From Fedora Project Wiki
🔗 Fedora 17 Release Party - Chihuahua, México
🔗 When and Where
- When: 7-10 PM (Chihuahua timezone, GMT-7) on Friday, May 18th, 2012 (not fixed)
- Where: Informal meeting at douglax's house
🔗 Organizers / Team
- Alejandro Acosta, Fedora Ambassador México
- Gluch, Chihuahua Linux User Group
🔗 Program
- Fedora 17 Release Announcement
- Fedora 17 Liveshow
- Contributed presentations from FOSS-community friends
- Open Discussions all about Fedora and FOSS
- Hackaton (TBA)
- Hotdogs!!
🔗 Requirements (Budget/DVD etc.)
- We will make things ourselves then request for reimbursement
- Media: about 50 32-bit LiveCD, 50 64-bit ones
- $100 USD for Community Party (frans and beer, basically)
🔗 Reports
- Event report: update later