To satisfy this Fedora requirement of using "System.load()" instead of "System.loadLibrary()" while still providing 32-bit versus 64-bit usability as well as complying with Java's write-once-run-anywhere goal, most JNI jar file should contain code similar to the following (as used in the pki-symkey JNI package):
static boolean tryLoad(String filename) { try { System.load(filename); } catch (Exception e) { return false; } catch (UnsatisfiedLinkError e) { return false; } return true; } // Load native library static { boolean mNativeLibrariesLoaded = false; String os = System.getProperty("os.name"); if ((os.equals("Linux"))) { // Check for 64-bit library availability // prior to 32-bit library availability. mNativeLibrariesLoaded = tryLoad("/usr/lib64/symkey/libsymkey.so"); if (mNativeLibrariesLoaded) { System.out.println("64-bit symkey library loaded"); } else { // REMINDER: May be trying to run a 32-bit app // on 64-bit platform. mNativeLibrariesLoaded = tryLoad("/usr/lib/symkey/libsymkey.so"); if (mNativeLibrariesLoaded) { System.out.println("32-bit symkey library loaded"); } else { System.out.println("FAILED loading symkey library!"); System.exit(-1); } } } else { try { System.loadLibrary("symkey"); System.out.println("symkey library loaded"); mNativeLibrariesLoaded = true; } catch (Throwable t) { // This is bad news, the program is doomed at this point t.printStackTrace(); } } }
Packages utilizing approach of bundling so files as resources within JAR files themselves do not have these issues and are more self-contained.