From Fedora Project Wiki

Fedora Nicaragua School
The FedoraNi community invites to a learning sesion with desktop focus for begginners.
Date and Place
- Date: February 23th, 2013
- Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm (-6 UTC)
- Place: Hotel Mansión Teodolinda
- Address: West side of Plaza Inter, 2 blocks west 2 and a half blocks south. Bolonia, Managua, Nicaragua.
Event Owners
Hora | Conferencia | Expositor |
2:00 pm | Mozilla Nicaragua | David Blanchard |
2:30 pm | Your mail with Thunderbir | Ibel Zuniga |
3:00 pm | Browsing with Firefox | David Blanchard |
3:30 pm | Chat and Microblogging | William Moreno |
4:00 pm | KeepPass and Gnote | Lila Gutiérrez |
Activity was done according to schedule with a attendance of 18 people, ours goals were:
- Introduced Mozilla Nicaragua local team
- Learn about applications available at Fedora's repos like GTG and KeeppasX
- Learn about Fedora's Internet experience