconcord
  • python2-libdnet
  • python2-libemu
  • python2-libfreenect
  • python2-libftdi
  • python2-libhid
  • python2-libhocr
  • python2-libieee1284
  • python2-libiptcdata
  • python2-libkml
  • python2-liblinear
  • python2-libnl3
  • python2-libpoly
  • python2-libproxy
  • python2-libqutrub
  • python2-librosa
  • python2-libsbml
  • python2-libsedml
  • python2-libssh2
  • python2-libsvm
  • python2-libteam
  • python2-libtmux
  • python2-libusb1
  • python2-libwfut
  • python2-libxc
  • python2-lightblue
  • python2-lightbox
  • python2-lilv
  • python2-listquote
  • python2-livereload
  • python2-llfuse
  • python2-logbook
  • python2-logging-tree
  • python2-logzero
  • python2-louis
  • python2-lupa
  • python2-lxc
  • python2-ly
  • python2-lyricwiki
  • python2-lzo
  • python2-macaroons
  • python2-magnumclient-tests
  • python2-mapnik
  • python2-maps
  • python2-marathon
  • python2-markups
  • python2-marshmallow-enum
  • python2-martian
  • python2-mathgl
  • python2-matplotlib-gtk3
  • python2-mdp
  • python2-mecab
  • python2-med
  • python2-messaging
  • python2-metakernel-tests
  • python2-metar
  • python2-microversion-parse
  • python2-mimerender
  • python2-ming
  • python2-mlt
  • python2-mne
  • python2-molecule
  • python2-moose
  • python2-moss
  • python2-mpd
  • python2-mpd2
  • python2-mtg
  • python2-munkres
  • python2-music21
  • python2-mygpoclient
  • python2-myhdl
  • python2-mysql-debug
  • python2-naftawayh
  • python2-natsort
  • python2-nbxmpp
  • python2-ncclient
  • python2-neo
  • python2-neovim
  • python2-nest
  • python2-nest-mpich
  • python2-nest-openmpi
  • python2-netdiff
  • python2-netjsonconfig
  • python2-netlib
  • python2-netmiko
  • python2-networkx-drawing
  • python2-networkx-geo
  • python2-neutronclient-tests
  • python2-newt_syrup
  • python2-nixio
  • python2-nlopt
  • python2-nmap
  • python2-nmrglue
  • python2-nodeenv
  • python2-nose-parameterized
  • python2-novaclient-os-networks
  • python2-novaclient-os-virtual-interfaces
  • python2-nsdf
  • python2-ntplib
  • python2-num2words
  • python2-numdisplay
  • python2-octaviaclient-tests
  • python2-odcs-common
  • python2-odict
  • python2-ofxparse
  • python2-omniORB
  • python2-openfst
  • python2-openimageio
  • python2-openoffice
  • python2-openopt
  • python2-openqa_client
  • python2-openslide
  • python2-openstacksdk-tests
  • python2-optcomplete
  • python2-os-brick
  • python2-oslo-cache-tests
  • python2-oslo-concurrency-tests
  • python2-oslo-db-tests
  • python2-oslo-log-tests
  • python2-oslo-messaging-tests
  • python2-oslo-middleware-tests
  • python2-oslo-policy-tests
  • python2-oslo-privsep-tests
  • python2-oslo-reports-tests
  • python2-oslo-rootwrap-tests
  • python2-oslo-service-tests
  • python2-oslo-utils-tests
  • python2-oslo-versionedobjects-tests
  • python2-oslo-vmware
  • python2-oslo-vmware-tests
  • python2-osmium
  • python2-owfs
  • python2-pacpy
  • python2-pagure-dist-git
  • python2-paho-mqtt
  • python2-paida
  • python2-pamela
  • python2-pandas-datareader
  • python2-pankoclient-tests
  • python2-parallel-ssh
  • python2-partd
  • python2-pathspec
  • python2-patool
  • python2-pcp
  • python2-pdfkit
  • python2-pdir2
  • python2-pefile
  • python2-perf
  • python2-persist-queue
  • python2-petsc4py-mpich
  • python2-petsc4py-openmpi
  • python2-pg8000
  • python2-pgpdump
  • python2-pgu
  • python2-phabricator
  • python2-photutils
  • python2-piexif
  • python2-pjsua
  • python2-plaintable
  • python2-player
  • python2-pluginbase
  • python2-pluginlib
  • python2-plyvel
  • python2-pocketsphinx
  • python2-podcastparser
  • python2-pology
  • python2-poppler-qt4
  • python2-portmidi
  • python2-posix_ipc
  • python2-pottymouth
  • python2-power
  • python2-preludedb
  • python2-pretty
  • python2-proboscis
  • python2-profilehooks
  • python2-progress
  • python2-protocols
  • python2-psi
  • python2-psycogreen
  • python2-psycopg2-debug
  • python2-psycopg2-tests
  • python2-publicsuffix
  • python2-pulp-client-lib
  • python2-pulp-devel
  • python2-pulp-docker-common
  • python2-pulp-ostree-common
  • python2-pulp-puppet-common
  • python2-pulp-python-common
  • python2-pulp-rpm-common
  • python2-pungi
  • python2-py-bcrypt
  • python2-py2neo
  • python2-py2pack
  • python2-py4j
  • python2-py9p
  • python2-pyModbusTCP
  • python2-pyactivetwo
  • python2-pyaes
  • python2-pyarabic
  • python2-pybeam
  • python2-pybind11
  • python2-pybloomfiltermmap
  • python2-pycdlib
  • python2-pycryptodomex
  • python2-pydocstyle
  • python2-pyeclib
  • python2-pyephem
  • python2-pyev
  • python2-pyfits
  • python2-pygatt
  • python2-pygeoip
  • python2-pyghmi-tests
  • python2-pygrib
  • python2-pygsl
  • python2-pyhunspell
  • python2-pyinsane2
  • python2-pyjnius
  • python2-pyjokes
  • python2-pykalman
  • python2-pyke
  • python2-pykf5-kconfig
  • python2-pykka
  • python2-pykmip
  • python2-pylcdsysinfo
  • python2-pyliblo
  • python2-pylibmc
  • python2-pylons-sphinx-themes
  • python2-pymediainfo
  • python2-pymemcache
  • python2-pymilia
  • python2-pymoc
  • python2-pymodbus
  • python2-pymssql
  • python2-pymtp
  • python2-pyodbc
  • python2-pyopengl-tk
  • python2-pyoptical
  • python2-pyowm
  • python2-pypng
  • python2-pyprocdev
  • python2-pypubsub
  • python2-pyqtgraph
  • python2-pyrad
  • python2-pyramid-chameleon
  • python2-pyrax
  • python2-pyriemann
  • python2-pyro
  • python2-pyrpmmd
  • python2-pyrsistent
  • python2-pyrss2gen
  • python2-pyscard
  • python2-pyspf
  • python2-pystray
  • python2-pyswip
  • python2-pytaglib
  • python2-pytelegrambotapi
  • python2-pythia8
  • python2-pytorctl
  • python2-pyudev-glib
  • python2-pyudev-pyside
  • python2-pyudev-qt4
  • python2-pyudev-qt5
  • python2-pyudev-wx
  • python2-pyuv
  • python2-pyvfs
  • python2-pyvmomi
  • python2-pyvo
  • python2-pyx
  • python2-pyxid
  • python2-pyxs
  • python2-pyzabbix
  • python2-pyzolib
  • python2-q
  • python2-qalsadi
  • python2-qhexedit2
  • python2-qhexedit2-qt5
  • python2-qpid-messaging
  • python2-qrencode
  • python2-qt5-base
  • python2-qt5-webengine
  • python2-rabbitvcs
  • python2-rauth
  • python2-rcssmin
  • python2-rdkit
  • python2-re2
  • python2-recaptcha-client
  • python2-redland
  • python2-relatorio
  • python2-remctl
  • python2-repoze-what-quickstart
  • python2-represent
  • python2-requests-cache
  • python2-requests-gssapi
  • python2-rest-client
  • python2-restauth
  • python2-restructuredtext-lint
  • python2-restsh
  • python2-resultsdb_conventions
  • python2-resultsdb_conventions-fedora
  • python2-retryz
  • python2-rfc3987
  • python2-rhn-setup-gnome
  • python2-ripe-atlas-cousteau
  • python2-ripe-atlas-sagan
  • python2-ropemacs
  • python2-rows
  • python2-rpdb
  • python2-rpmdeplint
  • python2-rsd-lib-tests
  • python2-rsdclient-tests
  • python2-rsslib
  • python2-rstcheck
  • python2-rtkit
  • python2-rtslib
  • python2-rxjson
  • python2-saga
  • python2-samba-dc
  • python2-samba-test
  • python2-sanction
  • python2-schema
  • python2-scrapy
  • python2-scrypt
  • python2-sendgrid
  • python2-sep
  • python2-shadowsocks
  • python2-shogun
  • python2-shortuuid
  • python2-shout
  • python2-sievelib
  • python2-signalfd
  • python2-simplebayes
  • python2-simpleeval
  • python2-simpleparse
  • python2-simplepath
  • python2-simpy
  • python2-skf
  • python2-slackclient
  • python2-slip
  • python2-slip-gtk
  • python2-slowaes
  • python2-smbc
  • python2-smbpasswd
  • python2-snack
  • python2-soaplib
  • python2-social-auth
  • python2-socksipy
  • python2-softlayer
  • python2-solv
  • python2-sphinx-argparse
  • python2-sphinx-gallery
  • python2-sphinx-theme-py3doc-enhanced
  • python2-sphinxcontrib-actdiag
  • python2-sphinxcontrib-adadomain
  • python2-sphinxcontrib-apidoc
  • python2-sphinxcontrib-autoprogram
  • python2-sphinxcontrib-blockdiag
  • python2-sphinxcontrib-fulltoc
  • python2-sphinxcontrib-pecanwsme
  • python2-sphinxcontrib-phpdomain
  • python2-sphinxcontrib-seqdiag
  • python2-sphinxcontrib-spelling
  • python2-sphinxtrain
  • python2-spiffgtkwidgets
  • python2-sql
  • python2-sseclient
  • python2-ssh2-python
  • python2-sss
  • python2-sssdconfig
  • python2-staplelib
  • python2-stdnum
  • python2-stem
  • python2-stestr-sql
  • python2-stfl
  • python2-stp
  • python2-streamlink
  • python2-structlog
  • python2-sword
  • python2-systemd-coredump
  • python2-sysv_ipc
  • python2-tackerclient-tests-unit
  • python2-tag2distrepo
  • python2-tambo
  • python2-tashaphyne
  • python2-tasklib
  • python2-tbb
  • python2-tblib
  • python2-terminaltables
  • python2-texttable
  • python2-thriftpy
  • python2-tinycss2
  • python2-tinydb
  • python2-tinyrpc-tests
  • python2-tld
  • python2-tlsh
  • python2-tornadio2
  • python2-tortilla
  • python2-towncrier
  • python2-trademgen
  • python2-transtats-cli
  • python2-tre
  • python2-treq
  • python2-tw2-d3
  • python2-tw2-jqplugins-jqplot
  • python2-tw2-polymaps
  • python2-tw2-slideymenu
  • python2-twiggy
  • python2-twilio
  • python2-twitter
  • python2-txamqp
  • python2-txamqp-thrift
  • python2-txredisapi
  • python2-ucssdk
  • python2-uinput
  • python2-unicodenazi
  • python2-unidiff
  • python2-unipath
  • python2-units
  • python2-upoints
  • python2-uri-templates
  • python2-urjtag
  • python2-usbtmc
  • python2-uwsgidecorators
  • python2-v8
  • python2-validators
  • python2-vertica
  • python2-vips
  • python2-virtkey
  • python2-virtualenvcontext
  • python2-vkontakte
  • python2-volume_key
  • python2-vrpn
  • python2-walkdir
  • python2-wand
  • python2-weakrefmethod
  • python2-weasyprint
  • python2-webm
  • python2-webpy
  • python2-wikipedia
  • python2-wikitcms
  • python2-wikitools
  • python2-windtalker
  • python2-wiredtiger
  • python2-woffTools
  • python2-wokkel
  • python2-workerpool
  • python2-wsgilog
  • python2-wsgiproxy
  • python2-wtf-peewee
  • python2-www-authenticate
  • python2-wxpython-webview
  • python2-wxpython4
  • python2-wxpython4-media
  • python2-wxpython4-webview
  • python2-x2go
  • python2-xapp
  • python2-xapps-overrides
  • python2-xgoogle
  • python2-xklavier
  • python2-xml2rfc
  • python2-xmlbuilder
  • python2-xmlrunner
  • python2-xmlsec
  • python2-xmltramp
  • python2-xrootd
  • python2-xvfbwrapper
  • python2-yamlordereddictloader
  • python2-yapsy
  • python2-yara
  • python2-yattag
  • python2-yenc
  • python2-yourls
  • python2-yui
  • python2-z3
  • python2-zabbix-api-erigones
  • python2-zanata2fedmsg
  • python2-zeitgeist
  • python2-zict
  • python2-zinnia
  • python2-zipstream
  • python2-zookeeper
  • python2-zope-contenttype
  • python2-zope-datetime
  • python2-zope-dottedname
  • python2-zope-filerepresentation
  • python2-zope-i18n
  • python2-zope-processlifetime
  • python2-zope-proxy
  • python2-zope-sequencesort
  • python2-zope-structuredtext
  • pyvcs
  • pyxmlsec
  • qct-mercurial
  • qpid-tests
  • scitools
  • statscache-consumer
  • supybot-fedmsg
  • supybot-fedora
  • supybot-koji
  • synopsis-idl
  • system-config-keyboard-base
  • taboot-func
  • the-new-hotness
  • vdsm-api
  • vdsm-jsonrpc
  • vdsm-xmlrpc
  • vdsm-yajsonrpc
  • viewvc
  • wadofstuff-django-serializers
  • zbar-pygtk

Packages to remove when/if nothing depends on them

  • PyQt4
  • PyQt4-webkit
  • PyQwt
  • PyRTF
  • TurboGears
  • VMDKstream
  • bitfrost
  • bitfrost-sugar
  • dpm-python
  • gnome-python2
  • gnome-python2-bonobo
  • gnome-python2-canvas
  • gnome-python2-gconf
  • gnome-python2-gnome
  • gnome-python2-gnomekeyring
  • gnome-python2-gtkspell
  • gnome-python2-libegg
  • gnome-python2-libwnck
  • gnome-python2-rsvg
  • gnuplot-py
  • graphviz-python2
  • gwebsockets
  • hg-git
  • imagefactory-plugins
  • imagefactory-plugins-Docker
  • imagefactory-plugins-HyperV
  • imagefactory-plugins-IndirectionCloud
  • imagefactory-plugins-OVA
  • imagefactory-plugins-RHEVM
  • imagefactory-plugins-TinMan
  • imagefactory-plugins-ovfcommon
  • imagefactory-plugins-vSphere
  • lfc-python
  • m2crypto
  • nautilus-phatch
  • pyPdf
  • pybluez
  • pycdio
  • pychart
  • pyexiv2
  • pyfribidi
  • pygrace
  • pygtk2-libglade
  • pygtkglext
  • pygtksourceview
  • pylibacl
  • pyliblzma
  • pyorbit
  • pypoppler
  • python-jabberbot
  • python-pylons
  • python-rados
  • python-rbd
  • python-webtest1.3
  • python2-Automat
  • python2-BTrees
  • python2-Bottleneck
  • python2-CommonMark
  • python2-Cython
  • python2-GeoIP
  • python2-GitPython
  • python2-GnuPGInterface
  • python2-GridDataFormats
  • python2-IPy
  • python2-Levenshtein
  • python2-PyDrive
  • python2-PyMySQL
  • python2-PyPDF2
  • python2-PyXB
  • python2-QtAwesome
  • python2-QtPy
  • python2-ROPGadget
  • python2-SecretStorage
  • python2-Traits
  • python2-TurboGears2
  • python2-WSGIProxy2
  • python2-XStatic
  • python2-XStatic-Bootstrap-SCSS
  • python2-XStatic-DataTables
  • python2-XStatic-Patternfly
  • python2-XStatic-Patternfly-Bootstrap-Treeview
  • python2-XStatic-jQuery
  • python2-ZODB3
  • python2-aaargh
  • python2-abiword
  • python2-acme
  • python2-acoustid
  • python2-adal
  • python2-adns
  • python2-affine
  • python2-affinity
  • python2-agate
  • python2-agate-dbf
  • python2-agate-excel
  • python2-agate-sql
  • python2-alsa
  • python2-amqp
  • python2-aniso8601
  • python2-antlr
  • python2-anyconfig
  • python2-anyjson
  • python2-anykeystore
  • python2-anymarkup
  • python2-anymarkup-core
  • python2-apipkg
  • python2-appdirs
  • python2-appindicator
  • python2-application
  • python2-apptools
  • python2-apsw
  • python2-argh
  • python2-arrow
  • python2-asn1crypto
  • python2-astroML
  • python2-astroid
  • python2-astropy
  • python2-astropy-helpers
  • python2-astroscrappy
  • python2-asttokens
  • python2-atomicwrites
  • python2-attrs
  • python2-audioread
  • python2-audit
  • python2-augeas
  • python2-autobahn
  • python2-automaton
  • python2-azure-sdk
  • python2-babel
  • python2-babelfish
  • python2-backlash
  • python2-backports
  • python2-backports-functools_lru_cache
  • python2-backports-lzma
  • python2-backports-shutil_get_terminal_size
  • python2-backports-shutil_which
  • python2-backports-ssl_match_hostname
  • python2-backports_abc
  • python2-basemap
  • python2-bcrypt
  • python2-beaker
  • python2-beanbag
  • python2-beautifulsoup
  • python2-beautifulsoup4
  • python2-bibtex
  • python2-billiard
  • python2-binaryornot
  • python2-binstruct
  • python2-biopython
  • python2-bitarray
  • python2-bitlyapi
  • python2-bitstruct
  • python2-bleach
  • python2-blessed
  • python2-blessings
  • python2-blinker
  • python2-blist
  • python2-blockdev
  • python2-blockdiag-devel
  • python2-blosc
  • python2-boto
  • python2-boto3
  • python2-botocore
  • python2-bottle
  • python2-breathe
  • python2-brial
  • python2-brotli
  • python2-bson
  • python2-bugzilla
  • python2-bunch
  • python2-cached_property
  • python2-cachetools
  • python2-cairo
  • python2-cairocffi
  • python2-canonicaljson
  • python2-capstone
  • python2-cassandra-driver
  • python2-catkin-sphinx
  • python2-cccolutils
  • python2-cddb
  • python2-cerberus
  • python2-certifi
  • python2-cffi
  • python2-chai
  • python2-chameleon
  • python2-cheetah
  • python2-cherrypy2
  • python2-chm
  • python2-cjson
  • python2-clang
  • python2-cliapp
  • python2-click
  • python2-click-completion
  • python2-click-man
  • python2-click-plugins
  • python2-cligj
  • python2-cloudfiles
  • python2-cloudflare
  • python2-cloudpickle
  • python2-cmd2
  • python2-cmdln
  • python2-cmk
  • python2-colander
  • python2-collada
  • python2-colorama
  • python2-colorclass
  • python2-configargparse
  • python2-configobj
  • python2-configparser
  • python2-constantly
  • python2-construct
  • python2-contextlib2
  • python2-cookiecutter
  • python2-cookies
  • python2-cornice
  • python2-cornice-sphinx
  • python2-cov-core
  • python2-coverage-test-runner
  • python2-cpopen
  • python2-cracklib
  • python2-crank
  • python2-createrepo_c
  • python2-crypto
  • python2-cryptography
  • python2-cryptography-vectors
  • python2-cryptominisat
  • python2-cssmin
  • python2-cssselect
  • python2-cssutils
  • python2-cups
  • python2-curtsies
  • python2-cvxopt
  • python2-cycler
  • python2-cypari2
  • python2-cypari2-devel
  • python2-cysignals-devel
  • python2-cytoolz
  • python2-daemon
  • python2-daemonize
  • python2-datanommer-consumer
  • python2-datanommer-models
  • python2-dateutil
  • python2-dateutil15
  • python2-dbfread
  • python2-dbus
  • python2-dbusmock
  • python2-ddt
  • python2-debian
  • python2-debtcollector
  • python2-decorator
  • python2-decoratortools
  • python2-defcon
  • python2-defusedxml
  • python2-deltarpm
  • python2-deprecation
  • python2-descartes
  • python2-dict-sorted
  • python2-dictclient
  • python2-digitalocean
  • python2-dingus
  • python2-dirq
  • python2-distro-info
  • python2-distroinfo
  • python2-distutils-extra
  • python2-django-tagging
  • python2-dmidecode
  • python2-dns
  • python2-docker
  • python2-docker-pycreds
  • python2-docker-squash
  • python2-dockerfile-parse
  • python2-docopt
  • python2-docutils
  • python2-dominate
  • python2-dpath
  • python2-dpkt
  • python2-dropbox
  • python2-dtopt
  • python2-dulwich
  • python2-easygui
  • python2-ecdsa
  • python2-editor
  • python2-egenix-mx-base
  • python2-elements
  • python2-elfdata
  • python2-elixir
  • python2-empy
  • python2-enchant
  • python2-enlighten
  • python2-entrypoints
  • python2-enum
  • python2-enum34
  • python2-envisage
  • python2-enzyme
  • python2-et_xmlfile
  • python2-ethtool
  • python2-eventlet
  • python2-execnet
  • python2-extras
  • python2-eyed3
  • python2-f5-icontrol-rest
  • python2-fabulous
  • python2-factory-boy
  • python2-fadvise
  • python2-faker
  • python2-fastavro
  • python2-fastcache
  • python2-fasteners
  • python2-fastimport
  • python2-faulthandler
  • python2-fauxquests
  • python2-fedfind
  • python2-fedora
  • python2-fedora-flask
  • python2-fedora-turbogears
  • python2-feedgen
  • python2-feedparser
  • python2-fiona
  • python2-fixtures
  • python2-flask-admin
  • python2-flask-babel
  • python2-flask-babelex
  • python2-flask-httpauth
  • python2-flask-login
  • python2-flask-mail
  • python2-flask-multistatic
  • python2-flask-openid
  • python2-flask-principal
  • python2-flask-restful
  • python2-flask-script
  • python2-flask-silk
  • python2-flask-sqlalchemy
  • python2-flask-wtf
  • python2-flask-xml-rpc
  • python2-flexmock
  • python2-flickrapi
  • python2-fluidity-sm
  • python2-flup
  • python2-fmf
  • python2-fontMath
  • python2-fonttools
  • python2-formats
  • python2-formencode
  • python2-fpylll
  • python2-freetype
  • python2-freezegun
  • python2-frozen-flask
  • python2-frozendict
  • python2-fudge
  • python2-funcparserlib
  • python2-funcsigs
  • python2-functools32
  • python2-fuse
  • python2-futures
  • python2-futurist
  • python2-gamin
  • python2-gammu
  • python2-gattlib
  • python2-gdata
  • python2-genmsg
  • python2-genshi
  • python2-geojson
  • python2-gerritlib
  • python2-gexiv2
  • python2-gfal2
  • python2-gitdb
  • python2-gluster
  • python2-gmpy2
  • python2-gnupg
  • python2-gnutls
  • python2-gobject
  • python2-gobject-base
  • python2-gofer
  • python2-google-api-client
  • python2-google-apputils
  • python2-google-auth
  • python2-gpg
  • python2-grapefruit
  • python2-graphviz
  • python2-greenlet
  • python2-gsd
  • python2-gssapi
  • python2-gtkextra
  • python2-gtts-token
  • python2-guessit
  • python2-h2
  • python2-h5io
  • python2-h5py
  • python2-hamcrest
  • python2-hawkey
  • python2-hdfs
  • python2-healpy
  • python2-heapdict
  • python2-hglib
  • python2-hidapi
  • python2-hippo-canvas
  • python2-hl7
  • python2-hpack
  • python2-html5-parser
  • python2-html5lib
  • python2-htmlmin
  • python2-httmock
  • python2-http-client
  • python2-http-parser
  • python2-httpbin
  • python2-httplib2
  • python2-httpretty
  • python2-humblewx
  • python2-hupper
  • python2-husl
  • python2-hwdata
  • python2-hyperframe
  • python2-hyperlink
  • python2-icalendar
  • python2-idna
  • python2-imagesize
  • python2-imgcreate
  • python2-incremental
  • python2-inflect
  • python2-iniparse
  • python2-intervaltree
  • python2-ioprocess
  • python2-ipa-desktop-profile-client
  • python2-ipaclient
  • python2-ipaddr
  • python2-ipaddress
  • python2-ipalib
  • python2-ipython-sphinx
  • python2-ipython_genutils
  • python2-iso-639
  • python2-iso3166
  • python2-iso8601
  • python2-isodate
  • python2-itsdangerous
  • python2-jdcal
  • python2-jedi
  • python2-jenkins
  • python2-jinja2
  • python2-jinja2-time
  • python2-jinja2_pluralize
  • python2-joblib
  • python2-josepy
  • python2-jpype
  • python2-json-logger
  • python2-jsonpath-rw
  • python2-jsonpath-rw-ext
  • python2-jsonpickle
  • python2-junit_xml
  • python2-jupyter-client
  • python2-jupyter-core
  • python2-justbases
  • python2-jwcrypto
  • python2-jwt
  • python2-kafka
  • python2-kajiki
  • python2-kazoo
  • python2-kerberos
  • python2-keybinder
  • python2-keyczar
  • python2-kickstart
  • python2-kitchen
  • python2-kiwisolver
  • python2-kmod
  • python2-kobo
  • python2-kobo-rpmlib
  • python2-koji
  • python2-kolabformat
  • python2-kombu
  • python2-krbv
  • python2-langtable
  • python2-lash
  • python2-lasso
  • python2-latexcodec
  • python2-lazr-delegates
  • python2-lazy-object-proxy
  • python2-lcms
  • python2-ldap
  • python2-ldap3
  • python2-ldaptor
  • python2-leather
  • python2-lexicon
  • python2-libcloud
  • python2-libcnml
  • python2-libcomps
  • python2-libdiscid
  • python2-libdnf
  • python2-libfdt
  • python2-libguestfs
  • python2-libipa_hbac
  • python2-libnacl
  • python2-libpagure
  • python2-librepo
  • python2-librtfcomp
  • python2-libselinux
  • python2-libsemanage
  • python2-libsss_nss_idmap
  • python2-libturpial
  • python2-libuser
  • python2-libvirt
  • python2-libxml2
  • python2-libxslt
  • python2-linecache2
  • python2-linux-procfs
  • python2-lit
  • python2-lldb
  • python2-lmdb
  • python2-locket
  • python2-lockfile
  • python2-logutils
  • python2-lxml
  • python2-lz4
  • python2-m2ext
  • python2-m2r
  • python2-magic
  • python2-mailer
  • python2-manuel
  • python2-markupsafe
  • python2-marrow-util
  • python2-marshmallow
  • python2-matplotlib
  • python2-matplotlib-gtk
  • python2-matplotlib-qt4
  • python2-matplotlib-qt5
  • python2-matplotlib-test-data
  • python2-matplotlib-tk
  • python2-matplotlib-wx
  • python2-matrix-synapse-ldap3
  • python2-mechanize
  • python2-meld3
  • python2-memcached
  • python2-metakernel
  • python2-mimeparse
  • python2-minibelt
  • python2-minimock
  • python2-miniupnpc
  • python2-mistune
  • python2-mmdzanata
  • python2-mmtf
  • python2-mock
  • python2-modestmaps
  • python2-moksha-common
  • python2-mongoengine
  • python2-mongoquery
  • python2-monotonic
  • python2-more-itertools
  • python2-mox
  • python2-mox3
  • python2-mpi4py-mpich
  • python2-mpi4py-openmpi
  • python2-mpich
  • python2-mpmath
  • python2-msgpack
  • python2-msrest
  • python2-msrestazure
  • python2-multi_key_dict
  • python2-multilib
  • python2-munch
  • python2-musicbrainzngs
  • python2-mutagen
  • python2-mutatormath
  • python2-mwclient
  • python2-myghty
  • python2-mysql
  • python2-mysql-connector
  • python2-nbformat
  • python2-ndg_httpsclient
  • python2-nectar
  • python2-neo4j-driver
  • python2-neotime
  • python2-netcdf4
  • python2-netifaces
  • python2-networkx-core
  • python2-newt
  • python2-nine
  • python2-nltk
  • python2-notario
  • python2-notebook
  • python2-notmuch
  • python2-nototools
  • python2-nss
  • python2-ntlm-auth
  • python2-ntlm3
  • python2-numexpr
  • python2-numpydoc
  • python2-oasa
  • python2-oauth
  • python2-oauth2
  • python2-oauth2client
  • python2-oauthlib
  • python2-odcs-client
  • python2-odfpy
  • python2-offtrac
  • python2-okaara
  • python2-olefile
  • python2-olpcgames
  • python2-openbabel
  • python2-opencv
  • python2-openid
  • python2-openid-cla
  • python2-openid-teams
  • python2-openidc-client
  • python2-openmpi
  • python2-openpyxl
  • python2-openstackdocstheme
  • python2-openstacksdk
  • python2-openvswitch
  • python2-ordered-set
  • python2-orderedset
  • python2-os-client-config
  • python2-os-service-types
  • python2-os-testr
  • python2-os-win
  • python2-osc-lib
  • python2-osc-lib-tests
  • python2-oslo-context
  • python2-oslo-i18n
  • python2-oslo-serialization
  • python2-oslo-serialization-tests
  • python2-oslo-sphinx
  • python2-oslo-utils
  • python2-osrf-pycommon
  • python2-ovirt-engine-sdk
  • python2-owslib
  • python2-packaging
  • python2-pam
  • python2-pandas
  • python2-pandocfilters
  • python2-paramiko
  • python2-parse
  • python2-parse_type
  • python2-parsedatetime
  • python2-parsel
  • python2-parsley
  • python2-parso
  • python2-passlib
  • python2-paste
  • python2-paste-deploy
  • python2-path
  • python2-pathlib
  • python2-pathlib2
  • python2-pathtools
  • python2-patsy
  • python2-pcapy
  • python2-pdc-client
  • python2-pdfrw
  • python2-peak-rules
  • python2-peak-util-addons
  • python2-peak-util-assembler
  • python2-peak-util-extremes
  • python2-peak-util-symbols
  • python2-peewee
  • python2-persistent
  • python2-pexpect
  • python2-phonenumbers
  • python2-pickleshare
  • python2-pika
  • python2-pika-pool
  • python2-pillow
  • python2-pillow-qt
  • python2-pillow-tk
  • python2-pivy
  • python2-pkgconfig
  • python2-pkgwat-api
  • python2-plaster
  • python2-pluggy
  • python2-plumbum
  • python2-ply
  • python2-pmw
  • python2-polib
  • python2-policycoreutils
  • python2-portalocker
  • python2-positional
  • python2-poyo
  • python2-prelude
  • python2-pretend
  • python2-prettytable
  • python2-priority
  • python2-process-tests
  • python2-productmd
  • python2-progressbar
  • python2-prometheus_client
  • python2-prompt_toolkit
  • python2-protobuf
  • python2-psphere
  • python2-psutil
  • python2-psycopg2
  • python2-pthreading
  • python2-ptyprocess
  • python2-pulp-bindings
  • python2-pwquality
  • python2-py
  • python2-py-radix
  • python2-pyOpenSSL
  • python2-pyasn1
  • python2-pyasn1-modules
  • python2-pyatspi
  • python2-pyaudio
  • python2-pybox2d
  • python2-pycadf
  • python2-pycares
  • python2-pycha
  • python2-pyclipper
  • python2-pycosat
  • python2-pycparser
  • python2-pycurl
  • python2-pydenticon
  • python2-pydispatcher
  • python2-pydns
  • python2-pydot
  • python2-pydotplus
  • python2-pyftpdlib
  • python2-pygal
  • python2-pygame
  • python2-pygit2
  • python2-pygithub
  • python2-pyglet
  • python2-pygments
  • python2-pygraphviz
  • python2-pygresql
  • python2-pyicu
  • python2-pylast
  • python2-pylibravatar
  • python2-pymacaroons-pynacl
  • python2-pymilter
  • python2-pymongo
  • python2-pymongo-gridfs
  • python2-pynacl
  • python2-pyngus
  • python2-pyopengl
  • python2-pyotp
  • python2-pypam
  • python2-pypandoc
  • python2-pyparsing
  • python2-pyparted
  • python2-pyperclip
  • python2-pyphen
  • python2-pyproj
  • python2-pyqt4-sip
  • python2-pyqt5-sip
  • python2-pyquery
  • python2-pyramid-fas-openid
  • python2-pyramid-mako
  • python2-pyramid-tm
  • python2-pyrfc3339
  • python2-pyroute2
  • python2-pyrtlsdr
  • python2-pysendfile
  • python2-pyshp
  • python2-pysnmp
  • python2-pysocks
  • python2-pysrt
  • python2-pystatgrab
  • python2-pysvn
  • python2-pytest-fixture-config
  • python2-pytest-runner
  • python2-pytimeparse
  • python2-pytrailer
  • python2-pytz
  • python2-pyudev
  • python2-pyusb
  • python2-pywebdav
  • python2-pywt
  • python2-pyxattr
  • python2-pyxdg
  • python2-pyyaml
  • python2-qpid-proton
  • python2-qpid-qmf
  • python2-qrcode
  • python2-qrcode-core
  • python2-qserve
  • python2-qt5-webkit
  • python2-qtconsole
  • python2-quantities
  • python2-queuelib
  • python2-random2
  • python2-rapi
  • python2-rarfile
  • python2-rebulk
  • python2-redis
  • python2-regex
  • python2-releases
  • python2-remoto
  • python2-rencode
  • python2-reportlab
  • python2-repoze-lru
  • python2-repoze-sphinx-autointerface
  • python2-repoze-tm2
  • python2-repoze-what
  • python2-repoze-what-plugins-sql
  • python2-repoze-who
  • python2-repoze-who-friendlyform
  • python2-repoze-who-plugins-sa
  • python2-repoze-who-testutil
  • python2-reproject
  • python2-requestbuilder
  • python2-requests
  • python2-requests-file
  • python2-requests-kerberos
  • python2-requests-oauthlib
  • python2-requests-toolbelt
  • python2-requests_ntlm
  • python2-requestsexceptions
  • python2-responses
  • python2-restauth-common
  • python2-resultsdb_api
  • python2-retask
  • python2-retrying
  • python2-rfc3986
  • python2-rhnlib
  • python2-rjsmin
  • python2-rmtest
  • python2-roman
  • python2-rope
  • python2-ropemode
  • python2-rosdep
  • python2-rosinstall
  • python2-routes
  • python2-rpm
  • python2-rpmfluff
  • python2-rra
  • python2-rrdtool
  • python2-rsd-lib
  • python2-rtree
  • python2-ruamel-ordereddict
  • python2-ruamel-yaml
  • python2-s3transfer
  • python2-sane
  • python2-sanlock
  • python2-saslwrapper
  • python2-scales
  • python2-scandir
  • python2-schedutils
  • python2-scikit-image
  • python2-scikit-learn
  • python2-scipy
  • python2-scour
  • python2-scp
  • python2-scriptaculous
  • python2-scripttest
  • python2-seaborn
  • python2-selenium
  • python2-semantic_version
  • python2-send2trash
  • python2-service-identity
  • python2-setools
  • python2-setproctitle
  • python2-sexy
  • python2-sh
  • python2-shapely
  • python2-sieve
  • python2-signedjson
  • python2-simplegeneric
  • python2-simplejson
  • python2-simplemediawiki
  • python2-simpletal
  • python2-simplewrap
  • python2-singledispatch
  • python2-sip
  • python2-six
  • python2-slip-dbus
  • python2-smartcols
  • python2-smmap
  • python2-snappy
  • python2-snowballstemmer
  • python2-snuggs
  • python2-socketIO-client
  • python2-socketpool
  • python2-sockjs-tornado
  • python2-sortedcontainers
  • python2-speaklater
  • python2-sphinx-bootstrap-theme
  • python2-sphinx-testing
  • python2-sphinx-theme-alabaster
  • python2-sphinx_rtd_theme
  • python2-sphinxbase
  • python2-sphinxcontrib-bibtex
  • python2-sphinxcontrib-cheeseshop
  • python2-sphinxcontrib-httpdomain
  • python2-sphinxcontrib-issuetracker
  • python2-sphinxcontrib-programoutput
  • python2-sphinxcontrib-websupport
  • python2-sphinxtesters
  • python2-spur
  • python2-spyder-kernels
  • python2-sqlalchemy
  • python2-sqlalchemy-utils
  • python2-sqlalchemy_schemadisplay
  • python2-sqlite3dbm
  • python2-sqlobject
  • python2-sqlparse
  • python2-squaremap
  • python2-sss-murmur
  • python2-statistics
  • python2-statsd
  • python2-statsmodels
  • python2-stomper
  • python2-stomppy
  • python2-straight-plugin
  • python2-strainer
  • python2-stuf
  • python2-subprocess32
  • python2-subscription-manager-rhsm
  • python2-subunit
  • python2-subversion
  • python2-subvertpy
  • python2-suds
  • python2-sudsds
  • python2-supersmoother
  • python2-sure
  • python2-sushy
  • python2-sushy-tests
  • python2-svg
  • python2-svg-path
  • python2-systemd
  • python2-tables
  • python2-tablib
  • python2-tabulate
  • python2-tdb
  • python2-telepathy
  • python2-tempdir
  • python2-tempita
  • python2-tenacity
  • python2-termcolor
  • python2-terminado
  • python2-test
  • python2-testcloud
  • python2-testpath
  • python2-testresources
  • python2-testscenarios
  • python2-testtools
  • python2-tevent
  • python2-textfsm
  • python2-tgext-admin
  • python2-tgext-crud
  • python2-tgmochikit
  • python2-theano
  • python2-tidy
  • python2-tinycss
  • python2-tinyrpc
  • python2-tkinter
  • python2-tldextract
  • python2-toml
  • python2-toolz
  • python2-tornado
  • python2-tqdm
  • python2-traceback2
  • python2-tracer
  • python2-tracing
  • python2-traitlets
  • python2-transaction
  • python2-translationstring
  • python2-tree-format
  • python2-trollius
  • python2-ttystatus
  • python2-turbocheetah
  • python2-turbojson
  • python2-turbokid
  • python2-tw2-core
  • python2-tw2-dynforms
  • python2-tw2-excanvas
  • python2-tw2-forms
  • python2-tw2-jit
  • python2-tw2-jqplugins-flot
  • python2-tw2-jqplugins-gritter
  • python2-tw2-jqplugins-ui
  • python2-tw2-jquery
  • python2-tw2-sqla
  • python2-twine
  • python2-txaio
  • python2-txsocksx
  • python2-txws
  • python2-txzmq
  • python2-typing
  • python2-tzlocal
  • python2-ufolib
  • python2-ujson
  • python2-unbound
  • python2-unicodecsv
  • python2-unicorn
  • python2-unidecode
  • python2-unpaddedbase64
  • python2-uritemplate
  • python2-urllib-gssapi
  • python2-urllib2_kerberos
  • python2-urllib3
  • python2-urwid
  • python2-urwidtrees
  • python2-utmp
  • python2-vatnumber
  • python2-vcrpy
  • python2-vcstools
  • python2-velruse
  • python2-venusian
  • python2-vine
  • python2-virtualenv
  • python2-virtualenv-api
  • python2-virtualenv-clone
  • python2-virtualenv-python26
  • python2-visitor
  • python2-visvis
  • python2-vobject
  • python2-voluptuous
  • python2-w3lib
  • python2-waitress
  • python2-warlock
  • python2-wcwidth
  • python2-webcolors
  • python2-webencodings
  • python2-weberror
  • python2-webhelpers
  • python2-webob
  • python2-websocket-client
  • python2-websockify
  • python2-webtest
  • python2-werkzeug
  • python2-whichcraft
  • python2-whisper
  • python2-whitenoise
  • python2-whoosh
  • python2-wifi
  • python2-winrm
  • python2-wrapt
  • python2-wsaccel
  • python2-wsgi_intercept
  • python2-wtforms
  • python2-xapian
  • python2-xlib
  • python2-xlrd
  • python2-xlwt
  • python2-xmltodict
  • python2-xmpp
  • python2-xpyb
  • python2-xunitparser
  • python2-yubico
  • python2-zake
  • python2-zbase32
  • python2-zc-customdoctests
  • python2-zc-lockfile
  • python2-zmq
  • python2-zmq-tests
  • python2-zodbpickle
  • python2-zope-component
  • python2-zope-configuration
  • python2-zope-deprecation
  • python2-zope-event
  • python2-zope-exceptions
  • python2-zope-i18nmessageid
  • python2-zope-interface
  • python2-zope-schema
  • python2-zope-sqlalchemy
  • python2-zope-testing
  • pyttsx
  • rb_libtorrent-python2
  • sphinx-webtools
  • sugar-base
  • supybot-meetbot
  • yum-metadata-parser

This has been created with: portingdb.

(Note that the list can be updated when certain depndencies are dropped or no longer valid.)