From Fedora Project Wiki
🔗 QA/TestCases/KickstartEncryption
🔗 Description
This test case will verify that installation on encrypted partitions in possible when using Kickstart.
🔗 Steps To Reproduce
Use any of the already existing encryption test scenarios but perform the installation using kickstart not manually. For the newbies:
- Perform a manual installation and choose "Encryption"
- Configure any/all disk partitions to be encrypted.
- After installation is finished grab the resulting /root/anaconda-ks.cfg
- Re-install the system using the kickstart above.
🔗 Expected Results
- System is bootable (at leaset runlevel 3)
- User is asked to provide the encryption pass phrase on boot
- Disk partitioning (incl. encryption) matches the one specified in the kickstart file
🔗 Additional info
Use Kickstart documentation to see what are the encryption commands and options.