Before beginning this process, be sure you have been through the Preparing the Release Notes for final release and you have installed doc-publican-rpm.
1. Check the release notes out of the release git repo
fedpkg co fedora-release-notes
2. Change into the local repo folder
cd fedora-release-notes
3. copy fedora-release-notes.spec to the directory you will use to build the RPM.
4. Change to that directory and add a changelog entry to the copy of fedora-release-notes.spec. Also, in the description update the Fedora release number if needed. There is no need to change anything else. Rename that file to fedora-release-notes.spec.old.
5. Create doc-publican-rpm.config following the instructions in the man page
6. Build the package with doc-publican-rpm - you will need the tar and spec files so keep track of them
7. Do a koji scratch build of the SRPM for both the next release and rawhide to ensure a clean build
pushd ~/rpmbuild/SRPMS koji build --scratch rawhide fedora-release-notes-x.y.z.fc16.src.rpm koji build --scratch f18-candidate fedora-release-notes-x.y.z.fc16.src.rpm popd
8. Switch back to the directory created by fedpkg
9. Switch to the branch for the next release
fedpkg switch-branch f17
10. Post the d-p-r produced tar to the repo
fedpkg new-sources somewhere/fedora-release-notes-x.y.z.tar.gz
11. Copy the spec file into the local repo copy
cp somewhere/fedora-release-notes.spec .
12. Add the changed spec file to the commit (fedpkg already added the tar)
git add fedora-release-notes.spec
13. Commit the tar and specfile
git commit -m "yada yada yada"
14. Push the changes up to fp.o
git push
15. Build the package from the repo
fedpkg build
16. Create a Bodhi update request
fedpkg update
17. Repeat steps 9-15 for rawhide. (Note that even though fedpkg new-sources indicates that the sources are already uploaded, you still need to execute the command to indicate that the new sources apply to the rawhide branch.) the rawhide package does not need to go to Bodhi.
18. Watch the progress of the builds on Koji ( When complete, log on to Bodhi and request stable.
19. Recruit your friends and neighbors to give the document karma (