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🔗 Fedora Release Engineering Meeting :: Monday 2008-07-07
🔗 Ticket Review
- spins for Fedora 9 - Fedora Release Engineering - Trac -
- Fedora 10 Naming - Fedora Release Engineering - Trac -
🔗 Dropping Orphaned Packages
- Warren to start up process similar to one completed when FC6 went EOL
- Did not perform at EOL for F7
- Target to complete before F10 Alpha freeze
🔗 Adjust Alpha Schedule
- Move forward one week--leave all other dates the same
🔗 IRC Transcript
-!- f13 changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Fedora Release Engineering - Roll Call | 13:01 | |
f13 | ping: notting jeremy rdieter wwoods lmacken warren spot jeremy poelcat jwb | 13:02 |
* spot yawns | 13:02 | |
* wwoods smashy smashy | 13:02 | |
* notting is here | 13:02 | |
rdieter | yo | 13:02 |
notting | at least until i break my kernel | 13:02 |
* poelcat here | 13:03 | |
* lmacken is here | 13:03 | |
* jeremy is here-ish | 13:04 | |
* jwb is sort of here | 13:04 | |
* rdieter goes to stand between jeremy's in here-ish-ville and jwb's sort-of-here-land | 13:05 | |
jeremy | heh | 13:05 |
f13 | haha | 13:05 |
f13 | ok, lets get started. | 13:05 |
-!- f13 changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Fedora releng - F9 tickets | 13:05 | |
f13 | .rel 24 | 13:05 |
zodbot | f13: #24 (spins for Fedora 9) - Fedora Release Engineering - Trac - | 13:05 |
f13 | I worked some on this, test3/4 are setup, one i686 one x86_64 | 13:06 |
f13 | turns out we don't really need i686, the x86_64 can produce i686 images just fine with setarch | 13:06 |
f13 | (unless jeremy has a hidden gotcha here) | 13:06 |
jeremy | nope | 13:06 |
* jeremy always does the i686 images with setarch | 13:06 | |
f13 | however I think the spin-kickstarts git repo is dire. | 13:06 |
f13 | the games spin isn't even in the F-9 branch, and none of XFCE or FEL actually worked from the F-9 branch | 13:07 |
* jeremy will brb | 13:07 | |
f13 | FEL fails to get a package (knetworkmanager), and XFCE can't manage to login before it boots people out | 13:07 |
f13 | I need to get in touch with mether or kanarip and verify that the configs in the F-9 branch are the ones I'm supposed to be using, and that they're actually really honestly tested | 13:08 |
notting | quality | 13:08 |
notting | kanarip is theoretically here. kanarip? | 13:08 |
jeremy | he's on vacation I think | 13:08 |
rdieter | f13: trying to pull in knetworkmanager is definitely wrong, broken. | 13:08 |
f13 | rdieter: yeah, I have a feeling that the fixed configs are on the master branch, but I don't want to make that assumption as those could be F10ish configs | 13:09 |
rdieter | you're prob right | 13:09 |
f13 | so I need to respond to rahul's comment in the ticket and wait for more information. | 13:09 |
f13 | this is definitely an area that needs better process next time around | 13:10 |
f13 | alright, anything else with this ticket? | 13:11 |
f13 | moving on | 13:11 |
-!- f13 changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Fedora releng - F10 tickets | 13:12 | |
f13 | .rel 23 | 13:12 |
zodbot | f13: #23 (Fedora 10 Naming) - Fedora Release Engineering - Trac - | 13:12 |
notting | dooom | 13:12 |
wwoods | blerg. | 13:12 |
f13 | there has been some more back/forth between the board and legal trying to get a reasonable amount of names to vote on | 13:12 |
f13 | sadly almost all the names that were suggested don't pass legal muster | 13:12 |
f13 | but as I understand it, there is still more being vetted by legal right now | 13:13 |
f13 | stickster: ping are you here? | 13:13 |
wwoods | can we go back to *not* voting on names | 13:13 |
wwoods | and pre-approve like the next 8 | 13:13 |
* stickster here | 13:13 | |
wwoods | and never ever deal with this again? | 13:13 |
f13 | stickster: is my current status accurate? | 13:13 |
stickster | f13's summary is correct | 13:13 |
f13 | k | 13:13 |
f13 | wwoods: but that would be taking away FREEEEEEEEeeeeeeedooooooooooom! | 13:14 |
notting | f13: no, freedoom is still in the repo | 13:14 |
f13 | hahah | 13:14 |
* stickster thinking about names being suggested via wiki for F11. | 13:14 | |
f13 | +e | 13:14 |
f13 | stickster: have we yet exhausted our supply of user suggested names to throw at legal? | 13:15 |
notting | wwoods: preapproving the next 8 names and keeping links would make a nasty tree | 13:15 |
stickster | f13: The latest batch exhausts the list, but Josh and I went through them and combed google for collisions first, this time. | 13:15 |
jeremy | and just because they're approved today doesn't mean they would be in six months | 13:15 |
stickster | Lesson learned for next time. | 13:15 |
notting | jeremy: zod objects to you sullying his reputation in such a way | 13:16 |
stickster | The list that most recently went to Legal includes only those names crossing that hurdle. | 13:16 |
f13 | alright, what happens if legal comes back and says nyet? | 13:16 |
stickster | We have at least 4 names already that do pass. | 13:16 |
f13 | ah ok | 13:16 |
stickster | We are looking for a roster of 8-10 total. | 13:16 |
f13 | (does that include Red Hat Linux?) | 13:16 |
stickster | f13: There was a collision with a major North American -- | 13:17 |
stickster | oops. | 13:17 |
f13 | heh | 13:17 |
stickster | f13: I mean, yes, the dream is still alive ;-) | 13:17 |
* f13 would rather it not be that... but oh well. | 13:17 | |
quaid | <delurk> (btw, jwb++ thanks for all this extra lifting to get the naming ahead this time) </delurk> | 13:17 |
* stickster prepares slapping hand for notting | 13:17 | |
f13 | alright, so next time around we're going to pre-prune the suggestions for the obvious legal nonos right? | 13:18 |
stickster | quaid++, jwb++ | 13:18 |
jwb | f13, yes | 13:18 |
jwb | stickster, quaid: np | 13:18 |
stickster | f13: Right. And I think we're going to proactively encourage way better names. | 13:18 |
f13 | k | 13:18 |
f13 | worksforme | 13:18 |
stickster | "LOVE"? "LOVE"?!? | 13:18 |
f13 | anything else on this topic? | 13:18 |
notting | i think we might have to veto 'red hat linux' just because of the 'will cause mass confusion' reason | 13:19 |
notting | but... heee. | 13:19 |
wwoods | I think the Pirate Captain sums up my feelings pretty well: "Yarr. I hate the sea and everything in it." | 13:19 |
f13 | ok, moving on. | 13:20 |
-!- f13 changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Fedora releng - Alpha | 13:20 | |
f13 | Alpha is the end of this month, time to get gears forward on what we need to do for it | 13:21 |
f13 | with an added wrinkle that both jwb and I will be at OLS for the freeze area. | 13:21 |
f13 | crap, why didn't we notice this when we did the schedule :/ | 13:21 |
f13 | I wonder if it's not too late to push alpha out a week to avoid OLS | 13:21 |
jeremy | likely not | 13:22 |
jwb | i say we should | 13:22 |
jwb | i have selfish reasons though | 13:22 |
jeremy | (not too late -- that is, it is fine to do so) | 13:22 |
f13 | ok, I'm going to ask poelcat to adjust out a week then. | 13:23 |
notting | so freeze moves from next tuesday? | 13:23 |
f13 | that means we'd freeze on the 22nd, the day before OLS starts, but there will be others not at OLS who can handle tagging | 13:23 |
jwb | "freeze" | 13:23 |
f13 | and rawhide can be used for the testing grounds | 13:23 |
jwb | wait, confused | 13:23 |
f13 | once I get back we can spin up the release candidates | 13:23 |
poelcat | f13: yeah, i've been meeting propose a more detailed schedule too | 13:23 |
f13 | oh crap | 13:23 |
f13 | that's right | 13:23 |
f13 | alpha is non-blocking freeze | 13:24 |
poelcat | s/meeting/meaning | 13:24 |
jwb | f13, right | 13:24 |
f13 | boy, we gave ourselves a ton of time for a non-blocking freeze release. | 13:24 |
notting | it's like we're expecting brokenness | 13:24 |
f13 | well and making it harder to verify fixes | 13:24 |
* f13 wonders if nonblocking really helped anything here | 13:24 | |
notting | if we push it out a week, i won't be here for GA | 13:25 |
* poelcat thought we added more freeze time on purpose | 13:25 | |
f13 | poelcat: we did, I just was thinking of the mechanics of getting the fixed packages into trees for alpha, and getting any testing on those trees | 13:25 |
f13 | well, since we'll be doing the composes in PHX we can likely make the trees available somehow | 13:25 |
jwb | are we finally doing that? | 13:26 |
f13 | notting: may need some mash work to mash out trees from the freeze tag. | 13:26 |
f13 | jwb: theoretically | 13:26 |
jwb | that would be nice | 13:26 |
f13 | the RCs at least. | 13:26 |
notting | f13: shouldn't matter, you can point it at whatever tag | 13:26 |
wwoods | link to the schedule? | 13:27 |
f13 | notting: we could just push alpha forward but not any others | 13:27 |
f13 | wwoods: | 13:27 |
notting | f13: i meant GA of alpha. *shrug* no big deal | 13:28 |
f13 | oh GA of alpha yeah.. | 13:28 |
f13 | probably not a big deal if you miss that | 13:28 |
poelcat | f13: one thing we had on F9 schedule was "drop orphaned packages at EOL of FC6"... did we do that this time when F7 EOLd? | 13:28 |
f13 | unfortunately since alpha is non-blocking, it requires the most releng work to make fixes testable for other people. | 13:28 |
f13 | poelcat: hrm, I don't think so. | 13:28 |
f13 | warren: ping; didn't you deal with that last time, dropping of the old orphaned packages? | 13:28 |
warren | I can do it | 13:29 |
f13 | warren: create yourself a ticket would you, toss it in the F10 rawhide tracker. | 13:29 |
f13 | (so that we remember to make a ticket for it for F11) | 13:29 |
warren | where is the tracker? | 13:29 |
warren | f13: and what are the upcoming deadlines for this? | 13:30 |
f13 | warren: 10 Rawhide | 13:30 |
f13 | ugh, silly trac and spaces | 13:30 |
f13 | warren: well, according to poelcat we did it at EOL of FC6 last time, IE 1 month after GA. So we're behind schedule this time | 13:30 |
f13 | warren: use that, and just select the Fedora 10 Rawhide milestone | 13:31 |
jeremy | f13: so we are planning to have our composes being done in phx for the alpha? | 13:32 |
f13 | jeremy: if mmcgrath makes good with the resource request, yes I plan on making the RCs in PHX | 13:32 |
warren | meaning I should send out a warning to the list NOW? | 13:32 |
f13 | jeremy: I may also do composes locally just to verify tooling works and for quicker local testing, but the RC's and GA I plan to compose in PHX | 13:32 |
warren | f13: we want to remove all orphans before alpha? | 13:33 |
f13 | warren: that would be helpful. I'd target things that have been orhpaned since before F9 GAd. Anything that was orphaned after that is less targetted for removal. | 13:33 |
jeremy | f13: it'd be good to be spinning the final releases with the same environment we use for beta, if not alpha. even if it means that we have to work through the issues of lag time for testing | 13:33 |
f13 | warren: yes, we'd like to remove orphans before alpha freeze. | 13:33 |
f13 | jeremy: sorry, I meant the release candidates of alpha | 13:33 |
f13 | jeremy: not release candidates of F10 | 13:34 |
jeremy | f13: aha, then we're all good then :-) | 13:34 |
f13 | violent agreement | 13:34 |
warren | Euthanize orphans filed | 13:34 |
jeremy | fwiw -- I've been building near daily live images and we are currently remaining cd-sized. I expect that to change the day before freeze ;) | 13:34 |
drago01 | jeremy: what did you do about the compiz stuff? | 13:35 |
f13 | Proposal: push alpha dates back 1 week to make room for OLS, don't adjust any other dates at this time. | 13:35 |
f13 | +1 | 13:35 |
jeremy | f13: +1 | 13:35 |
warren | +1 | 13:35 |
notting | wait, where does OLS fall in the current schedule? | 13:35 |
jeremy | drago01: for the moment, other stuff has shrunk to allow us to fit again. but I really don't expect that to last | 13:35 |
drago01 | jeremy: ok... | 13:36 |
notting | does it make sense to even have a 'freeze' if you aren't going to spin trees for testing for part of it? | 13:36 |
warren | f13: should I announce by say July 18th if packages in rawhide are orphaned they will be removed? | 13:37 |
f13 | notting: there are other releng people around and we can use that day's rawhide to be the basis of finding things that need fixing. | 13:37 |
f13 | notting: OLS is the 23rd through the 26th | 13:37 |
f13 | notting: but you bring up a good point | 13:38 |
f13 | if I'm not doing much those days, will anybody else? | 13:38 |
notting | well, i can run pungi and see what happens ;) | 13:38 |
f13 | right | 13:38 |
warren | f13: I'm at the OSCON and LTSP hackfest that week | 13:38 |
f13 | mash + pungi are the interesting parts | 13:38 |
* jeremy can build and smoke test livecds | 13:39 | |
f13 | well and repoclosure | 13:39 |
notting | are we aiming for full repoclosure, or 'Fedora' repoclosure? | 13:39 |
wwoods | I don't think full repoclosure is possible, is it? | 13:40 |
wwoods | aren't there known, intentional conflicts | 13:40 |
notting | and if we're doing a non-blocking freeze, is even valid? | 13:40 |
dgilmore | wwoods: conflicts are differnet to broken deps | 13:40 |
f13 | conflicts are not allowed | 13:41 |
f13 | what do we have in Fedora that is "known intentional" conflict? | 13:41 |
notting | f13: fedora-logos and generic-logos | 13:41 |
f13 | we couldn't figure out a way to make them not conflict? | 13:41 |
f13 | did FESCo approve a waiver to the no-conflicts policy? | 13:41 |
notting | as it's based on raw file paths, not really | 13:41 |
rdieter | alternatives! (duck) | 13:42 |
f13 | and what happens to users who accidentally add both to their install? | 13:42 |
f13 | notting: it's validish, we still ahve to create the freeze tag | 13:42 |
f13 | but no, we don't actually freeze rawhide | 13:42 |
f13 | I'll fix that | 13:43 |
notting | f13: then they've kickstarted themselves into a pickle | 13:43 |
notting | generic-logos isn't selectable | 13:43 |
f13 | I'm less happy about this. | 13:43 |
f13 | we've always had a strong no conflicts rule | 13:43 |
f13 | for the reason that there is no recovering from it, you just plain lose | 13:44 |
notting | syslog-ng also Conflicts: with rsyslog, and that's selectable | 13:44 |
notting | f13: we can push it to fesco, i suppose. sort of off-topic here | 13:44 |
f13 | that needs to be fixed. I consider that a bug. | 13:44 |
warren | sendmail and postfix conflict with each other, and alternatives gets around that? | 13:46 |
f13 | yes | 13:48 |
notting | not explicitly | 13:48 |
rdieter | alternatives seems to be an option here, but that's a path to the dark side, if you ask me. Unfortunately, I don't see any other alternative (to Conflicts). | 13:48 |
f13 | anyway, that's somewhat offtopic | 13:49 |
f13 | are we all happy with moving alpha, even though jwb and I will be out the first 4 days of the "freeze" ? | 13:49 |
notting | wfm | 13:49 |
* spot nods | 13:50 | |
wwoods | so we're moving the freeze to July 22 and GA to Aug 5? | 13:50 |
f13 | yes | 13:50 |
notting | i get to miss two weeks of alpha bugs. perfect! | 13:51 |
f13 | anything else on alpha? | 13:52 |
notting | same arch set? | 13:52 |
notting | are secondary arches on their own? | 13:52 |
f13 | secondary are on their own. | 13:54 |
* notting wonders now, since we have ia64, at what point do we have the ppc discussion | 13:54 | |
f13 | notting: we don't have ia64 in any sort of automated fashion | 13:55 |
notting | true | 13:55 |
f13 | I don't think we're ready for secondary ppc until F11~ | 13:55 |
-!- f13 changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Fedora Release Engineering - Open Fllor | 13:57 | |
-!- f13 changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Fedora Release Engineering - Open Floor | 13:57 | |
notting | there was discussion on another channel about getting bodhi support for removing packages from karma-based autopush | 13:58 |
notting | lmacken: status? | 13:58 |
lmacken | yes | 13:58 |
lmacken | that feature exists | 13:58 |
lmacken | the karma automatism is configurable now | 13:59 |
notting | is it wired in the UI? | 13:59 |
lmacken | yes | 13:59 |
lmacken | there is a checkbox in the new update form, and also you can configure the high/low karma thresholds for pushing/unpushing | 13:59 |
lmacken | as for the bodhi deployment | 13:59 |
lmacken | it's coming along.. a bit slower than expected. The majority of the python-fedora issues have been ironed out, and I'll be pushing out a new release today | 13:59 |
lmacken | I polished up bodhi's RPM last night, and started working on it's mod_wsgi deployment | 14:00 |
lmacken | shouldn't be too long now.. I'll send an outage notice when I'm ready to take the releng1 bodhi instance down | 14:00 |
notting | f13: what's the ticket for the resource deployment for composes-in-PHX? | 14:01 |
f13 | lmacken: don't suppose thats frobbable from 'make update' ? | 14:01 |
warren | As soon as I figure out how to query for orphans again, I plan on doing an announcement warning people that June 18th is the deadline. | 14:02 |
lmacken | f13: it will be | 14:02 |
f13 | .ticket 652 | 14:02 |
zodbot | f13: #652 (Use PHX machines to compose Fedora) - Fedora Infrastructure - Trac - | 14:02 |
lmacken | i've got a bunch of Makefile.common changes to make | 14:02 |
lmacken | (can I have privs to the common repo, btw?) | 14:02 |
f13 | don't you already? | 14:02 |
lmacken | nope | 14:02 |
f13 | hrm, I thought you were a cvsadmin | 14:02 |
lmacken | I'll apply | 14:03 |
f13 | k | 14:03 |
f13 | I wonder if that's something I have to run through FESCo to get you approved for that | 14:03 |
warren | I dunno | 14:03 |
warren | I think we did vote on adding tibbs as cvsadmin? | 14:03 |
tibbs | I am a CVS admin. | 14:04 |
tibbs | But I don't know if anyone voted on it. | 14:04 |
warren | tibbs: we're wondering if we need fesco to approve lmacken as cvsadmin | 14:04 |
tibbs | It's been long enough now that I've forgotten how it was done. | 14:04 |
notting | doubt fesco. maybe an informal poll of current cvsadmin | 14:05 |
notting | i asked ville to apply b/c he keeps sending patches | 14:05 |
f13 | heh | 14:05 |
tibbs | I would certainly vote for it were it put before any group or committee I'm on. | 14:05 |
warren | Either take cvsadmin or stop being helpful. | 14:05 |
f13 | well I'll bring it up to FESCo at the next meeting | 14:05 |
f13 | to decide if FESCo itself should vote, or if its happy with some other body voting on it | 14:05 |
warren | I'm prepared to just approve lmacken now | 14:05 |
warren | but if we should ask fesco, i'll wait | 14:06 |
f13 | but since cvsadmin gets pretty darn wide access, I think it should be more than just two people agreeing on it | 14:06 |
warren | How many people would be better served with a Makefile.common only access? | 14:07 |
warren | (worthwhile to create it?) | 14:07 |
f13 | warren: I don't thikn it's necessary | 14:07 |
f13 | we can take the one-off patches we get from time to time, but for people like luke who are doing more serious and more frequent work it's worth granting them access | 14:07 |
f13 | ok, I've got a visitor, so need to cut the meeting short. | 14:09 |
f13 | thanks all! | 14:09 |
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