From Fedora Project Wiki


This project's mission is to eliminate the use of predictable passwords in LXC templates. It all started with BZ 1132001 which attached bug reports to fedora-all, EPEL 7, and EPEL 6. The problem exists upstream and the upstream developers are welcoming fixes.

This is part of the Fedora Security Team's 90-day challenge.


Stéphane Graber would prefer to see two improvements happen in tandem (mentioned in this GitHub PR):

  1. Remove sshd from each template by default
  2. Use a shared shell script so that password handling is identical for all containers.

This presents a challenge as some containers have a normal user with sudo privileges (like Ubuntu).

It seems like a shell script could have logic resembling the following:

  • Did the user provide a password for root (or the regular user with sudo privileges)?
    • If password supplied, use that one for root or the regular user with sudo privileges
    • If password not supplied, generate a random password and present that to the user at the end of the build
  • Is sshd present in the container's rootfs?
    • If yes, remove it
    • If no, pass

Template Status

The upstream templates are on Github. Each template will be documented here as it's reviewed.

Work in progress
This section is being updated regularly. --Mhayden (talk) 17:31, 18 June 2015 (UTC)
Distribution Status Default root
User can override
the default?
AltLinux rooter No
Busybox root No Passwordless ssh logins allowed
CentOS randomized Yes
CirrOS cirros/cubswin:)
(cirros user has sudo)
Debian root No
Fedora randomized Yes
Gentoo toor Yes
OpenMandriva root No
Oracle EL root No oracle/oracle exists as well
Plamo root No
Ubuntu ubuntu/ubuntu
(has sudo)
Yes User can set password for ubuntu user during build
Ubuntu Cloud (see notes) Yes root account is locked unless user passes cloud-init data to configure the account



The template can't download an APK that passes verification. It also doesn't seem to set a root password anywhere during the container creation.


The password for root is set to rooter for all builds.


The user can specify a root password but root's account is left without a password if a password isn't provided.


Password for root is set to 'root' by default. Default ssh configuration allows root logins without a password as well.


No changes needed as randomized root passwords are already applied during build.


The password for root isn't set, but a user called cirros has the password cubswin:).


The upstream Debian template current sets root's password to root. There's a proposed fix waiting on feedback from Debian's LXC package maintainer.


No changes needed as randomized root passwords are already applied during build.


If a root password isn't specified, the root password is set to toor.


The root password is set to root by default.


The root password is set to root by default.


The root password is set to root by default. The oracle user has the password oracle.


The root password is set to root by default.


The Ubuntu template disables the root account but makes a regular user with sudo privileges that has ubuntu as a username and password (unless a user password is specified on the command line during build).

A fix has been proposed.

The Ubuntu Cloud template allows a user to specify cloud-init data to configure the container once it's booted. If the user doesn't specify any data, the root account is locked.