From Fedora Project Wiki


(This section should eventually be linked from Packaging:NamingGuidelines)

Lua add-on packages generally follow the naming scheme of lua-modulename -- e.g. lua-filesystem, lua-lpeg, lua-moonscript. If the module name makes it clear that it is an add-on for Lua, though, the module name itself is sufficient. e.g. lutok.

Use your judgement -- e.g. the second l in lua-lpeg already stands for Lua, but it might not be seen as unambiguous enough.


Starting with Fedora 24, the following macros for packaging lua extensions are provided by the lua-devel package:

Macro Description
%lua_version version of system installed lua
%lua_libdir installation directory for compiled modules
%lua_pkgdir installation directory for arch-independent modules
%lua_requires declares the needed runtime dependencies for the binary package

This is for EPEL only. Fedora provides the packaging macros above. There are chances those macros might get backported to EPEL.

Define the following macros on top of your spec file:

%{!?lua_version: %global lua_version %{lua: print(string.sub(_VERSION, 5))}}
# for compiled modules
%{!?lua_libdir: %global lua_libdir %{_libdir}/lua/%{lua_version}}
# for arch-independent modules
%{!?lua_pkgdir: %global lua_pkgdir %{_datadir}/lua/%{lua_version}}

To make the package pull the correct runtime dependencies, declare them like this:

%if 0%{?fedora} >= 16 || 0%{?rhel} >= 7
Requires: lua(abi) = %{lua_version}
Requires: lua >= %{lua_version}
Requires: lua <  %{lua: os.setlocale('C'); print(string.sub(_VERSION, 5) + 0.1)}


Upstream Lua developers increasingly use LuaRocks to distribute their modules. We are exploring providing better integration with LuaRocks in the future -- both in generating spec files from .rockspec specifications, and in shipping a luarocks package that can pick up existing RPM-installed Lua packages, but for the time being, you can use upstream rockspec specifications to guide your packaging work.