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🔗 Fedora Ambassadors Meeting Minutes 2010-6-23 ~ EMEA
🔗 Meeting Time
- 2010-06-23 20:00 UTC
- #fedora-meeting on freenode
🔗 Participants
This week's Ambassadors Meeting was led by Pierros Papadeas.
- The participants can be extracted from the logs by anyone who really wants to see them.
- Also, listed at the bottom of both the "Meeting summary and action items" files caption "People present."
🔗 Meeting Protocol
- Please follow Meeting Protocol
🔗 Agenda
- Roll Call
- Announcements
- Ambassador Topics for F14 Schedule
- Media and shipping
- Events
- Release Parties
- Review Action items from Previous meeting
- Open floor
🔗 Full log
- Can be found here
🔗 Meeting summary and action items
- Can be found here
🔗 Next meeting
- See Ambassadors Meetings for the next meeting date and time.