From Fedora Project Wiki
🔗 Roll call
Max, Ian, Mel, Karsten
🔗 Topics
spevack | quaid, ianweller, mchua_afk: ping -- when everyone is here, we'll start | 12:59 |
* spevack is in no particular rush. though I have famsco in 1 hr | 12:59 | |
ianweller | hi | 12:59 |
quaid | ok, I'm just translocating to somewhere good for a phone call :) | 13:00 |
ianweller | i am almost using all of the tags on both of my desktops. what is happening | 13:00 |
quaid | tags? | 13:00 |
ianweller | quaid: have you seen the awesome window manager? | 13:00 |
... nick!mchua_afk -> mchua | 13:02 | |
* mchua back | 13:02 | |
* ianweller front | 13:02 | |
* mchua left | 13:02 | |
* ianweller side to side | 13:02 | |
* mchua right, to balance out a bit | 13:02 | |
* ianweller upside down | 13:02 | |
* mchua inverted | 13:02 | |
mchua | spevack: Are we here, or on the phone? | 13:02 |
spevack | we're here | 13:03 |
spevack | just waiting on quaid | 13:03 |
mchua | oh, okay. | 13:03 |
ianweller | there are certain people who make friday-list enjoyable. colby hoke is one of those | 13:04 |
spevack | hmm, i think we'll get started at :10 regardless | 13:07 |
* mchua nods | 13:07 | |
mchua | I think quaid thought we were calling, from his last message. | 13:07 |
* spevack texted quaid | 13:07 | |
quaid | oi | 13:09 |
spevack | hey quaid sorry if you thought we were on the phone | 13:09 |
quaid | now I'm confused | 13:09 |
quaid | oh, I'm not | 13:09 |
quaid | it's IRC! | 13:09 |
quaid | ok | 13:09 |
* quaid puts down his phone, slowly | 13:09 | |
quaid | I wasn't dialed in yet, just being slow | 13:09 |
* quaid *ready* | 13:10 | |
spevack | how's everyone doing? | 13:10 |
quaid | ianweller: I haven't seem awesome yet except maybe a screenshot | 13:10 |
spevack | Our agenda: | 13:10 |
quaid | spevack: pretty great | 13:10 |
quaid | happy summer everyone | 13:10 |
spevack | * General chatting for a few mins | 13:10 |
spevack | * July travel | 13:10 |
spevack | * Goals | 13:10 |
spevack | * Your topics, if any | 13:11 |
ianweller | * Ian is rebuilding commarch.usersys so expect downtime | 13:11 |
* mchua has a update dump she can post here whenever it is time | 13:11 | |
spevack | right -- so ianweller is out of RDU from Wed - July, so we were thinking to rebuild commarch.usersys this afternoon and tomorrow, if that's ok with quaid and mchua | 13:11 |
spevack | based on the doc ianweller wrote up last week | 13:11 |
* mchua nods, sounds awesome. | 13:11 | |
quaid | go for it | 13:12 |
spevack | ok. | 13:12 |
spevack | so expect that box to go down sometime after this meeting | 13:12 |
quaid | you all gots the mad skills, but I'll be on backup for any "oh, yeah!" moments :) | 13:12 |
spevack | thanks quaid | 13:12 |
spevack | mchua: how are you? exhausted, feeling a big weight off your shoulders, etc? | 13:12 |
ianweller | quaid: :) | 13:12 |
* mchua grins | 13:13 | |
mchua | Oh, I am feeling *good.* | 13:13 |
mchua | | 13:13 |
mchua | I was going to dump that in channel but that seems more prudent, it's my full update. | 13:13 |
mchua | I'm backlogging myself outta POSSE and expense reports right now. | 13:14 |
spevack | mchua: I've put my estimate for your expense reports at $7k. | 13:14 |
spevack | quaid and ianweller can choose the over or the under | 13:14 |
spevack | whoever is closest gets $1 USD | 13:14 |
quaid | mchua: you getting used to spending money yet? | 13:14 |
ianweller | do you actually want a guess? | 13:15 |
mchua | I shudder at the expense-reports task, I think it will take me a full day to balance the books. | 13:15 |
spevack | ianweller: yes | 13:15 |
mchua | quaid: More used to it, yeah. :) Better able to handle it... well, I think I'm learning. | 13:15 |
spevack | mchua: take the time to get it done, and get it done right. Remember that helping manage that money is as important a part of your job as anything else. | 13:15 |
* mchua nods. I definitely want to keep doing it / do more of it, because it's something I do want to get good at. | 13:16 | |
* quaid lets ianweller guess first | 13:16 | |
ianweller | quaid: damn | 13:16 |
ianweller | um | 13:16 |
mchua | I'm not particularly good at it yet. Not disciplined enough. | 13:16 |
mchua | But learning! Learning! | 13:16 |
ianweller | spevack: you said $7k? | 13:16 |
spevack | yeah | 13:16 |
ianweller | this is for both POSSEs? | 13:16 |
spevack | it's for all expenses Mel needs to file. | 13:16 |
ianweller | hmm | 13:16 |
ianweller | i'm gonna go with $7.3k | 13:17 |
spevack | mchua: definitely no worries taking Wednesday for yourself. Take Friday too if you want it :) | 13:17 |
mchua | we'll see :) | 13:17 |
spevack | quaid: you doing well? good weekend and all? Did the US Open tourists invade all the way up to Santa Cruz? | 13:18 |
* mchua is getting caught up on POSSE followup before the POSSE meeting tomorrow afternoon, and finishing expense reports before taking Wednesday off; everything else will be 2nd half of the week. | 13:18 | |
quaid | spevack: probably, but I only use backroads on the weekend and didn't notice | 13:19 |
quaid | not like when the AMGEN Tour takes over downtown :) | 13:19 |
quaid | then I reckon I choose the under-$7k | 13:19 |
spevack | so while we're talking about Santa Cruz, | 13:19 |
spevack | | 13:19 |
quaid | oh, yeah | 13:19 |
spevack | Looks like this is all pretty much together. Ian decided over the weekend that he's better off coming back to Raleigh for that week though, | 13:19 |
quaid | let's capture that data in a note before you shutdown the box .. | 13:20 |
spevack | which simplifies our hotel needs. | 13:20 |
quaid | rly? ok | 13:20 |
spevack | quaid: yeah, i'll capture that page before we take the box down, so that updates can continue | 13:20 |
quaid | how about mchua, do you know when you are arriving? | 13:20 |
* quaid takes a copy for himself so he can work on stuff today | 13:20 | |
mchua | quaid, I can come in as early as you'll tolerate me - I can rental-car a day or two, then return it when spevack and ianweller arrive so spevack can rent the More Other Cheaper I Am Over 25 car. | 13:20 |
mchua | quaid: I'd like to sit down and work with you on POSSE CA, and wrap my head around summer coding and where it'll tie in to our edu strategy over the next school year and summer (USA) '11. | 13:21 |
quaid | mchua: s'ok, I'm ready to sponsor folks here for any timeframe | 13:22 |
quaid | we can work it out when you are doing your JUly booking in the next 24 | 13:22 |
* mchua nods, I'll try to get here early enough so that we can have all of monday for that sort of thing | 13:22 | |
mchua | but yeah, later, when I book | 13:22 |
spevack | ok, so we'll move that discussion to the list to sort out the rest. | 13:23 |
mchua | no need to take up max & ian's time with it too :) | 13:23 |
spevack | but at least we all now know that it's happening | 13:23 |
spevack | which was important to get settled. | 13:23 |
mchua | do we know what we want to do during that time? Or is that another 'later' topic? | 13:23 |
spevack | mchua: well, funny you should mention that.... | 13:23 |
* mchua wants in n' out, but is otherwise fairly flexible ;) | 13:23 | |
spevack | because the rest of our meeting today is to discuss our goals | 13:23 |
ianweller | +1 | 13:23 |
spevack | if y'all could pull up the note i sent on thursday | 13:24 |
spevack | to the commarch list | 13:24 |
ianweller | ah, the goals list? | 13:24 |
spevack | Subject "Team Homework for Monday" | 13:24 |
spevack | I'd like to discuss some of the stuff I wrote in there. | 13:24 |
spevack | I view our team as operating on multiple-year story arcs, and not ones in which we have all new goals every 12 months | 13:25 |
spevack | Thus, a number of these things are continuations of larger tentpole goals that we set a year ago or more. | 13:25 |
spevack | But it's an attempt to clarify what we consider most important in these areas between now and next February | 13:25 |
spevack | and also to note in writing that we've already been doing some of this stuff since March 1 of this year. | 13:26 |
spevack | So, I listed 4 questions: | 13:26 |
spevack | i'd like to hear anything that folks have to say about those topics, or whatever. | 13:26 |
* spevack listens | 13:26 | |
quaid | I have an ack'd problem with being able to write SMART goals, fwiw ... | 13:27 |
* mchua has never *tried* to write SMART goals, so may have a problem too. | 13:27 | |
quaid | just sayin' | 13:27 |
spevack | i guess these are pseudo-smart goals | 13:27 |
spevack | | 13:27 |
quaid | well, we want to be somewhat alignable with all those SMART-dorks :) | 13:27 |
spevack | quaid: well, i think the 4 discussion topics can let us discuss that stuff without adopting all the SMART baggage. | 13:28 |
ianweller | i have never seen the SMART criteria before | 13:28 |
spevack | (1) What parts of this do you like? What parts do you think are too vague, or need to be more firm? | 13:28 |
spevack | (2) How do you feel about scope? Are we biting off more than we can chew? | 13:28 |
spevack | (3) Which sections do you see yourself as having primary accountability for, either because you already do, or because you'd like to? | 13:28 |
spevack | (4) Does this set of goals inspire you, and make you feel like we're providing value to our communities and to Red Hat? | 13:28 |
quaid | ianweller: yeah, corpspeak | 13:28 |
spevack | quaid: forget corptalk. what did you think as you read that page over? | 13:28 |
quaid | yeah, so my goal washiness makes me want to start at the bottom of the list. | 13:28 |
spevack | quaid: the floor is yours | 13:29 |
quaid | k | 13:29 |
* mchua queues up comments while listening to quai | 13:29 | |
* mchua sticks 'd' at the end of last sentence | 13:29 | |
quaid | I'm feeling that we are getting in to a stride with a few items that really need that time | 13:29 |
quaid | education in particular | 13:29 |
quaid | and that continues to be inspiring and keep me up at night | 13:29 |
quaid | (you know, double-edged sword) | 13:29 |
quaid | I'm ... having that feeling that we want to be kicking off a new meme .. | 13:30 |
quaid | but maybe I'm spoiled :) | 13:30 |
quaid | and we can leave that for a bit, to work on the ones we have already | 13:30 |
spevack | quaid: can you elaborate. What do you mean? | 13:30 |
quaid | so .. summary ... yeah, inspiring and pretty clear value to RHT and communities | 13:30 |
quaid | spevack: I've been getting used to us, as a team, being able to kick up 2 to 4 brand new cool things a year | 13:31 |
quaid | POSSE, TOSW, TOS, textbook, etc. | 13:31 |
spevack | quaid: ah, you wonder "where's the brand new stuff" | 13:31 |
quaid | is that datanommer? | 13:31 |
quaid | spevack: yeah, sosueme | 13:31 |
spevack | :) | 13:31 |
quaid | I'm always aware that we don't have _room_ for a shiny new thing | 13:32 |
quaid | but I want to start envisioning on it and stuff -- maybe that's for the July meeting | 13:32 |
spevack | well, I think the summer coding stuff is new, certainly with the approach you've taken. | 13:32 |
spevack | quaid: sure | 13:32 |
quaid | + staff additions for new idea pool. | 13:32 |
quaid | heh, I guess summer coding has lost its shine for me, I forget how fresh that is :D | 13:32 |
* quaid not negative, just you know .. shine doesn't look so shiny inside. | 13:32 | |
* spevack understands | 13:32 | |
quaid | so I'll answer 3 and pause ... | 13:33 |
quaid | I think I'm still on summer coding, I added some stuff there recently if you all haven't seen | 13:33 |
spevack | quaid: i've seen you express interest in taking the lead on textbook | 13:33 |
quaid | we went ahead and put "sponsors required to provide staff to help run the program" in the summer coding sponsorship request, which I hope isn't a deal breaker. | 13:33 |
quaid | yeah, someone has to do 0.9 by the fall | 13:34 |
quaid | so I'm just thinking of pressing on that release in particular | 13:34 |
spevack | i appreciate you taking that initiative | 13:34 |
quaid | leaving the longer term picture still open | 13:34 |
quaid | sure, and I like it -- that's a fun project :) | 13:34 |
quaid | I want to NOT ask gregdek about his plans there for now, to keep him from answering too soon | 13:35 |
quaid | it's a good time on TOS list to work on this, I think | 13:35 |
quaid | finally, TOSW | 13:35 |
quaid | I want to start ramping back up a bit on time there, see if i can pull it from summer coding now. | 13:35 |
spevack | i agree -- I'll save my textbook thoughts for the TOS list also :) | 13:36 |
quaid | POSSE Cali 2011 planning :) | 13:36 |
quaid | </> | 13:36 |
spevack | quaid: how do you feel about some of the more specific things that i tried to put under TOSW goals | 13:36 |
spevack | there's both internal and external components to that | 13:36 |
quaid | right | 13:37 |
quaid | I'm not positive about how we get cloud and virt in there ... | 13:38 |
quaid | unless that means getting others who are selling that to use TOSW references? | 13:38 |
spevack | quaid: I see it as a couple of things: | 13:38 |
spevack | (1) Ensuring Cloud SIG doesn't die, and getting Smooge and Justin Forbes to be the real leaders there | 13:39 |
* quaid cool on internal, needs to figure out a roadmap to get all that done, but those are all things I continue to agree with. | 13:39 | |
spevack | (2) Getting SOMEONE, SOMEWHERE, EXTERNALLY to use deltacloud successfully and tell that story. | 13:39 |
... nick!stickster_afk -> stickster | 13:40 | |
quaid | I don't see the intersection with TOSW-the-handbook? My feeling is that it's too techy already, it doesn't need more cloud virt foo. | 13:40 |
spevack | quaid: i guess I see it as an application of TOSW? | 13:40 |
mchua | for the record, mmorsi (who works on deltacloud for RHT) was at the POSSE panel at FOSSCon on Saturday, and is interested in the edu space. | 13:40 |
spevack | Applied TOSW | 13:40 |
quaid | ah!! | 13:40 |
quaid | sorta like I've failed to with SPICE and had less-than-moderate success with FreeIPA? | 13:41 |
mchua | So y'all might ping him as a bridge, and see if you can use that as an excuse... maybe the workshop thing with alolita makes a good excuse? | 13:41 |
quaid | spevack: if it's about intersecting with RHT engineering, I give up before I start. | 13:41 |
mchua | There's plenty of interest in cloud from academia, both from a "we, uni sysadmins, want this for our own infrastructure" side and the "we want to teach our students how to do this stuff" side. | 13:41 |
spevack | quaid: I'd rephrase by saying "we've tried this in a few different areas with zero-to-mild success and we're going to try again" | 13:41 |
quaid | until the PRD includes "Step 0, consult TOSW" | 13:42 |
spevack | quaid: i don't think it has to be. I think it can be done in the Fedora space | 13:42 |
spevack | 2 goals: | 13:42 |
spevack | (1) Cloud SIG does stuff with Smooge and jforbes leading, and community opportunities | 13:42 |
spevack | (2) Spacewalk guys, who are already using EC2, integrate deltacloud into that. | 13:42 |
mchua | I would actually be keen on doing that, but I'd need to offload some of my other stuff for it... if I could get an intern to wrangle POSSE infrastructure code dev and buffer a lot of individual POSSE profs' classes, I think I might be able to. (And if I don't take on Summer Coding for another 6-8 mo while this starts rolling.) | 13:43 |
* mchua has been wanting to do something that forces her to interface with RHT engineering and actually pull out / learn tech chops for a bit. | 13:43 | |
quaid | is smooge hesitant? | 13:43 |
* spevack nods, realizing that balancing all this work, and staffing, are key next steps | 13:43 | |
spevack | i don't think he is -- i think he's just waiting for opportunity | 13:44 |
quaid | spacewalk I think are independent enough, we can reason with them ... | 13:44 |
quaid | virt folks, most of them *wrote* TOSW | 13:44 |
quaid | so ,,, | 13:45 |
quaid | maybe this is more about Fedora Marketing to get visibility to the tech? | 13:45 |
mchua | I can totally help from that side. :) | 13:45 |
quaid | the projects are run fine, they are being noisy, etc. but they need a marketing campaign on the community side | 13:45 |
spevack | quaid: you've hit on a key sort of thing. | 13:45 |
quaid | that isn't at all like the e.g. RHEV campaign | 13:45 |
spevack | that I want to call out | 13:45 |
spevack | "use TOSW as a starting point for Red Hat and Fedora project marketing efforts" | 13:45 |
mchua | Honestly, I"m trying to get myself *out* of POSSE so the profs can run it, I'd really like to do cloud - if we can score jadudm a course release to be the POSSE wrangler this coming school year, I think it might actually work out well. | 13:46 |
spevack | The idea of PROJECT MARKETING | 13:46 |
quaid | yep | 13:46 |
mchua | rather than product marketing? | 13:46 |
mchua | acathrow was going on to me about that, how we can't do project mktg. | 13:46 |
spevack | Brian Stevens always says "no one knows Red Hat is the driving force behind KVM/Deltacloud/$INSERT EMERGING TECH HERE" | 13:46 |
spevack | mchua: exactly | 13:46 |
* mchua was sort of confused. And a little sad. | 13:46 | |
quaid | check this out I sent to marketing last night: | 13:47 |
spevack | quaid: and i see this as an opportunity for US to try to do some strategic project marketing, where TOSW is the umbrella CommArch initiative under which it fits | 13:47 |
spevack | cloud/virt make it strategic to the rest of the business | 13:47 |
spevack | quaid: too suit-like? ;) | 13:47 |
quaid | spevack: ok, now this sounds interesting :) | 13:47 |
quaid | no, I think this is the time to start to give FMarketing som real stuff to do | 13:47 |
spevack | ah, the joys of communication! | 13:47 |
quaid | we have more than a few genuine people with genuine marketing skills now looking to do more than feature profiles :) | 13:48 |
spevack | ianweller is thinking "i'm glad i get 4 years of college before this is my life" | 13:48 |
quaid | ianweller: if you are smart, make it 8 years. | 13:48 |
quaid | you get a chance to learn lots of evil politics in grad school that may serve you later, and a PhD is a good thing :) | 13:48 |
quaid | so that link above ... | 13:49 |
spevack | i like it | 13:49 |
quaid | I put it to a Chief Security Officer with marketing skills who just intro'd himself that SELinux needs a project marketing campaign :) | 13:49 |
spevack | quaid: this is exactly the sort of thing I'm getting at -- you've independently come up with the same thing. | 13:49 |
quaid | also, this can happen concurrently with writing a new chapter Marketing the open source way | 13:49 |
spevack | Focused project marketing campaigns that bring leadership, brand value, etc. to Fedora and/or RH | 13:49 |
* quaid nods | 13:49 | |
quaid | spevack: convergence! | 13:50 |
quaid | ah, my new shiny thing | 13:50 |
quaid | I feel so much better | 13:50 |
mchua | ianweller: your latest blog post, btw, is BRILLIANT. | 13:50 |
* mchua has a brainspew, can haz go? | 13:50 | |
ianweller | mchua: no problem :) | 13:50 |
spevack | mchua: why does ianweller get all the credit? :) | 13:50 |
spevack | quaid: can you yield to mchua for the last 10 mins before famsco? | 13:50 |
mchua | spevack: you could lolcat the picture of your Cy hat. :) | 13:51 |
quaid | go | 13:51 |
mchua | but mad props to the both of ye. | 13:51 |
mchua | Ok, I skipped to #3 because I've been thinking mostly about "what does the Mel do?" for the past 2 weeks. | 13:51 |
mchua | between, y'know, insanity. | 13:51 |
mchua | So.... | 13:51 |
spevack | I *catalyzed* and *delegated*, lol | 13:51 |
mchua | spevack: you're a manager! :D | 13:51 |
mchua | It should be obvious by now that I <3 education. :) What may be less obvious is that I want to look at education stuff *outside* Fedora, because I think it's the hammer we use on all our projects, which are not all nails. | 13:51 |
mchua | It's a fine start, but we need to go beyond it, which is why I'm trying to teach other folks in Fedora how to do the working-with-schools scaffolding I first tried out with jadudm's Allegheny crew. That's what I'll be doing in Fedora over this coming school year... I hope to *not* need to be a class liason for 2011-2012, but this year has a few in the pipeline. | 13:51 |
* spevack nods | 13:51 | |
mchua | Namely, jadudm's 2 classes, HCI + frosh seminar... some of the POSSE Worcester profs doing intro Python programming, which will inform our "become better for Python hackers" strategy (I hope), and we're getting tech writing + journalism from POSSE RIT, and *possibly* some help with FEL. | 13:52 |
mchua | The other alumni from this summer are longer-term, we'll have to wait for them. | 13:52 |
mchua | And if I get an intern for the school year, this is what they're going to be helping me a *lot* on. (coughcough). Note the disciplinary diversity. | 13:52 |
spevack | we'll get you rrix | 13:52 |
mchua | Next school year (2011-2012), as other Fedora folks take those primary liason-type roles on, I want to shift my focus to making this reproducible in other, non-Fedora communities and non-NA geos (APAC, cough cough) - generalize it to tosw. | 13:52 |
mchua | spevack: hooray! Yeah, he was extremely helpful with the Allegheny folks, he's very cross-disciplinary, another good writer... he'd do well with all the classes we have coming up this school year. | 13:52 |
mchua | Next school year (2011-2012), as other Fedora folks take those primary liason-type roles on, I want to shift my focus to making this reproducible in other, non-Fedora communities and non-NA geos (APAC, cough cough) - generalize it to tosw. | 13:52 |
mchua | I also want to lead us into the academic space proper, which is why it's good I'm paneling at FIE, and I am trying to get us a paper at SIGCSE, and working on co-authoring a few (very tentative, very early) grant applications for POSSE and other projects we're doing - impact studies and such. I'll help other Fedora/RHT people get into this space along with me as best I can. | 13:53 |
mchua | In particular, ianweller, I'm going to be looking at folks like you and other students in Fedora-land who have to write papers anyway, and people already doing research like the Duke folks (need to follow-up with them) and Diana, and seeing where that leads. | 13:53 |
spevack | mchua: so, how well is some of this dream/motivation that you've written down captured in how our team's goals are written? | 13:53 |
mchua | Those two things are, I believe, what will give us enough capacity to reach our POSSE alumni count goals in that timeframe. | 13:53 |
* mchua waits a bit for folks to read | 13:53 | |
spevack | I worry that we're not properly encapsulating your vision into a 1, and then 2-3 year plan. | 13:53 |
mchua | spevack: Um... well, I think? I mean, it's not really a 2-3 year plan as written, is the thing | 13:53 |
mchua | and it doesn't have owners, which is something that I've inserted into my rambling above. | 13:54 |
mchua | but the goals as written were what got me to write this implementation-ish braindump, so they are, I think, good. | 13:54 |
spevack | ah, ok | 13:55 |
mchua | ...though I have 0 criteria other than "uh, it feels right!" when trying to determine whether goals are "good." | 13:55 |
mchua | I want infrastructure for POSSEs made ASAP - fall semester intern project, maybe, since I want to open registration by January - and I want the trademark this summer if at all possible, before we run any more (because they're going to be international this fall, and I don't want any problems). | 13:55 |
mchua | I want POSSE run by professors ASAP; we can do this iff we get jadudm a course release. Backed by kwurst for logistics advising, hellis for research advising, and ritsteve for marketing advising, he'll do great. This would free me to do, say, cloud-stuff. | 13:55 |
mchua | TOS community stuff sounds right to me; I plan on building that community up, though anything outside what I've just described is all fuzzy and hand-wavy and we'll make it up as we go along. ;) I have ideas for how to admin our funding, but you'll see those on the list soon. | 13:55 |
mchua | ianweller has the scholarship, that's set. | 13:55 |
mchua | I'm not thinking about the TOS textbook at all. quaid is. I'm happy to let him do that. :) Ditto summer coding, though I'm trying to keep an eye on both. | 13:55 |
* spevack nods | 13:56 | |
* ianweller goes to look at the scholarship SOP to see if there's anything he needs to do in the next two months | 13:56 | |
mchua | Basically, I do education as part of *everything* I do, so I'm actively trying to reach out of the stuff that everyone *knows* is edu | 13:56 |
spevack | ianweller: doubt it | 13:56 |
mchua | ianweller: nope | 13:56 |
spevack | mchua: sounds good | 13:56 |
mchua | ianweller: not 'till fall | 13:56 |
ianweller | hurray | 13:56 |
spevack | mchua: sounds like you're in a good place. | 13:56 |
mchua | spevack: so stuff like "cloud" and "orientation" fall into that category, imo... and offloading POSSE to the TOS community as rapidly as possible will give me room to do it. | 13:56 |
mchua | I think. | 13:56 |
mchua | rrix will help. :) | 13:57 |
spevack | mchua: once you're here in RDU, you'll be a big part of orientation | 13:57 |
* mchua is a bit nervous about that, but excited! | 13:57 | |
* mchua can run around and be excited in front of new hires. | 13:57 | |
mchua | \o/ | 13:57 |
mchua | EOF | 13:57 |
spevack | It's really quite useful to know that every two weeks you get to deliver a talk that is more or less a similar end message, but that has the ability to try out new ideas with no real fear | 13:57 |
spevack | it's a great staging ground for talks that eventually might be public | 13:58 |
* mchua grins. Yeah, part of it is also "I want to get over my total terror of speaking." | 13:58 | |
spevack | Jerry Seinfeld has a great bit about how a study shows that people's #1 fear is public speaking and #2 is death. | 13:58 |
spevack | His punchline: | 13:58 |
spevack | "that means if you have to be at a funeral, you'd rather be in the casket than giving the eulogy" | 13:58 |
ianweller | lawl | 13:58 |
quaid | too bad we don't have NHO in MTV | 13:58 |
spevack | yeah | 13:59 |
spevack | ok guys -- I have to move to famsco's meeting now. | 13:59 |
quaid | something about summer coding ... it's not really The Future IMO | 13:59 |
quaid | at least, not as it is envisioned now | 13:59 |
spevack | hope people felt like this was a pretty good 50 minutes, at least in making sure we're all kind of on the same page with stuff | 13:59 |
quaid | it has use, and is a nice tool, but it doesn't scale the way POSSE does | 13:59 |
spevack | we'll continue the conversation, obviously | 13:59 |
quaid | spevack: +1 | 13:59 |
mchua | +1, though we didn't get to hear from spevack and ianweller | 13:59 |
ianweller | spevack: real fast -- should i add the stuff i'm doing with brand guidelines to the goals list under fedora project? | 14:00 |
ianweller | the rest of it seems sane | 14:00 |
mchua | spevack: when shall we come back to this? later today? tomorrow? next Monday? | 14:00 |
spevack | ianweller: yeah! | 14:00 |
spevack | mchua: later this week, rolling into next monday if we need to | 14:00 |
* ianweller is going to send out a downtime notice real fast, and downtime will start at 3 pm EDT | 14:00 | |
ianweller | if that's ok with everybody | 14:00 |
* ianweller copies infra's downtime message | 14:00 | |
spevack | ianweller: first thing we'll do is one final backup of the machine. | 14:01 |
spevack | quaid, mchua, ianweller -- thanks for your time! | 14:01 |
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