From Fedora Project Wiki

This is an old copy of a packaging guideline, preserved here in the wiki while we complete the transition to the Fedora documentation system. The current version is located at Please update your bookmarks.

Different Kinds of Packages

  • Modules: Modules extend and customize Drupal functionality.
  • Themes: Themes allow users to change the look and feel of their Drupal site.

Naming Scheme

Every package MUST be named drupal7-<drupal_machine_name>. Drupal itself enforces unique machine names for each of its' projects and there is a single namespace for all modules, themes, and distributions/profiles. The <drupal_machine_name> MUST match the project name (i.e.<drupal_machine_name>).

Macros and Scriptlets

Macros provided by the drupal7-rpmbuild package:

Macro Value Description
%drupal7 %{_datadir}/drupal7 Drupal 7 base directory
%drupal7_modules %{drupal7}/modules Drupal 7 modules directory
%drupal7_themes %{drupal7}/themes Drupal 7 themes directory
%drupal7_libraries %{_sysconfdir}/drupal7/all/libraries Drupal 7 libraries directory
%drupal7_find_provides_and_requires Fedora:


EPEL 5/6:
%{expand: \
%global _use_internal_dependency_generator 0
%global __find_provides %{_rpmconfigdir}/drupal7.prov %{version}
%global __find_requires %{_rpmconfigdir}/drupal7.req


No-op macro to allow spec compatibility with RPM < 4.9 (no fileattrs)

EPEL 5/6:
Macro to allow spec compatibility with RPM < 4.9 (no fileattrs)

File Placement

  • Modules: A module package MUST be placed in the %drupal7_modules directory
  • Themes: A theme package MUST be placed in the %drupal7_themes directory
  • Libraries: A library package MUST be placed in the %drupal7_libraries directory

Requires and Provides

  • Every package MUST require "drupal7(<drupal_machine_name>)" virtual resources instead of "drupal7-<drupal_machine_name>" packages.
  • Every package MUST include the following in its' spec:
    • The drupal7-rpmbuild package automatically requires drupal7(core) and scans files for provides (from *.info files) and automatically adds them to the package during build time as "drupal7(<drupal_machine_name>)" virtual resources. Hidden projects are ignored. The use of virtual provides and requires helps alleviate the confusion of sub-modules and which modules actually provide those sub-modules.
      BuildRequires: drupal7-rpmbuild >= 7.23-3
    • For compatibility with RPM < 4.9 (i.e. EPEL 5/6):
  • Every package MUST NOT:
    • explicitly require "drupal7" or "drupal7(core)" (unless a specific core version is required) because drupal7-rpmbuild auro-requires "drupal7(core)"
    • explicitly provide "drupal7(<drupal_machine_name>)" virtual resources because drupal7-rpmbuild auto-provides these

Other Packages

See PHP packaging guidelines.

PHP Extensions

See PHP packaging guidelines.

To get a list of required PHP extensions, use PHP_CompatInfo (phpcompatinfo):

phpcompatinfo print --recursive --report=extension unpacked_package_source_directory

To install PHP_CompatInfo (phpcompatinfo), run "yum install php-bartlett-PHP-CompatInfo".

Requiring a Minimum PHP Version

See PHP packaging guidelines but note that this should not normally be required by most packages (see [1]).

This should be added to the drupal7-rpmbuild package so it is automatic.

Common Issues

  • On RHEL 5/6 there is an issue with the standard auto-requires script (/usr/lib/rpm/find-requires). When there is no "#!" (she-bang) line at the beginning of an executable PHP file, the script tries to add an invalid "<?php" as a dependency. Rpmbuild then errors out with something similar to the following:
    RPM build errors:
        line 53: Dependency tokens must begin with alpha-numeric, '_' or '/': -

    To fix this issue, find the files that incorrectly have their executable bit set and remove the executable bit in the spec's %prep section. If there should be no executable files in the package then the following could be added to the spec's %prep section:

    find . -type f -executable -print0 | xargs -0 chmod -x
    For EPEL 5, use "-perm /+x" instead of "-executable"

Additional Hints

  • Every module package SHOULD list the Drupal modules it provides in its' description:
     This package provides the following Drupal module(s):
     * %{module}

    For example, the drupal7-domain package contains the following in its' description:

    This package provides the following Drupal modules:
    * %{module}
    * %{module}_alias
    * %{module}_conf
    * %{module}_content
    * %{module}_nav
    * %{module}_settings
    * %{module}_source
    * %{module}_strict
    * %{module}_theme
    %{module} is defined in the templates below



After installation, you must enable this module from the Drupal administration

If upgrading this module separately from the core Drupal package, be sure to
run the http://hostname/drupal7/upgrade.php script after this RPM is upgraded.


This template is for all versions of Fedora and EPEL 6+. If you are packaging for EPEL 5, see Packaging:Guidelines for additional requirements that need to be added to the spec.

%global module __MODULE__

Name:          drupal7-%{module}
Version:       __VERSION__
Release:       1%{?dist}
Summary:       __SUMMARY__

Group:         Applications/Publishing
License:       GPLv2+
URL: {module}
Source1:       %{name}-RPM-README.txt

BuildArch:     noarch
BuildRequires: drupal7-rpmbuild >= 7.23-3

# phpcompatinfo (computed from version __VERSION__)
#Requires:      php-


This package provides the following Drupal module(s):
* %{module}

%setup -qn %{module}
cp -p %{SOURCE1} .

# Empty build section, nothing to build

mkdir -pm 0755 %{buildroot}%{drupal7_modules}/%{module}
cp -pr * %{buildroot}%{drupal7_modules}/%{module}/

%doc *.txt
%exclude %{drupal7_modules}/%{module}/*.txt

* ddd MMM DD YYYY __NAME__ <__EMAIL__> __VERSION__-1
- Initial package


This template is for all versions of Fedora and EPEL 6+. If you are packaging for EPEL 5, see Packaging:Guidelines for additional requirements that need to be added to the spec.

%global theme  __THEME__

Name:          drupal7-%{theme}
Version:       __VERSION__
Release:       1%{?dist}
Summary:       __SUMMARY__

Group:         Applications/Publishing
License:       GPLv2+
URL: {theme}
Source1:       %{name}-RPM-README.txt

BuildArch:     noarch
BuildRoot:     %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n)
BuildRequires: drupal7-rpmbuild >= 7.23-3

# phpcompatinfo (computed from version __VERSION__)
#Requires:      php-


%setup -qn %{theme}
cp -p %{SOURCE1} .

# Empty build section, nothing to build

mkdir -pm 0755 %{buildroot}%{drupal7_themes}/%{theme}
cp -pr * %{buildroot}%{drupal7_themes}/%{theme}/

%doc *.txt
%exclude %{drupal7_themes}/%{theme}/*.txt

* ddd MMM DD YYYY __NAME__ <__EMAIL__> __VERSION__-1
- Initial package