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Fedora CommOps Team Meeting Minutes 2015-12-08

Meeting Time


This week's CommOps Meeting will be led by decause.

  • The participants will be posted after the meeting.

Meeting Protocol

  • To help improve the flow of the meeting, using the IRC Meeting Protocol is encouraged, as modeled by the EMEA Ambassadors.
  • Please follow the Meeting Protocol where possible.


CommOpsers, update this agenda with your latest items before the meeting has started.
  • #topic Roll Call
    • #info Name; Timezone; Subprojects/Interest Areas
  • #topic Tickets
  • #topic Wiki Gardening
  • #topic Community Blog
    • #info === This Week in CommBlog ===
      • #info * Election interviews, interviews, and more interviews!
      • Interviews are now closed; new push to encourage voting (related to Ticket #7)?
    • #info === Coming Up in CommBlog ===
      • #info * Year in Review introduction
      • FOSDEM 2016 Distro Devroom: Call for Participation (decause)?
      • Fedora Mailing List Migrations: Hyperkitty and mailman3 (decause)?
      • Fedora Server Working Group discusses minimal installs (ryanlerch)?
      • Fedora 24 Workstation roadmap (stickster)?
  • #topic 5tftw
  • #topic Metrics
  • #topic Plumbing
    • Hooking up email posting to CommBlog
      • Propose to move to ticket (has been on agenda for past few weeks)
  • #topic Hubs
    • Where are we with Hubs? Anything CommOps can help with?
  • #topic Outreachy
    • #info any outreachy applicants from this cycle who want to solidify a mentor plan should email decause**
  • #topic Open Floor

Meeting summary and action items

Full meeting log

Next Meeting