🔗 Fedora Board Meeting 2012-02-01
- Meeting secretary: Jaroslav Reznik
🔗 Roll Call
🔗 Present
Jared Smith Jaroslav Reznik Toshio Kuratomi Rudi Landmann Rex Dieter Christoph Wickert Jon Stanley Peter Robinson Guillermo Gómez
🔗 Not Present
🔗 Regards
David Nalley
🔗 Agenda
Updates Board business
🔗 Updates
- Fedora 17 schedule update
- Feature submission deadline last week (2012-01-24)
- Feature Freeze in one week (2012-02-07)
🔗 Board Business
- Championing projects
- Due today!
- FAB mailing list/blog about...
- Toshio: Work on the Feature Process
- Peter Robinson: ARM as a Primary Arch
- Jon Stanley: QA how-to-debug and how-to-test pages
- Rudi: Streamline docs publication process
- Ticket 131: retire torrent seed?
- https://fedorahosted.org/board/ticket/131
- a lot of technical solutions (up to infra team?)
- Near future, Board would like to continue supporting torrents
- Proposal -- We want torrents to be available but we don't care if that's done via our own infrastructure or on a different service that we point to from our website.
- Torrents provided: For F17 should cover all the things that are currently provided by torrent
- For future Fedora releases, Infra may reduce to what's on get.fp.o
- Torrents provided: For F17 should cover all the things that are currently provided by torrent
Voting: toshio +1 pbrobinson +1 rdieter +1 jreznik: +1 cwickert: +1 jsmith: +1 jstanley: +1 rudi +1 gomix: +1
=> agreed (9 votes +1)
- Possible Addition: recommend that any third party used is using an open source torrent solution.
cwickert: +1 rdieter: +1 jsmith: +1 jstanley -1 pbrobinson 0 toshio: 0 rudi +1 jreznik: +1 gomix: 0
=> agreed (5 votes +1, 3 votes 0, 1 votes -1)
- Possible Addition: still build the .torrent files, even if no longer seeding the downloads
cwickert: +1 jsmith: +1 jstanley +1 toshio: 0 rdieter: 0 pbrobinson +1 rudi +1 gomix: +1 jreznik: +1
=> agreed (7 votes +1, 2 votes 0, 0 votes -1)
jsmith to update ticket and communicate it to the infrastructure team
Proposals from last meeting (IRC):
- Proposal 1 was: The Board is comfortable with letting the Infra team make the call
- Proposal 2 was: The Board asks the Infra team to try to use the current solution for F17 release (even if it's IPv4 only, etc.), and get feedback after release
- Proposal 3 was: Table a decision pending further discussion on the mailing list
- Proposal 4 was: ask infra to make sure they have a wide audience, and discuss this broadly before making their decision.
cwickert: the decision should not be up to the infrastructure team peter: there are limited people resource (=>security implications etc.) Lack of people joining team?
How to join infrastructure team: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Infrastructure/GettingStarted
- Ticket 132: Endorsement of https://github.com/fedoraproject
- https://fedorahosted.org/board/ticket/132
- Spot says they would need a trademark license agreement to use the Fedora trademark
- jsmith is uncomfortable granting a blanket trademark license -- would like to see the limit to the scope
- cwickert: What would it be used for? What makes it different from all the other upstream projects we are working with?
- toshio: Would like the limitation to be more about "just getting JBoss into Fedora" as opposed to what they posted to the advisory-board list
- toshio: The patch vs git pull request starts to border on rel-eng/infra issues (expanded trees on pkgs.fp.o, etc)
- toshio: doesn't answer the question "Why can't an individual contributor do this on their own -- why do they need a Fedora github account"
- pbrobinson/cwickert: Will the github account be a dumping ground in limbo between upstream and downstream? Is there a more specific (and valid) use case?
- rdieter: A lot of misgivings would be allayed if the scope were limited (to JBoss as example) -- is that a short-term thing?
- pbrobinson/cwickert: If it is limited to JBoss, are we discriminating other projects?
- pbrobinson: fedoracommunity.o domains granted a trademark license still need a disclaimer. Wouldn't we still need one here?
- jsmith to update ticket
- Trademark Guidelines Draft
- https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Pchestek/TMGuidelinesDraft
- Board members in general agreement that it's better than the current guidelines
- Need more time to digest the changes and read the specifics
- Any other Board business?
- UsrMove feature
- General concern that coming in so late, this will cause us to slip
- Proposal: The Board puts forward a statement of concern regarding the feature and the process
- In trying to draft a proposal, came to the conclusion that anything we would say would be micromanaging.
- Instead of making a Board statement, we'll reach out to individuals to share our concerns privately
- UsrMove feature
🔗 Other Notes
- Next Board meeting will be a public IRC meeting on Wednesday, February 8th at 18:30 UTC