From Fedora Project Wiki
🔗 Roll call
Max Spevack, Greg DeKoenigsberg
🔗 Last week
- lots of time spent with Paul Frields.
- began a conversation about improving/expanding our metric gathering.
- finish LWN subscription stuff.
- promote events calendar on
- continue LinuxTag logistics.
- find out how much money we have left to spend before end of February.
- Brand Fuel is making us about $2,000 worth of swag.
- play the idiot in anaconda/Fedora Unity thread.
- Fedora TV on a test server in infrastructure.
- Is there an engineer at Red Hat who should be at FISL?
- new Fedora banner.
- get in touch with Kyle and finalize logistics of Florida Linux Show.
- get in touch with PR folks about what we want from them regarding press.
- Talk to Mike Esser about trying to bring a video guy to an event.
🔗 Resource allocation
Mugshot (Greg)
- who is in charge of its infrastructure?
- who is in charge of its roadmap?
- what do they want to do with it?
- can the Fedora community help?
Wiki gardening (Max)
- Chat with Rahul and Satish about making this one of Rahul's activities.
- See about getting Fedora Bounties updated and/or rebranded (Max).
- Add Windows Live USB stuff to the Bounties page (a GUI, testers, etc).
- What does this project need to move forward?
- New Projects section to the Join page (Greg and/or Max).
No action item assigned. To be revisted as soon as either Greg or Max has some extra cycles.
🔗 This week
- bring Paul Frields into the FUDCon @ RH Summit Boston planning.
- just keep an eye on the Creative Commons stuff.
- see how the new tshirt planning is going.
- look into Brazilian Portuguese live spins.
- improved metrics and contributor benchmarking.
- talk to HC about intern hiring age restrictions.
- get Fedora TV running again on a test instance in Fedora infrastructure.
- hand off Red Hat High to Lyndah Tello.
- continue the Community Consulting conversations.
- Florida Linux show recap on blogs and fedora-ambassadors-list.
- get the university calendar up on the wiki.
- what was the cost of the new Fedora banner?
🔗 Next meeting
- intern update (Max).
- FISL and Fedora Day Argentina, Buenos Aires, April or May (Greg).
- community consulting deck.