From Fedora Project Wiki
🔗 Roll call
Harish, Sankarshan, Karsten, Greg, Jack, Paul, Max, Yaakov
🔗 Agenda
Marketing (Jack)
- Westford summary.
- Press kits.
- F11 features and podcasts.
POSSE (Greg)
- Mel's upcoming involvement.
- Critical path for organization.
- Attendees 100% confirmed?
Spacewalk (Greg)
- SQL queries
- Other work that is happening?
- Is there a process for how we're engaging with Spacewalk team?
- Goals by end of next week, May 15?
- Brian Stevens on May 13.
- Initial rollout targetted for this week.
- Rollout plan finalized by end of day Tuesday. (Max & Karsten)
- Any content updates needed before rollout? (Karsten)
- Roadmap meeting w/ Yaakov today. (Max)
- Development needs to be done by end of May. (Yaakov)
- Trying to finalize all payments that need to happen in May around the world. (Max)
- Really need everyone to get their expense reports in ASAP.
- Still need to finish sorting out a laptop for Tiemann. (Max)
FUDCon Berlin
- Preparations continue, lots to do, but slowly checking stuff off. (Max)
FUDCon Brazil
- Not sure what Rodrigo needs, now that money has been sorted out.
- Max will follow up directly w/ Rodrigo.
- Mel Chua for the summer is set, only blocking on HR.
- Still need a place for Ian to live in Boston.
- Greg to follow up with NCSSM. We need a good task for a NCSSM intern to do.