๐ Distro News
๐ 2012.1.2 stable release
Mark McLoughlin pushed out stable tree (Essex) 2012.1.2 releases for nova, glance and keystone. You can drill down to the bugs and security fixes included there. Also a good way to get an indication of the stable changes coming through from lots of use and testing, is to scan the changes in the latest pending nova update for example.
๐ openstack-nova package split
In Fedora and EPEL, the openstack-nova package was split out into sub packages to allow more granular installation.
๐ Project News
๐ openstack-common Project Technical Lead
Mark McLoughlin from Red Hat is now officially openstack-common PTL and member of the PPB/TC
๐ Foundation board - Individual Member Director nominations
There were 42 candidates nominated for 8 Individual Member Director seats on the 24 person Foundation board, including Mark McLoughlin and Jim Jagielski from Red Hat
๐ Red Hat contributions
An interview with Mark McLoughlin about his involvement with OpenStack, was published.
There is too much to track in detail the OpenStack upstream activity of Red Hat developers, but here is a link showing the latest Red Hat OpenStack upstream development
๐ Community engagement
๐ OpenStack community meetup, London
Daniel Berrange talked about libvirt usage wrt Nova + KVM/LXC at the OpenStack community meetup in London on July 25th. Richard Morrell from Red Hat was present and prepared a writeup including slides and podcast of Daniel P. Berrangรฉ's talk, and a link to Daniel's own writeup of the event. The meeting proved so popular, another is organised for September.
๐ Related projects
๐ OpenShift
A video demo was created running OpenShift on OpenStack at HPCloud
๐ cloud-init
CERN's adjustments to support cloud-init on RHEL5 and derivatives was released
๐ heat API
The Heat project continues to progress quickly with V5 released and an application for OpenStack Incubation