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A revival of the “Griechische Antiqua” Greek typeface

🔗 Description

Griechische Antiqua was one of the historical Greek typefaces of the late 19th and early 20th century. It was designed by Μaurice Εduard Pinder, a German erudite artist and a member of the Academy of Science in Berlin. This is the most popular version which has appeared from 1870 to 1940 in the German speaking philological literature and in many classical and Byzantine editions by publishers like Teubner (in Leipzig) and Weidmann (in Berlin) such as: Anthology of Byzantine Melos by Wilhelm von Christ and Matthaios Paranikas (Leipzig 1871), Epicurea, by Heinrich Usener (Leipzig 1887), Mitrodorous by Alfred Koerte (Leipzig 1890), Pindar by Otto Schroeder (Leipzig 1908), του Aeschylus by U. von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff (Berlin 1910, 1915), Bachylides by Bruno Snell (Leipzig, 1934), The Vulgata by Alfred Rahlfs (Stuttgart 1935), Suidas Lexicon by Ada Adler (Leipzig 1928-1938) etc.

E.J. Kenney lamented the abandonment of the type after the 2nd World War as a great loss for Greek typography (“From Script to Print”, Greek Scripts: An illustrated Introduction, Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies, 2001, p. 69).

GFS Philostratos was digitized by George D. Matthiopoulos.

🔗 Characteristics

Homepage Format & features License Review reference Koji page pkgdb page
Greek Font Society OTF OFL 521525 gfs-philostratos-fonts gfs-philostratos-fonts

Style Faces Scripts
Sans Serif Other R B I BI Other Latin Greek Cyrillic Other
Variable Monospace Variable Monospace

Fonts in Fedora
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