From Fedora Project Wiki
==International Language Support==

This section includes information on language support under Fedora.

🔗 Language Coverage

🔗 Language Support Installation

To install additional language support from the Languages group, use Pirut via Applications > Add/Remove Software, or run this command:

su -c 'yum groupinstall <language>-support'

In the command above, <language> is one of assamese, bengali, chinese, gujarati, hindi, japanese, kannada, korean, malayalam, marathi, oriya, punjabi, sinhala, tamil, telegu, or thai.

Users upgrading from earlier releases of Fedora are strongly recommended to install scim-bridge-gtk, which works well with third-party C++ applications linked against older versions of libstdc++.

If you just want to install SCIM support to input a particular language you can instead just install scim-lang-<lang>, where <lang> is one of assamese, bengali, chinese, dhivehi, farsi, gujarati, hindi, japanese, kannada, korean, latin, malayalam, marathi, oriya, punjabi, sinhalese, tamil, telugu, thai, tibetan.

🔗 Transifex

This release features Transifex , a newly developed tool designed to ease the process of contributing translations to projects hosted on remote and disparate various version control systems. Transifex has been used by core packages of this release to receive translations from numerous contributors.

Through a combination of new Web tools , community growth, and better processes, translators can use new Fedora Web-based tools to contribute directly to any upstream project, large or small, through one translator-oriented Web interface. Developers of projects with no existing translation community can easily reach out to Fedora's established community for translations. In turn, the latter can reach out to numerous projects related to Fedora to easily contribute translations.

🔗 Fonts

Fonts for Chinese/ Japanese, Korean, and some Indic scripts are now installed by default. The following changes also appear in Fedora Template:DocsDict,BeatsVer

  • cjkunifonts-fonts has been split out of fonts-chinese into two subpackages for the Uming and Ukai faces.
  • sazanami-fonts has been split out of fonts-japanese into two subpackages for the Gothic and Mincho faces.
  • wqy-bitmap-fonts is now installed by default under Chinese support.

🔗 Input methods

🔗 Improved im-chooser

The user interface of im-chooser has been improved to be simpler and easier to understand.

🔗 SCIM Input Method defaults

The core SCIM input method packages are now installed by default, but the input method only starts by default on desktops running in an Asian locale. The current locale list is: as, bn, gu, hi, ja, kn, ko, ml, mr, ne, or, pa, si, ta, te, th, ur, vi, zh. You can use im-chooser via System -> Preferences -> Personal -> Input Method to enable or disable SCIM on your desktop, or to select other installed input methods. In a non-Asian locale, you must set Use custom input method -> scim in im-chooser and restart your desktop session to activate SCIM on your desktop by default.

The following table lists the default trigger hotkeys for different languages:

Language Trigger hotkeys
all Ctrl-Space
Japanese Zenkaku_Hankaku or Alt-
Korean Shift-Space or Hangul

🔗 Other input methods

This release adds support for the nabi input method for Korean Hangul.