Feature Name
Fedora tools for use within the Eclipse IDE
Integration between our specfile editor, rpmlint, Fedora CVS, koji, and bodhi.
- Name: Andrew Overholt
- email: <overholt at redhat>
Current status
- Targeted release: ?
- Last updated: 2009-01-11
- Percentage of completion: 20%
Detailed Description
We have written a few Eclipse plugins to integrate the Eclipse IDE with the Fedora infrastructure. Combine this work with the existing RPM specfile editor (Fedora package: eclipse-rpm-editor) which includes rpmlint integration and we have a way for IDE users to easily become Fedora contributors ... and for Fedora contributors to become IDE users.
Benefit to Fedora
This functionality will enhance our development environment, enabling developers who are familiar with integrated development environments to more easily become Fedora packaging contributors. It will also allow us to have a second, non-command line method of the Fedora packaging process.
We will need to figure out how to robustly test the plugins in a live or pseudo-live environment. Easymock could perhaps allow us to mock up server response objects to use for testing. Assuming the APIs for koji and bodhi remain consistent, we should be okay.
How To Test
User Experience
FIXME (also add links to screenshots and screencasts)
org.apache.commons.ssl and org.json Eclipse plugins (OSGi bundles)
Contingency Plan
Continue without such functionality in the distro.
Release Notes
FIXME (nothing really needed)