From Fedora Project Wiki
🔗 About Me
- My name is Yuyeping
- My email address is
- My wiki username is yuyeping
- My IRC nickname is yuyeping
- My wiki page is
- My primary language is Chinese, English
- Location, and what hours tend to work: Chongqing, China. 8:00 to 23:00 GMT+8
- I would be developing Dorrie (URL: I am going to develop some features for Dorrie. For example:
- User management - integration with FAS.
- Tabbed workflow with AJAX.
- Search Packages.
- Add default users to Kickstart. Custom root password.
- Hostname
- Default Wallpaper, home directory content,
🔗 About my project
- My project name is Dorrie.
- My project come from an idea on the Summer Coding 2010 ideas page (URL: Summer_Coding_2010_ideas_-_Dorrie).
- Dorrie is a Web interface to build customized Fedora Remixes. It is a Free Software licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License v3 or later and written using Django/Python. It's support remote customise fedora custom Kickstart file, build custom LiveCD ISO image and download. now has basic function and framework. My job is add and enhance features including:
- User management - integration with FAS. (useing python-fedora Fedora Account System Services )
- Tabbed workflow with AJAX. (useing jQuery UI Library. )
- Search Packages.
- Add default users to Kickstart. Custom root password.
- Hostname
- Default Wallpaper, home directory content,
- timeline for project
- week 1: Communicate with mentor for detailed info, study project and install development environment.
- week 2: Try finish first function: User management - integration with FAS.
- week 3~5: Must finish the other request function: AJAX, search, user, hostname, default user management and so on. Add additional feature in the project's Features Planned according to my ability.
- week 6~7: Testing and fix bug.
- week 8: write documents.
- Self-Convincing:
- I'm a student in the graduate program of a Electronics and Communication Engineering, interested in open source, my undergraduate degree is computer science and technology which has a lot of software courses including Linux.
- I am deep in embedded software, I have work experience before graduate school, use embedded Linux base software stack build a rich web-base management system for blade server management solution, this is a successful project which have used in business product.
- Of course, I have python programming experience, I use python to do math.