From Fedora Project Wiki
🔗 QA/TestCases/ShadowPasswordSHA512
🔗 Description
This test case will verify that the SHA-512 algorithm is used to produce the password hashes in /etc/shadow. This is the default and it will not be configurable in the UI. Use kickstart to specify which algorithm to use.
🔗 Steps To Reproduce
1. Start and installation using any available means 1. Provide ks.cfg file with the password settings 1. Finish the installation
🔗 Expected Results
- Install completes without error
- The system boots into runlevel 3
- /etc/shadow is present
- There is an entry looking like:
root:$6$9ydl1tvS/ivnSGdp$Tr.dWu07FAQN/uPHkKAYaUm7sJ1DEH11488oUcfQLA8LAIsjT.zBrUwuTl8oQt7kOJBVi4W.1eESHagKJ2Wc71:13933:0:99999:7::: $6$ indicates SHA-512
🔗 Automation
Use ks.cfg below. Change with the relevant server/tree values.
install authconfig --enableshadow --passalgo=sha512 rootpw fedora lang en_US timezone --utc America/New_York firewall --disabled network --device eth0 --bootproto dhcp reboot vnc url --url http://server/fedora-tree bootloader zerombr clearpart --all autopart %packages --resolvedeps @ Base