This page contains a variety of statistics about Fedora's usage. It was last updated on 2007-06-27.
Fedora 7 (Moonshine)
Moonshine was released on 2007-05-31.
Yum Data
Connections to yum | ||||
Week | Dates | New Unique IPs | Total Unique IPs | Total compared to Zod |
Week 1 | 2007-05-31 -- 2007-06-06 | 70,254 | 70,254 | 81% |
Week 2 | 2007-06-07 -- 2007-06-13 | 88,493 | 158,747 | 91% |
Week 3 | 2007-06-14 -- 2007-06-20 | 78,835 | 237,582 | 89% |
Week 4 | 2007-06-21 -- 2007-06-27 | 65,153 | 302,735 | 79% |
28 days have elapsed since we released Moonshine, which is 4 weeks.
- New registrations per week (average) -- 75,683
- New registrations per day (average) -- 10,811
- New registrations per minute (average) -- 7.5
Accuracy of metrics
The numbers above for yum represent unique IP addresses that reach our update server, not simple downloads. We believe it is reasonable to equate a "new IP address checking in" with "a new installation of Fedora", with the following caveats:
1. Users who have dynamic IP addresses will likely be counted multiple times, which inflates the number by some amount. 1. Users who are behind NAT, corporate proxies, or who rsync updates to a local mirror before updating will not be counted at all.
The anecdotal evidence that we receive from different groups, companies, and organizations suggests that group (2) is significantly larger than group (1). As such, we believe that the true numbers in the field are higher than the numbers on this page.
Smolt Data
Smolt is Fedora's hardware profiling project. It is an opt-in database that tracks unique installations of Fedora, and various details about that install. People who install to runlevel 5 will be able to opt-in during firstboot, but people who install to runlevel 3 will have to install the smolt client via yum and manually register.
Registrations to smolt | ||||
Week | Dates | New registrations | Total Registrations | Total compared to yum
Week 1 | 2007-05-31 -- 2007-06-06 | 16,634 | 16,634 | 24% |
Week 2 | 2007-06-07 -- 2007-06-13 | 12,159 | 28,793 | 18% |
Week 3 | 2007-06-14 -- 2007-06-20 | 9,015 | 37,808 | 16% |
Week 4 | 2007-06-21 -- 2007-06-27 | 6,382 | 44,190 | 14% |
28 days have elapsed since we released Moonshine, which is 4 weeks.
- New registrations per week (average) -- 11,047
- New registrations per day (average) -- 1,578
- New registrations per minute (average) -- 1.1
The following table shows the number of downloads that have been made over bittorrent.
Downloads from bittorrent | |||
Period | Bordeaux (FC5) | Zod (FC6) | Moonshine (F7) |
2006-03-20 -- 2007-04-06 | 228,515 | 228,552 | n/a |
2007-05-31 -- present | n/a | n/a | 106,310 |
Zod reached the same number of bittorrent downloads that Bordeaux had received on 2007-04-06, 165 days after Zod's release and 384 days after Bordeaux's release. unique visitors visitors | |
Period | Unique IPs |
August 2006 | 319,090 |
September 2006 | 271,606 |
October 2006 | 659,664 |
November 2006 | 503,876 |
December 2006 | 401,676 |
January 2007 | 443,859 |
February 2007 | 332,263 |
March 2007 | 259,754 |
April 2007 | 622,364 |
May 2007 | 704,486 |
Fedora Core 6 (Zod)
Zod was released on 2006-10-24.
1 million installs on day 74 (2007-01-05, about 2.5 months after release)
2 million installs on day 133 (2007-03-05, about 4.5 months after release)
Yum Data
Connections to yum | |||
Week | Dates | New Unique IPs | Total Unique IPs |
Week 1 | 2006-10-24 -- 2006-10-30 | 86,266 | 86,266 |
Week 2 | 2006-10-31 -- 2006-11-06 | 87,569 | 173,835 |
Week 3 | 2006-11-07 -- 2006-11-13 | 93,101 | 266,936 |
Week 4+ | 2006-11-14 -- 2006-11-21 | 115,307 | 382,243 |
Week 5+ | 2006-11-22 -- 2006-11-28 | 84,822 | 467,065 |
Week 6+ | 2006-11-29 -- 2006-12-05 | 99,912 | 566,977 |
Week 7+ | 2006-12-06 -- 2006-12-12 | 96,167 | 663,144 |
Week 8+ | 2006-12-13 -- 2006-12-21 | 130,237 | 793,381 |
Week 9+ | 2006-12-22 -- 2006-12-29 | 106,032 | 899,413 |
Week 10+ | 2006-12-30 -- 2007-01-05 | 105,784 | 1,005,197 |
Week 11 | 2007-01-06 -- 2007-01-08 | 60,349 | 1,065,546 |
Week 12 | 2007-01-09 -- 2007-01-15 | 96,322 | 1,161,868 |
Week 13 | 2007-01-16 -- 2007-01-22 | 109,900 | 1,271,768 |
Week 14 | 2007-01-23 -- 2007-01-29 | 116,123 | 1,387,891 |
Week 15 | 2007-01-30 -- 2007-02-05 | 117,937 | 1,505,828 |
Week 16 | 2007-02-06 -- 2007-02-12 | 121,886 | 1,627,714 |
Week 17 | 2007-02-13 -- 2007-02-19 | 122,473 | 1,750,187 |
Week 18-19 | 2007-02-20 -- 2007-03-05 | 243,307 | 1,993,494 |
Week 20 | 2007-03-06 -- 2007-03-12 | 128,763 | 2,122,257 |
Week 21 | 2007-03-13 -- 2007-03-19 | 121,467 | 2,243,724 |
Week 22+ | 2007-03-20 -- 2007-03-27 | 154,824 | 2,398,548 |
Week 23+ | 2007-03-28 -- 2007-04-05 | 153,391 | 2,552,139 |
Week 24-25 | 2007-04-06 -- 2007-04-16 | 184,644 | 2,736,783 |
Week 26 | 2007-04-17 -- 2007-04-23 | 128,092 | 2,864,875 |
182 days since the release of Zod, which is 26 weeks, the following average numbers were calculated:
- New IP addresses per week (average) -- 110,187
- New IP addresses per day (average) -- 15,741
- New IP addresses per minute (average) -- 10.9
- (Smolt announcement)
- (2 million fc6 installs)
- (Slashdot story on Fedora metrics)
- (1 million fc6 installs)
- (10000 FC6 downloads in five hours)