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FSFE European Summit


The FSFE summit is the main event to bring together FSFE members and supporters from all over Europe. In a conference style, they offer rooms and slots during the days for our community to present their ideas and interests. These community sessions again are embedded in an environment of talks and presentations by external speakers and professionals. Expect inspiring inputs in and out our diverse community with a mix between prominent speakers and newcomers, both from various countries over Europe. The talks are non-technical and each summit day.

The first FSFE summit is organised as a subconference of the QtCon that takes place in the Berlin Congress Center (BCC). Together with Qt Contributors, VideoLAN, KDAB and KDE, this event brings together five Free Software communities and projects under one roof.

Website: FSFE European Summit

When and Where

September 2-4, 2016, in the Berlin Congress Center


Agenda and program

Name Description Type (talk/workshop) Owner
Women in Open Source "Lessons" from Women in Fedora Talk Jona Azizaj