From Fedora Project Wiki


This page details the process for setting up a tunnel broker for IPv6 using For this example, we are going to use which provides tunnels to ISP-hosted servers in several countries.


All commands listed are run as a user with sufficient privileges. To obtain root privileges, enter su - and supply the root user password.

  1. Request a new account at and select Signup for new users. See for further details on creating and configuring your account, and requesting your first tunnel. Account requests are processed manually and may take a few days, so start early.
  2. Install aiccu by running the following command: yum install aiccu
  3. Update the file /etc/aiccu.conf by adding the username, password, and optionally, tunnel ID provided upon registration.
  4. Test your aiccu configuration by running the following command: /usr/sbin/aiccu autotest
  5. Next, start, and enable, aiccu by running the following commands
    /sbin/chkconfig aiccu on 
    /sbin/service aiccu start
  6. If you provide a LinkedIn or Xing profile, you will be given enough credits to request a /48 subnet delegation immediately. Once approved, you may enable forwarding on your tunnel machine and assign addresses from your own /48 to the machines on your network to provide IPv6 connectivity to your own network.
The default firewall will also apply to IPv6 traffic but be aware that if you assigned public addresses to the machines on your network, those machine may now be reachable directly from the outside, whereas before they were inaccessible except via explicit port forwarding from your gateway.