From Fedora Project Wiki

This is a list of highlights of what the Fedora presence at the Red Hat Summit 2013 event should look like.

Not a FUDCon.
This approach proved unsuccessful at the 2008 Summit and was not repeated in any year following. The respective audiences are too dissimilar, so one event distracts from the other, to the detriment of people attending both.
Fedora printed materials.
Having some of the various pamphlets available and printed would be helpful; creating some specific to the audience that typically attends summit would be ideal, in addition to some that we regularly have at booths at traditional Ambassador events.
Live USB keys.
2 GB USB keys for every attendee, with a Fedora 18, maybe F19 image (or as close thereto as we can get). The key in the past has featured an event-specific wallpaper and a desktop link to the Summit materials online.
Postcards to pick up Live USB keys.
Small postcards to go inside attendee bags, letting them know to pick up their Fedora 18/19 USB Key (including floor/location). Reverse side possibly to feature a schedule of mini-talks/gatherings at the Fedora Booth area.
Scheduled Mini-Sessions at Fedora Booth
Not sure how the booth layout will be this year; we may be in a developer-lounge type area. Waiting to see.
Free booth passes for volunteers.
Expo-only passes for a limited list of Fedora attendees, free of cost, that will allow them access to the expo floor including the Fedora booth, and the Fedora room. No meals or nightly entertainment will be included; expo-only pass holders would need to purchase a party pass or a full Summit pass for those privileges. We may be able to include access to one track of talks at the Summit, likely the open source track. Note that we cannot provide free passes for every attending community member, because each person entering the venue carries a substantial real cost to Red Hat. Robyn is working with the organizers to arrive at a comfortable number of passes for people who agree to spend some time working at the booth and Fedora room.
Encourage any interested Boston-area Fedora contributors to attend.
The Summit will be in Boston, so we will potentially have many Fedora contributors attending, including Red Hat employees and volunteers. Although we cannot invite everyone for free, we should all encourage interested people to attend, because the event is a very good value in general.
Build a booth schedule the evening before the event.
We want to ensure coverage at the booth throughout the event, and at least one person at the booth should be a Red Hat employee. Often the people who approach the booth are company customers or partners and we want to ensure they have access to help inside the company as appropriate.