From Fedora Project Wiki

🔗 Guidelines for Configuring Lists

This page tries to capture the normal and expected behavior of Fedora mailing lists, then turn that into a set of guidelines. Following these guidelines should help make your list sane and safe for list inhabitants.

Setting guidelines means choosing configurations that may not be popular. For example, reply-to munging, where the reply-to field is set automatically to the address of the given mailing list. These guidelines are following the expected behavior of a Fedora mailing list, as set by existing tradition that grew organically.

Any of these guidelines can change for environmental reasons. For example, a private list would follow the guidelines differently.

1. Configure at least two administrators for the mailing list. 1. Require subscribers to Confirm their subscription via email reply. 1. Make certain the archives are set to public. 1. Configure the reply-to to send replies to the mailing list. 1. Set the subscribers list to be hidden to all but the list administrators. 1. Remove the mailing list name from the subject line (a.k.a. subject line junk ).