From Fedora Project Wiki

🔗 About Me

  1. My name is Yuyeping
  2. My email address is
  3. My wiki username is yuyeping
  4. My IRC nickname is yuyeping
  5. My wiki page is
  6. My primary language is Chinese, English
  7. Location, and what hours tend to work: Chongqing, China. 8:00 to 23:00 GMT+8
  8. I would be developing Dorrie (URL: I am going to develop some features for Dorrie. For example:
    • User management - integration with FAS.
    • Tabbed workflow with AJAX.
    • Search Packages.
    • Add default users to Kickstart. Custom root password.
    • Hostname
    • Default Wallpaper, home directory content,

🔗 About my project

  1. My project name is Dorrie.
  2. My project come from an idea on the Summer Coding 2010 ideas page (URL: Summer_Coding_2010_ideas_-_Dorrie).
  3. Dorrie is a Web interface to build customized Fedora Remixes. It is a Free Software licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License v3 or later and written using Django/Python. It's support remote customise fedora custom Kickstart file, build custom LiveCD ISO image and download. now has basic function and framework. My job is add and enhance features including:
    • User management - integration with FAS. (useing python-fedora Fedora Account System Services )
    • Tabbed workflow with AJAX. (useing jQuery UI Library. )
    • Search Packages.
    • Add default users to Kickstart. Custom root password.
    • Hostname
    • Default Wallpaper, home directory content,
  4. timeline for project
    • week 1: Communicate with mentor for detailed info, study project and install development environment.
    • week 2: Try finish first function: User management - integration with FAS.
    • week 3~5: Must finish the other request function: AJAX, search, user, hostname, default user management and so on. Add additional feature in the project's Features Planned according to my ability.
    • week 6~7: Testing and fix bug.
    • week 8: write documents.
  5. Self-Convincing:
    • I'm a student in the graduate program of a Electronics and Communication Engineering, interested in open source, my undergraduate degree is computer science and technology which has a lot of software courses including Linux.
    • I am deep in embedded software, I have work experience before graduate school, use embedded Linux base software stack build a rich web-base management system for blade server management solution, this is a successful project which have used in business product.
    • Of course, I have python programming experience, I use python to do math.