From Fedora Project Wiki

Fedora 20 Release Party - Sao Paulo, Brazil
When and Where
- January 18, 2014, from 9AM to 3PM BRST
- Red Hat Brazil (Faria Lima, 3900 - 8º Andar - Itaim Bibi). Map
- Presentation about new features in Fedora 20 (Leonardo Vaz).
- Presentation about Openshift Origin (Ricardo Martinelli).
- Plan activities for FY15 in Sao Paulo.
Anyone is invited to participate, however we have limited space and the room can accommodate up to 25 people. If you are interested in participate, please send an email to Leonardo Vaz <lmvaz (AT) fedoraproject (DOT) org> so you can be added to the list.
Budget Requirements
- No budget required.